🇯🇵| 🇺🇸
- At 00:00, the information on the COVID-19 infected person of the previous day will be sent to LINE notify.
- The total number of infected people in the country is accessed on the WebAPI every hour and sent to LINE notify when it is updated.
The data was collected by volunteers.
Please check the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and other public organizations for accurate data.
- MacOS
- Ubuntu 18.04
Windows has not been tested.
Install from pipenv
pip install pipenv
# Install on virtual environment of pipenv
pipenv install
# Install on PC
pipenv install --system --deploy
Get the token referring to the above article.
It is assumed that LINE Token has been acquired.
# Run
python src/main.py
# Run on sever(Ubuntu).
nohup python3 src/main.py --line-token [token] &
- Pylint
- mypy
- flake8
pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell
sh ./analysis.sh
Make sure you check all the tools successfully when you publish your PR.
Currently, the 日別統計
are set to post to the LINE every day at 00:00 and the 現在の感染者数
is set to post to the LINE every hour at 00:00.
If you want to change them, modify lines 32-36 of src/main.py
using the schedule library.\
# Update the `現在の感染者数` every hour from 06:00 to 21:00.
for hour in range(6, 21):
schedule.every().day.at(f'{hour:02d}:00').do(now_total, line_token=line_token, save_dir=save_dir)
# Update the `日別統計` to 06:00.
schedule.every().day.at('06:00').do(today_total, line_token=line_token, save_dir=save_dir)
The WebAPI is updated every two hours, so even if you run it every hour, it will actually post every two hours.