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Huawei AR Kit Flutter Plugin


1. Introduction

HUAWEI AR Kit Plugin for Flutter is a platform for building augmented reality (AR) applications on Android devices using the Flutter framework. It is based on the HiSilicon chipset, and integrates AR core algorithms to provide basic AR capabilities such as motion tracking, environment tracking, body tracking, and face tracking. It allows your app to bridge virtual world with the real world, for a brand new visually interactive user experience.

This plugin enables communication between the HUAWEI AR Engine SDK and the Flutter platform. It exposes all functionality provided by the HUAWEI AR Engine SDK.


Supported Devices

Brand/Series Device Model
HUAWEI P series P40, P40 Pro, P40 Pro+, P30, P30 Pro, P20, P20 Pro
HUAWEI Mate series Mate 30, Mate 30 Pro, Mate 30 RS, Mate 30 (5G), Mate 30 Pro (5G) , Mate X, Mate Xs, Mate 20 X (5G), Mate RS, Mate 20 X, Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 20 RS
HUAWEI nova series nova 7, nova 7 Pro, nova 6, nova 6 Pro, nova 4, nova 3
HONOR phones HONOR 30, HONOR 30 Pro, HONOR 30 Pro+, HONOR 30S, HONOR View30, HONOR View30 Pro, HONOR 20, HONOR 20 Pro, HONOR View20, HONOR 9X
Tablet HUAWEI MediaPad M6, HUAWEI MatePad Pro

Supported Locations

For details about the supported locations, please refer to Supported Locations.

2. Installation Guide

On your Flutter project directory, find and open your pubspec.yaml file and add the huawei_ar library to dependencies. For more details please refer to the Using packages document.

  • To download the package from

        huawei_ar: {library version}
  • Or if you downloaded the package from the HUAWEI Developer website, specify the library path on your local device.

            # Replace {library path} with actual library path of Huawei AR Kit Plugin for Flutter.
            path: {library path}
    • Replace {library path} with the actual library path of Flutter AR Plugin. The following are examples:
      • Relative path example: path: ../huawei_ar
      • Absolute path example: path: D:\Projects\Libraries\huawei_ar

Run the following command to update package info.

[project_path]> flutter pub get

Import the library to access the methods.

import 'package:huawei_ar/ar_engine_library.dart';

Run the following command to start the app.

[project_path]> flutter run

3. API Reference


Contains methods for setting up the AR Engine.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
isAREngineServiceApkReady() Future<bool> Checks if the AR Engine Service APK is ready.
navigateToAppMarketPage() Future<void> Navigates to the AR Engine AppGallery page for downloading the AR Engine Service APK.
hasCameraPermission() Future<bool> Checks if the camera permission is granted.
requestCameraPermission() Future<void> Requests the camera permission which is required to display an AREngineScene.
enableLogger() Future<void> Enables HMS Plugin Method Analytics.
disableLogger() Future<void> Disables HMS Plugin Method Analytics.

Public Methods

Future<bool> isAREngineServiceApkReady async

The AR Engine needs the AR Engine Service APK installed on the device before using the AR capabilities. This method checks if the service APK is already installed on the device.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> True if the AR Engine Service APK is installed and ready, false otherwise.
Call Example
_checkServiceApk() async {
  bool result = await AREngine.isArEngineServiceApkReady();
  // Navigate to the AppGallery for AR Engine Service APK Download if result is false
Future<void> navigateToAppMarketPage async

Opens the AR Engine Service APK AppGallery Page. If the device doesn't support the AR Engine, AppGallery would display application not available message.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
_checkServiceApk() async {
  bool result = await AREngine.isArEngineServiceApkReady();
  if(!result) {
Future<bool> hasCameraPermission async

Checks if the camera permission is given.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<bool> True if the camera permission is given, false otherwise.
Call Example
_checkCameraPermission() async {
  bool result = await AREngine.hasCameraPermission();
 // Request for camera permission if result is false.
Future<void> requestCameraPermission async

Requests the camera permission which is required to display the AREngineScene.

Note: AREngineScene widget automatically checks for the camera permission and requests the permission if it has not given at the moment.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
_checkCameraPermission() async {
  bool result = await AREngine.hasCameraPermission();
  if(!result) {
Future<void> enableLogger async

This method enables the HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of AR Engine SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
AREngine.enableLogger(); // Enables HMSLogger
Future<void> disableLogger async

This method disables the HMSLogger capability which is used for sending usage analytics of AR Engine SDK's methods to improve the service quality.

Return Type
Type Description
Future<void> Future result of an execution that returns no value.
Call Example
AREngine.disableLogger(); // Disables HMSLogger


Flutter widget which displays an AR Engine Scene. The scene will open and display the camera of the device for AR interactions.

Public Properties

Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description Required
key Key Optional key for the AREngineScene widget. No
height double Height of the AREngineScene widget. No
width double Width of the AREngineScene widget. No
arSceneType ARSceneType Determines the AR scene type. Check ARSceneType for the options. Yes
arSceneConfig ARSceneBaseConfig Configurations which are specific to defined ARSceneType. Yes
onARSceneCreated Function(ARSceneController arSceneController) A callback function which is called on widget creation and returns an ARSceneController instance. No
notSupportedText String Text to display when the device platform doesn't support Huawei AR Engine. No
permissionTitleText String Title of the text that displayed when the camera permission is needed. No
permissionBodyText String Body message of the text that displayed when the camera permission is needed. No
permissionButtonText String Text of the button which requests the camera permission. No
notSupportedTextStyle TextStyle TextStyle for notSupportedText. No
permissionTitleTextStyle TextStyle TextStyle for permissionTitleText. No
permissionBodyTextStyle TextStyle TextStyle for permissionBodyText. No
permissionButtonTextStyle TextStyle TextStyle for permissionButtonText. No
permissionButtonColor Color Color of the permissionButton. No
permissionMessageBgColor Color Background color of the permission message container. No

Public Constructor Summary

Signature Description
AREngineScene(ARSceneType arSceneType, ARSceneBaseConfig arSceneConfig, {Key key, double height, double width, Function(ARSceneController arSceneController) onARSceneCreated, String notSupportedText, String permissionTitleText, String permissionBodyText, String permissionButtonText, TextStyle permissionTitleTextStyle, TextStyle permissionBodyTextStyle, TextStyle notSupportedTextStyle, TextStyle permissionButtonTextStyle, Color permissionButtonColor, Color permissionMessageBgColor}) Creates an AREngineScene widget instance.

Public Constructors

AREngineScene(ARSceneType arSceneType, ARSceneBaseConfig arSceneConfig, {Key key, double height, double width, Function(ARSceneController arSceneController) onARSceneCreated, String notSupportedText, String permissionTitleText, String permissionBodyText, String permissionButtonText, TextStyle permissionTitleTextStyle, TextStyle permissionBodyTextStyle, TextStyle notSupportedTextStyle, TextStyle permissionButtonTextStyle, Color permissionButtonColor, Color permissionMessageBgColor})

Constructs an AREngineScene widget with the specified parameters.

Usage Example
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:huawei_ar/ar_engine_library.dart';

class ArBodyScene extends StatefulWidget {
  ArBodyScene({Key key}) : super(key: key);

  _ArBodySceneState createState() => _ArBodySceneState();

class _ArBodySceneState extends State<ArBodyScene> {
  ARSceneController arSceneController;

  _onARSceneCreated(ARSceneController controller) {
    arSceneController = controller;
    arSceneController.onDetectTrackable =
        (arHand) => _bodyDetectCallback(arHand);

  _bodyDetectCallback(ARBody arBody) {
    print("ARBody detected: " + arBody?.toString());

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: SafeArea(
          child: AREngineScene(
              drawLine: true,
              drawPoint: true,
              lineWidth: 10.0,
              pointSize: 20.0,
              pointColor: Colors.amber,
            onArSceneCreated: _onARSceneCreated,

enum ARSceneType

Specifies the AREngineScene type.

Value Description
HAND ARHandScene option for the AREngineScene Widget.
FACE ARFaceScene option for the AREngineScene Widget.
BODY ARBodyScene option for the AREngineScene Widget.
WORLD ARWorldScene option for the AREngineScene Widget.


Abstract class for AREngineScene widget's scene configurations. The different scene configuration classes for ARSceneTypes HAND, BODY, FACE and WORLD, inherits from this base class.

Public Constants

Constant Type Description
defaultRed Color Default red color.
defaultWhite Color Default white color.
defaultBlue Color Default blue color.
defaultGreen Color Default green color.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
getARSceneType ARSceneType Obtains the scene type.
getARSceneConfig String Obtains the json string representation of the ARSceneConfig.

Public Methods

ARSceneType getARSceneType

Obtains the scene type of the scene configuration object.

Return Type
Type Description
ARSceneType Scene Type.
String getARSceneConfig

Obtains the json string representation of the scene configuration object.

Return Type
Type Description
String Json string representation of an ARSceneBaseConfig object.


Scene configurations for an AREngineScene with the type ARSceneType.HAND. Implements the ARSceneBaseConfig.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
enableBoundingBox bool If set to true or not specified, a bounding box around the hand will be drawn when a hand gesture is recognized.
boxColor Color Color of the bounding box.
lineWidth double Line width of the bounding box.

Public Constructor Summary

Signature Description
ARSceneHandConfig({bool enableBoundingBox, Color boxColor, double lineWidth }) Creates an ARSceneHandConfig instance.

Public Constructors

ARSceneHandConfig({bool enableBoundingBox, Color boxColor, double lineWidth })

Constructs an ARSceneHandConfig instance with the specified parameters.


Scene configurations for an AREngineScene with the type ARSceneType.FACE. Implements the ARSceneBaseConfig.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
drawFace bool If set true or not specifed, A face mask will be drawn on a detected face.
depthColor Color Set color of face mask points.
pointSize double Set point size of face mask points.
texturePath String A texture asset's path, that will be shown on the detected face.

Public Constructor Summary

Signature Description
ARSceneFaceConfig({bool drawFace, Color depthColor, double pointSize, String texturePath }) Creates an ARSceneFaceConfig instance.

Public Constructors

ARSceneFaceConfig({bool drawFace, Color depthColor, double pointSize, String texturePath })

Constructs an ARSceneFaceConfig instance with the specified parameters.


Scene configurations for an AREngineScene with the type ARSceneType.BODY. Implements the ARSceneBaseConfig.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
drawLine bool If set to true or not specifed, skeleton connection lines will be drawn when a person is detected.
drawPoint bool If set to true or not specified, skeleton connection points will be drawn when a person is detected.
pointSize double Point size of the skeleton connection points.
lineWidth double Line width of the skeleton connection lines.
lineColor Color Skeleton connection line color.
pointColor Color Skeleton connection point color.

Public Constructor Summary

Signature Description
ARSceneBodyConfig({bool drawLine, bool drawPoint, double pointSize, double lineWidth, Color lineColor, Color pointColor }) Creates an ARSceneBodyConfig instance.

Public Constructors

ARSceneBodyConfig({bool drawLine, bool drawPoint, double pointSize, double lineWidth, Color lineColor, Color pointColor })

Constructs an ARSceneBodyConfig instance with the specified parameters.


Scene configurations for an AREngineScene with the type ARSceneType.WORLD. Implements the ARSceneBaseConfig.

Public Properties

Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description
objPath String Virtual object file asset path. When object file path is given you can put that object in the AREngineScene. The object should be in waveform object (.obj) format.
texturePath String Virtual object texture file asset path. This texture will be rendered to the given virtual object.
drawLabel bool If set to true a label will be drawn when the plane is detected.
imageOther String Path of the image to be displayed when other plane type is detected.
imageWall String Path of the image to be displayed when wall plane is detected.
imageFloor String Path of the image to be displayed when floor plane is detected.
imageSeat String Path of the image to be displayed when seat plane is detected.
imageTable String Path of the image to be displayed when table plane is detected.
imageCeiling String Path of the image to be displayed when ceiling plane is detected.
textOther String Text to be displayed when other plane is detected.
textWall String Text to be displayed when wall plane is detected.
textFloor String Text to be displayed when floor plane is detected.
textSeat String Text to be displayed when seat plane is detected.
textTable String Text to be displayed when table plane is detected.
textCeiling String Text to be displayed when ceiling plane is detected.
colorOther Color Text color when other plane is detected.
colorWall Color Text color when wall plane is detected.
colorFloor Color Text color when floor plane is detected.
colorSeat Color Text color when seat plane is detected.
colorTable Color Text color when table plane is detected.
colorCeiling Color Text color when ceiling plane is detected.

Public Constructor Summary

Signature Description
ARSceneWorldConfig({String objPath, String texturePath, bool drawLabel, String imageOther, String imageWall, String imageFloor, String imageSeat, String imageTable, String imageCeiling, String textOther, String textWall, String textFloor, String textSeat, String textTable, String textCeiling, Color colorOther, Color colorWall, Color colorFloor, Color colorSeat, Color colorTable, Color colorCeiling }) Creates an ARSceneWorldConfig instance.

Public Constructors

ARSceneWorldConfig({String objPath, String texturePath, bool drawLabel, String imageOther, String imageWall, String imageFloor, String imageSeat, String imageTable, String imageCeiling, String textOther, String textWall, String textFloor, String textSeat, String textTable, String textCeiling, Color colorOther, Color colorWall, Color colorFloor, Color colorSeat, Color colorTable, Color colorCeiling })

Constructs an ARSceneWorldConfig instance with the specified parameters.


Controller class for the AREngineScene widget which can return ARTrackable objects based on the ARSceneType.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
onDetectTrackable Function(ARTrackableBase arTrackable) Callback function which returns an arTrackable object depending on the current ARSceneType.

Public Method Summary

Method Return Type Description
dispose void Disposes the current AREngineScene.

Public Methods

void dispose

Disposes the current AREngineScene which the controller is attached to.


Abstract base class for ARTrackables which are ARHand, ARFace, ARBody and ARPlane.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
anchors List<ARAnchor> All anchor data associated to the current trackable object.
trackingState TrackingState Status of the current trackable.

Public Constants

enum TrackingState

The tracking status of the trackable object.

Value Description
UNKNOWN_STATE Unknown State.
TRACKING Tracking Status.
PAUSED Paused Status.
STOPPED Stopped Status.


Represents an anchor at a fixed location and a specified direction in an actual environment. HUAWEI AR Engine continuously updates this value so that the location and direction remains unchanged even when the environment changes, for example, as the camera moves. Before using methods in this class, call trackingState to check the anchor status. The data obtained through arPose is valid only when the anchor status is TrackingState.TRACKING.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
arPose ARPose Returns the location and the pose of the anchor point in the world coordinate system.
trackingState TrackingState Status of the current trackable.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARAnchor object.
toString String Returns the string representation of the current ARAnchor object.
== (equals operator) bool Compares whether two ARAnchor objects correspond to the same anchor.
hashCode int Returns the hash code of the current ARAnchor object.

Public Methods

Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARAnchor object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARAnchor object.
String toString

Converts the current ARAnchor object to a string.

Return Type
Type Description
String String representation of the current ARAnchor object.
bool ==(Object other) (equals operator)

Compares whether two ARAnchor objects correspond to the same anchor.

Name Description
other Any object to compare with the current ARAnchor instance.
Return Type
Type Description
bool True if two ARAnchor objects are the same, false otherwise.
int hashCode

Returns the hashCode of the current object. The same value is returned for objects correspond to the same real world anchor.

Return Type
Type Description
int Hash code that is generated from the values of the ARAnchor instance.


Represents the pose data, including a translation vector and a rotation vector (quaternion).

Public Constants

Constant Type Description
IDENTITY_TRANSLATION List<double> Identity translation with values X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0.
IDENTITY_ROTATION List<double> Identity rotation with values X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, W: 1.
IDENTITY ARPose Indicates the identity pose (transformed from local coordinate system to world coordinate system). The values are IDENTITY_TRANSLATION and IDENTITY_ROTATION.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
translation List<double> Indicates the translation from the destination coordinate system to the local coordinate system.
rotation List<double> Indicates the rotation variable, which is a Hamilton quaternion.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARPose object.
toString String Returns the string representation of the current ARPose object.

Public Methods

Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARPose object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARPose object.
String toString

Converts the current ARPose object to a string.

Return Type
Type Description
String String representation of the current ARPose object.


Contains the results of hand tracking, including the hand skeleton data and gesture recognition result. This class is derived from ARTrackableBase.

Public Properties

Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description
gestureType int Different static gestures can be identified based on whether deep flow inspection is enabled.
arHandType ARHandType The hand type, which can be left hand, right hand, or unknown (if left/right hand recognition is not supported).
gestureHandBox List<double> The rectangle that covers the hand, in the format of [x0,y0,0,x1,y1,0]. (x0,y0) indicates the upper left corner, (x1,y1) indicates the lower right corner, and x/y is based on the OpenGL NDC coordinate system.
gestureCenter List<double> Coordinates of the center point of a hand in the format of [x,y,0]. The point is the center coordinates of the bounding rectangle of the hand.
handSkeletonArray List<double> The coordinates of a hand skeleton point in the format of [x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1, ...].
handSkeletonConnection List<int> The connection data of a hand skeleton point, which is the index of the skeleton point type.
arHandSkeletonTypes List<ARHandSkeletonType> The list of hand skeleton point types.
gestureCoordinateSystem ARCoordinateSystemType Coordinate type used by the current gesture posture. For example,COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_2D_IMAGE indicates the OpenGL NDC coordinate.
skeletonCoordinateSystem ARCoordinateSystemType Coordinate system of the hand skeleton data: COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_2D_IMAGE indicates 2D hand tracking, and COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_3D_CAMERA indicates 3D hand tracking.
anchors List<ARAnchor> ARAnchor data attached to the current trackable object.
trackingState TrackingState Status of the current trackable.

Public Constants

enum ARHandType

The type of hand, which can be left or right.

Value Description
AR_HAND_UNKNOWN Unknown or the hand type cannot be distinguished.
AR_HAND_RIGHT Right hand.
AR_HAND_LEFT Left hand.
enum ARHandSkeletonType

The enum type of the hand skeleton point.

Click to expand/collapse table
Value Description
HANDSKELETON_ROOT The root point of the hand bone, that is, the wrist.
HANDSKELETON_PINKY_1 Pinky knuckle 1.
HANDSKELETON_PINKY_2 Pinky knuckle 2.
HANDSKELETON_PINKY_3 Pinky knuckle 3.
HANDSKELETON_PINKY_4 Pinky knuckle tip.
HANDSKELETON_RING_1 Ring finger knuckle 1.
HANDSKELETON_RING_2 Ring finger knuckle 2.
HANDSKELETON_RING_3 Ring finger knuckle 3.
HANDSKELETON_RING_4 Ring finger tip.
HANDSKELETON_MIDDLE_1 Middle finger knuckle 1.
HANDSKELETON_MIDDLE_2 Middle finger knuckle 2.
HANDSKELETON_MIDDLE_3 Middle finger knuckle 3.
HANDSKELETON_MIDDLE_4 Middle finger tip.
HANDSKELETON_INDEX_1 Index finger knuckle 1.
HANDSKELETON_INDEX_2 Index finger knuckle 2.
HANDSKELETON_INDEX_3 Index finger knuckle 3.
HANDSKELETON_INDEX_4 Index finger tip.
HANDSKELETON_THUMB_1 Thumb knuckle 1.
HANDSKELETON_THUMB_2 Thumb knuckle 2.
HANDSKELETON_THUMB_3 Thumb knuckle 3.
HANDSKELETON_LENGTH Number of knuckles.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARHand object.
toString String Returns the string representation of the current ARHand object.

Public Methods

Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARHand object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARHand object.
String toString

Converts the current ARHand object to a string.

Return Type
Type Description
String String representation of the current ARHand object.
Gesture Type Mapping

With Huawei AR Engine different hand gestures can be identified based on whether deep flow inspection is enabled.

Gesture recognition is associated with deep flow inspection as shown on the table below.

Gesture Type Value Supported Without Deep Flow Supported With Deep Flow
Gesture 0 (fist) 0 Yes Yes
Gesture 1 (stick index finger) 1 Yes No
Gesture 6 (calling gesture) 6 Yes Yes
Gesture 8 (stick thumb and index finger apart) 8 No Yes
Others -1 -- --

The following figures show the gestures.

1 3 3 3
Gesture 0 Gesture 1 Gesture 6 Gesture 8


Provides the face tracking results, including the face location, pose, and blend shapes. This class is derived from ARTrackableBase.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
arPose ARPose The pose of a face mesh center in the camera coordinate system, which is a right-handed coordinate system. The origin is located at the nose tip, the center of a face, X+ points leftwards, Y+ points up, and Z+ points from the inside to the outside with the face as the reference.
faceBlendShapes ARFaceBlendShapes The facial blend shapes, which contain several expression parameters.
anchors List<ARAnchor> ARAnchor data attached to the current trackable object.
trackingState TrackingState Status of the current trackable.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARFace object.
toString String Returns the string representation of the current ARFace object.

Public Methods

Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARFace object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARFace object.
String toString

Converts the current ARFace object to a string.

Return Type
Type Description
String String representation of the current ARFace Object.


Describes the facial blend shapes, which contain several expression parameters.

Public Properties

Name Type Description
blendShapeDataMap Map<String, dynamic> Key indicates the string corresponding to the blend shape enumeration type, and the value indicates the blend shape expression degree, ranging from [0, 1].
blendShapeData List<double> The value ranges from 0 to 1, indicating the expression degree of each blend shape.
blendShapeType List<String> List of blend shape types.
blendShapeCount int Number of blend shapes.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARFaceBlendShapes object.
Public Methods
Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARFaceBlendShapes object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARFaceBlendShapes object.


The tracking result during body skeleton tracking, including body skeleton data, which is derived from ARTrackableBase.

Public Constants

enum ARBodySkeletonType

Enum which represents the body skeleton type.

Click to expand/collapse table
Value Description
BodySkeleton_Unknown Unknown skeleton type
BodySkeleton_Head Head.
BodySkeleton_Neck Neck.
BodySkeleton_r_Sho Right shoulder.
BodySkeleton_r_Elbow Right elbow.
BodySkeleton_r_Wrist Right wrist.
BodySkeleton_l_Sho Left shoulder.
BodySkeleton_l_Elbow Left elbow.
BodySkeleton_l_Wrist Left wrist.
BodySkeleton_r_Hip Right hip joint.
BodySkeleton_r_Knee Right knee.
BodySkeleton_r_Ankle Right ankle.
BodySkeleton_l_Hip Left hip joint.
BodySkeleton_l_Knee Left knee.
BodySkeleton_l_Ankle Left ankle.
BodySkeleton_Hip_mid Center of hip joint.
BodySkeleton_r_ear Right ear.
BodySkeleton_r_eye Right eye.
BodySkeleton_nose Nose.
BodySkeleton_l_eye Left eye.
BodySkeleton_l_ear Left ear.
BodySkeleton_spine Spine.
BodySkeleton_r_toe Right toe.
BodySkeleton_l_toe Left toe.
BodySkeleton_Length Number of joints, instead of a joint point.

Public Properties

Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description
bodyAction int Body action type, including six preset static postures.
bodySkeletonTypes List<ARBodySkeletonType> An array of body skeleton types, including the head, neck, left shoulder, and right shoulder.
skeletonPoint2D List<double> The 2D coordinates of a skeleton point measured with the screen center as the origin, in the format of [x0,y0,0,x1,y1,0]. The coordinates are normalized device coordinates (NDC) of OpenGL, and the value range of x/y is [-1,1].
skeletonPoint3D List<double> The 3D coordinates of a skeleton point, in the format of [x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1...].
skeletonConfidence List<double> The confidence of each skeleton point. The number of values are the same as that of skeleton points, and each element indicates the confidence within the range [0,1].
bodySkeletonConnection List<int> The connection data of a skeleton point, which is the index of the skeleton point type.
skeletonPointIsExist2D List<bool> True or False to indicate that whether the 2D coordinates of a skeleton point are valid. The value false indicates that the data is invalid, while true indicates that the data is valid.
skeletonPointIsExist3D List<bool> True or False to indicate that whether the 3D coordinates of a skeleton point are valid. The value false indicates that the data is invalid, while true indicates that the data is valid.
coordinateSystemType ARCoordinateSystemType The coordinate system type.
anchors List<ARAnchor> ARAnchor data attached to the current trackable object.
trackingState TrackingState Status of the current trackable.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARBody object.
toString String Returns the string representation of the current ARBody object.
Public Methods
Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARBody object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARBody object.
String toString

Converts the current ARBody object to a string.

Return Type
Type Description
String String representation of the current ARBody object.
Body Action Mapping

Huawei AR Engine can recognize different body actions. When a body action is recognized by the AR Engine SDK, the corresponding integer value will be returned through the bodyAction field. The table below shows the mapping of different body actions that can be recognized by the AR Engine.

1 3 3
Return value: 1 Return value: 2 Return value: 3
1 3 3
Return value: 4 Return value: 5 Return value: 6


Represents the plane information in the real world identified by HUAWEI AR Engine. This class is derived from ARTrackableBase.

Public Constants

enum SemanticPlaneLabel

Semantic types of the current plane.

Value Description
enum PlaneType

The plane type.

Value Description
HORIZONTAL_UPWARD_FACING A horizontal plane facing up (such as the ground and desk platform).
HORIZONTAL_DOWNWARD_FACING A horizontal plane facing down (such as the ceiling).
VERTICAL_FACING A vertical plane.
UNKNOWN_FACING Unsupported type.

Public Properties

Click to expand/collapse table
Name Type Description
centerPose ARPose The pose transformed from the local coordinate system of a plane to the world coordinate system.
extentX double The length of the plane's bounding rectangle measured along the local X-axis of the coordinate system centered on the plane, such as the width of the rectangle.
extentZ double The length of the plane's bounding rectangle measured along the local Z-axis of the coordinate system centered on the plane, such as the height of the rectangle.
planePolygon List<double> The 2D vertices of the detected plane, in the format of [x1, z1, x2, z2, ...].
label SemanticPlaneLabel The semantic type of the current plane, such as desktop or floor.
type PlaneType The plane type.
anchors List<ARAnchor> ARAnchor data attached to the current trackable object.
trackingState TrackingState Status of the current trackable.

Public Method Summary

Name Return Type Description
toMap Map<String, dynamic> Returns the map representation of the current ARPlane object.
toString String Returns the string representation of the current ARPlane object.
Public Methods
Map<String, dynamic> toMap

Converts the current ARPlane object to a Map.

Return Type
Type Description
Map<String, dynamic> Map representation of the current ARPlane object.
String toString

Converts the current ARPlane object to a string.

Return Type
Type Description
String String representation of the current ARPlane object.

Global Public Constants

enum ARCoordinateSystemType

The coordinate system type.

Value Description
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_UNKNOWN Unknown coordinate system.
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_3D_WORLD World coordinate system
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_3D_SELF Local coordinate system.
COORDINATE_SYSTEM_TYPE_3D_CAMERA Camera coordinate system.

4. Configuration and Description

No configuration needed.

5. Sample Project

This plugin includes a demo project in the example folder, there you can find more usage examples.

6. Questions or Issues

If you have questions about how to use HMS samples, try the following options:

  • Stack Overflow is the best place for any programming questions. Be sure to tag your question with huawei-mobile-services.
  • Github is the official repository for these plugins, You can open an issue or submit your ideas.
  • Huawei Developer Forum HMS Core Module is great for general questions, or seeking recommendations and opinions.
  • Huawei Developer Docs is place to official documentation for all HMS Core Kits, you can find detailed documentations in there.

If you run into a bug in our samples, please submit an issue to the GitHub repository.

7. Licensing and Terms

Huawei AR Kit Flutter Plugin is licensed under Apache 2.0 license