# Values for this lesson.

# Which carpentry is this (swc, dc, lc, or cp)?
# swc: Software Carpentry
# dc: Data Carpentry
# lc: Library Carpentry
# cp: Carpentries (to use for instructor training for instance)
# incubator: The Carpentries Incubator
carpentry: 'incubator'

# Overall title for pages.
title: 'Reproducible Computational Environments Using Containers: Introduction to Docker'

# Date the lesson was created (YYYY-MM-DD, this is empty by default)

# Comma-separated list of keywords for the lesson
keywords: 'software, data, lesson, The Carpentries'

# Life cycle stage of the lesson
# possible values: pre-alpha, alpha, beta, stable
life_cycle: 'beta'

# License of the lesson materials (recommended CC-BY 4.0)
license: 'CC-BY 4.0'

# Link to the source repository for this lesson
source: 'https://github.com/carpentries-incubator/docker-introduction/'

# Default branch of your lesson
branch: 'main'

# Who to contact if there are any issues
contact: 'docker-introduction+admins@lists.carpentries.org'

# Navigation ------------------------------------------------
# Use the following menu items to specify the order of
# individual pages in each dropdown section. Leave blank to
# include all pages in the folder.
# Example -------------
# episodes:
# - introduction.md
# - first-steps.md
# learners:
# - setup.md
# instructors:
# - instructor-notes.md
# profiles:
# - one-learner.md
# - another-learner.md

# Order of episodes in your lesson
- introduction.md
- meet-docker.md
- running-containers.md
- managing-containers.md
- docker-hub.md
- creating-container-images.md
- advanced-containers.md
- docker-image-examples.md
- reproduciblity.md

# Information for Learners

# Information for Instructors

# Learner Profiles

# Customisation ---------------------------------------------
# This space below is where custom yaml items (e.g. pinning
# sandpaper and varnish versions) should live

url: https://preview.carpentries.org/docker-introduction
analytics: carpentries
lang: en
workbench-beta: yes