Pin to Flask 2.3.3 Update dependencies: jinja2, Werkzeug, markupsafe, itsdangerous
Disable MIME-sniffing with x-content-type-options: NOSNIFF
(rationale here)
Pin to Flask 1.1.2 to avoid dependency conflicts
Added support for security.txt files
Fix dependencies for Flask 1.1.x: jinja2
Pass through error messages from flask.abort to 404.html and 500.html templates
Fix dependencies for Flask 1.1.x: markupsafe and itsdangerous.
Upgrade dependencies: Werkzeug and gevent.
Include PID on Talisker logs
Check static files against provided ?v=
Add header: Permissions-Policy: interest-cohort=()
that disables FLoC for privacy reasons.
Change default caching headers to cache-control: max-age=60, stale-while-revalidate=86400, stale-if-error=300
Make them individually overrideable.
Added the security header "X-Frame-Options" with the value "SAMEORIGIN"
back to the default value
Set Cache-Control: max-age 31536000
for requests with the v in the query string
to a year (31536000)
Pin gevent to version 20.6.2 Pin greenlet to version 0.4.16
Pin gevent to version 20.6.1
shouldn't break the app if files are missing
Serve favicon from static if it exists, otherwise fallback to favicon url.
Update to talisker 0.18.0
Pin gevent to version 1.4.0
Set cache headers for all responses, overridable in the view.
Added a context processor to FlaskBase instances containing common helpers needed acrosss diferent apps.
Added FlaskBase class to wrap common functionality of canonical webteamm's flask applications