farm_id |
int |
[optional] |
platform |
\Swagger\Client\Model\Platform |
[optional] |
name |
string |
Display name |
[optional] |
description |
string |
[optional] |
units_count |
int |
[optional] |
active |
bool |
[optional] [default to true] |
password |
string |
[optional] |
tag_ids |
int[] |
[optional] |
mirror_url |
\Swagger\Client\Model\MirrorUrl |
[optional] |
red_temp |
int |
Red Temperature, °C |
[optional] |
red_mem_temp |
float |
Red memory temperature (for rigs), °C |
[optional] |
red_cpu_temp |
float |
Red CPU temperature (for rigs), °C |
[optional] |
red_board_temp |
float |
Red Board Temperature (for ASICs), °C |
[optional] |
red_fan |
int |
Red Fan speed, % |
[optional] |
red_asr |
int |
Red Accepted Shares Ratio, % |
[optional] |
red_la |
float |
Red Load Average per one CPU core |
[optional] |
red_hashrates |
object[] |
Red hashrates per algo |
[optional] |
ip_addresses |
string[] |
List of assigned ip addresses |
[optional] |
remote_address |
object |
Remote address info |
[optional] |
vpn |
bool |
VPN is configured |
[optional] |
has_amd |
bool |
Worker has AMD GPUs |
[optional] |
has_nvidia |
bool |
Worker has Nvidia GPUs |
[optional] |
needs_upgrade |
bool |
New OS version is available |
[optional] |
packages_hash |
string |
packages_hash |
[optional] |
lan_config |
object |
LAN configuration |
[optional] |
system_type |
string |
Hive OS system type |
[optional] |
os_name |
string |
[optional] |
has_octofan |
bool |
Worker has Octominer fan controller |
[optional] |
has_coolbox |
bool |
Worker has Coolbox fan controller |
[optional] |
has_fanflap |
bool |
Worker has FanFlap controller |
[optional] |
has_powermeter |
bool |
Worker has Powermeter controller |
[optional] |
has_asichub |
bool |
Worker is an ASIC Hub |
[optional] |
has_donnager_relay |
bool |
Worker is a Donnager Relay controller |
[optional] |
personal_settings |
object |
Personal settings for current user |
[optional] |
versions |
object |
[optional] |
flight_sheet |
\Swagger\Client\Model\FSMidInfo |
[optional] |
overclock |
object |
Actually applied overclock |
[optional] |
oc_id |
int |
ID of recently applied Overclocking profile |
[optional] |
oc_config |
\Swagger\Client\Model\OCConfig |
[optional] |
oc_algo |
\Swagger\Client\Model\OCAlgo |
[optional] |
oc_algo_actual |
string |
Actual algorithm name for which overclock is applied. It is either manually defined or automatically resolved. |
[optional] |
oc_algo_resolved |
string |
Resolved overclock algorithm name based on applied flight sheet and tuning. This property just indicates which overclock should be applied. See "oc_algo_actual" for which is actually applied. |
[optional] |
miners_config |
\Swagger\Client\Model\MinersConfig |
[optional] |
tuned_miners |
\Swagger\Client\Model\MinerName[] |
List of miner names from active flight sheet that are tuned in this worker. |
[optional] |
watchdog |
object |
Watchdog system |
[optional] |
options |
object |
Worker options. This object will be merged with existing one on update. |
[optional] |
hardware_power_draw |
int |
Power consumption of worker's hardware, watts |
[optional] |
psu_efficiency |
int |
Efficiency of power supply unit, % |
[optional] |
octofan_correct_power |
bool |
Apply power correction settings to power consumption value from Octominer fan controller. Default is false. |
[optional] |
autofan |
object |
Autofan configuration |
[optional] |
stats |
object |
Worker stats |
[optional] |
miners_summary |
object |
[optional] |
miners_stats |
object |
[optional] |
gpu_summary |
object |
GPU summary stats |
[optional] |
gpu_info |
\Swagger\Client\Model\GpuInfo[] |
GPU information |
[optional] |
gpu_stats |
object[] |
GPU stats |
[optional] |
hardware_info |
object |
Hardware information |
[optional] |
hardware_stats |
object |
Hardware stats |
[optional] |
asic_info |
object |
ASIC information |
[optional] |
asichub_id |
int |
ID of AsicHUB which manages this ASIC |
[optional] |
asic_stats |
object |
ASIC stats |
[optional] |
octofan |
object |
Configuration for Octominer fan controller |
[optional] |
octofan_stats |
object |
Octominer's fan controller stats |
[optional] |
coolbox |
object |
Configuration for Coolbox fan controller |
[optional] |
coolbox_info |
object |
Information about installed Ykeda Autofan controller |
[optional] |
coolbox_stats |
object |
Coolbox fan controller stats |
[optional] |
fanflap |
object |
Configuration for FanFlap controller |
[optional] |
fanflap_stats |
\Swagger\Client\Model\FanflapStats |
[optional] |
powermeter |
object |
Configuration for Powermeter controller |
[optional] |
powermeter_stats |
\Swagger\Client\Model\PowermeterStats |
[optional] |
donnager_relay |
object |
Donnager Relay configuration |
[optional] |
donnager_relay_info |
object |
Donnager Relay information |
[optional] |
donnager_relay_stats |
object |
Donnager Relay stats |
[optional] |
ykeda_autofan |
object |
Configuration for Ykeda Autofan controller |
[optional] |
ykeda_autofan_stats |
object |
Ykeda Autofan controller stats |
[optional] |
messages |
\Swagger\Client\Model\WorkerMessage[] |
Worker messages |
[optional] |
commands |
object[] |
Worker queue commands |
[optional] |
benchmark_id |
int |
ID of currently running benchmark. This field is present until the benchmark is finished. |
[optional] |
asic_config |
map[string,string] |
Settings for ASICs with Hive firmware, depends on model and firmware version |
[optional] |