Python (Flask) based file-exchange web application. Still in development.
A live demo of a FlaskDepot can be found at It is not guaranteed to be 100% up to date with the source code at all times, but I try to update it regularly.
- Admin panel with full control over users, groups, categories and files
- File upload form with basic versioning support
- Basic user register/login form
- File categorisation on two levels (broad and narrow categories)
- File locking/deleting/editing for admins and authors
- Basic file evaluation with comments and ratings
- Uses Foundation v5 layout with as little changes as possible, so very easy to style to your demand
- File slugs
- Follows REST principles as much as possible
- More detailed user profiles (avatars, etc.) and optional OpenID integration
- Dependency tracking system
- More intricate rating and evaluation support (reviews, ..)
- Changelog support + optional support for keeping/downloading old versions of files
- Private files (select who can see and download files)
- Featured file system (displayed prominently on the index page)
- Optional integration with Google Analytics, etc.
- Easy database migration using Flask-Migrate and Alembic
- Password reset form
- E-mail activation of new users
- Full JSON/XML API support for (mobile) applications
- Flask==0.10.1
- Flask-Login==0.2.10
- Flask-Mail==0.9.0
- Flask-SQLAlchemy==1.0
- Flask-WTF==0.9.4
- Jinja2==2.7.2
- SQLAlchemy==0.9.3
- WTForms==1.0.5
- Werkzeug==0.9.4
- slugify