Releases: camunda/camunda-platform
Releases · camunda/camunda-platform
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.6.2
- Operate: 8.6.4
- Tasklist: 8.6.4
- Zeebe: 8.6.4
💊 Bugfixes
🧹 Chore
- upgrade org.keycloak:keycloak-admin-client from 25.0.2 to 25.0.4 (#3067)
- upgrade from 6.3.0 to 6.3.4 (#3077)
- I can migrate parallel and sequential multi instance elements (#23878)
- I can migrate error boundary event and error event sub process (#23804)
- I can migrate exclusive and event based gateways (#23475)
- Remove the need for ES/OS monitor privileges in Tasklist (#23094)
- Remove the need for monitor privileges (#22918)
Bug Fixes
is not handled gracefully (#23446)- Swagger UI not working (#23300)
- StackOverflow during process cancelation (#21991)
- Operate does not allow changing Content Security Policy header in SM (#21741)
- Error on retrieving write buffer from log stream (#10141)
- Swagger UI not working (#23300)
- Add context information to errors in the gateway (#4526)
- Improve errors in Go client (#2938)
Merged Pull Requests
- Removing recursion from process cancellation logic (#24082)
- Map PartitionInactiveException and NoTopologyFoundException to UNAVAILABLE (#23991)
- feat: allow mapping between multi instance types (#23928)
- feat: support migration mapping for error event sub processes (#23850)
- Remove the need for ES/OS cluster monitor privileges in Tasklist (#23789)
- fix: externalFormReference on zeebe user tasks (#23750)
- feat: add migration support for signal elements (#23729)
- feat: add migration support for exclusive and event based gateways (#23676)
- fix: Operate does not allow changing Content Security Policy header in SM (#23608)
- fix: include stack trace on failed GRPC token verification (#23600)
- fix: complete future with error when leadership change is cancelled (#23371)
- feat: prevent cross process migration mapping (#23357)
- fix: permit requests to swagger endpoint
(#23350) - fix: Add Backoff Mechanism to Handle ElasticSearch Unavailability in Tasklist Importer (#23222)
- feat: allow for disabling cluster health checks (#23218)
- fix: Context-Path not taken into account for noPermission route (#23214)
- feat: support migration mapping for timer start event sub processes (#23144)
- feat: support migration of business rule, script and send task (#22794)
- fix: merge concurrent resolves for up to 128 hostnames (#22410)
- [Backport stable/1.2] Fixes flakiness with the ElasticsearchExporter integration tests (#8203)
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.6.1
- Operate: 8.6.2
- Tasklist: 8.6.2
- Zeebe: 8.6.2
No changes
Bug Fixes
- Unsafe command distribution acknowledgement (#23361)
Merged Pull Requests
- Use new record to transmit acknowledgement (#23363)
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.6.0
- Operate: 8.6.0
- Tasklist: 8.6.0
- Zeebe: 8.6.0
🚀 New Features
- license checks in identity (#3043)
- add admin web modeler permission and role (#3021)
- support keycloak v25 (#3011)
- fallback to using token algorithm when the algorithm cannot be found via JWKS (#3002)
- support configurable jwks URL (#2981)
- auth scopes configurable (#2935)
- get groups limited result size using backend search offering pagination (#2875)
💊 Bugfixes
- enable proxy selector (#3044)
- update dependency axios to v1.7.4 [security] (#3008)
- fix token revocation for generic provider configuration (#2976)
- fix logout when Identity runs on a subpath (#2964)
- expiresAt being null in keycloak offline_token (#2937)
- update dependency to v2.3.6 (#2906)
- update dependency com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind to v2.17.1 (#2905)
- update aws-java-sdk-v2 monorepo to v2.25.64 (#2904)
- use issuerUrl to perform token refresh and revoke (#2886)
- update dependency @ibm/plex to v6.4.1 (#2899)
- update aws-java-sdk-v2 monorepo to v2.25.63 (#2898)
- added audience parameter to generic oidc login uri (#2784)
- upgrade alpine to 3.19.1 (#2822)
- switch mapping rule name to readonly during edit (#2785)
- update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio to v3.9.0 (#2760)
- update aws-java-sdk-v2 monorepo to v2.25.26 (#2758)
- update aws-java-sdk-v2 monorepo to v2.25.25 (#2755)
- update spring boot to v3.2.4 (#2365)
🧹 Chore
- update dlavrenuek/conventional-changelog-action action to v1.2.5 (#3027)
- update dependency body-parser to v1.20.3 [security] (#3042)
- update dependency sass to v1.77.8 (#3026)
- update dependency org.assertj:assertj-core to v3.26.3 (#3025)
- update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-gpg-plugin to v3.2.5 (#3024)
- update dependency @types/react to v18.3.4 (#3023)
- update dependency kustomize to v5.4.3 (#3015)
- update dependency java to v17.0.12+7 (#3013)
- update dependency @types/react-transition-group to v4.4.11 (#3012)
- introduce merge conflict comments (#3005)
- update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v6.4.8 (#3010)
- update amannn/action-semantic-pull-request action to v5.5.3 (#3000)
- add deployment result summary (#2999)
- update dependency testcafe to v3.6.2 (#2917)
- upgrade org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web from 3.2.5 to 3.2.7 (#2983)
- add dockerhub pull secret for preview environments (#2974)
- upgrade alpine to 3.20.0 (#2927)
- manually upgrade apache-mime4j (#2925)
- upgrade backport action (#2926)
- update docker tag to v2.11.3 (#2920)
- update spring security to v6.3.0 (#2922)
- update slackapi/slack-github-action action to v1.26.0 (#2921)
- update react-router monorepo (#2919)
- update react monorepo (#2918)
- update dependency sass to v1.77.4 (#2916)
- update dependency org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin to v3.6.0 (#2915)
- update dependency org.assertj:assertj-core to v3.26.0 (#2914)
- update dependency org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin to v3.7.0 (#2913)
- update dependency eslint-plugin-unused-imports to v3.2.0 (#2912)
- update dependency com.tngtech.archunit:archunit-junit5 to v1.3.0 (#2910)
- update dependency cypress to v13.10.0 (#2911)
- update dependency to v10.17.0 (#2909)
- update amannn/action-semantic-pull-request action to v5.5.2 (#2907)
- update dependency com.mycila:license-maven-plugin to v4.5 (#2908)
- update dependency @testing-library/cypress to v10.0.2 (#2903)
- update yarn to v3.8.2 (#2897)
- update testing-library monorepo (#2896)
- upgrade from 2.25.26 to 2.25.40 (#2834)
- update testcontainers-java monorepo to v1.19.8 (#2893)
- update slf4j monorepo to v2.0.13 (#2892)
- update maven docker tag to v3.9.7 (#2890)
- update node.js to v18.20.3 (#2891)
- update dependency typescript to v5.4.5 (#2885)
- update dependency kustomize to v5.4.2 (#2884)
- update alpine:3.19.1 docker digest to c5b1261 (#2882)
- update dependency java to v17.0.11+9 (#2883)
- update compatibility checks (#2877)
- update babel monorepo to v7.24.6 (#2878)
- update snapshot version (#2855)
- fix syntax in maven deploy workflow (#2854)
- add workflow to upload sdk artifacts to maven central (#2847)
- revert include package.json and yarn.lock in docker image (#2846)
- centralize spring boot version (#2833)
- upgrade org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 (#2794)
- refactor keycloak preset initializer to use the common presets (#2710)
- update dependency sass to v1.74.1 (#2759)
- update dependency @types/node to v18.19.30 (#2757)
- update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 (#2322)
- update s4u/maven-settings-action action to v3 (#2674)
- update dependency kustomize to v5.4.1 (#2756)
- update dependency typescript to v5.4.4 (#2754)
- update dependency or...
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.5.6
- Operate: 8.5.7
- Tasklist: 8.5.8
- Zeebe: 8.5.8
💊 Bugfixes
- enable proxy selector (#3044) (#3045)
🧹 Chore
- update dependency body-parser to v1.20.3 [security] (#3038)
What's Changed
- deps: Update actions/checkout digest to b684943 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#21987
- deps: Update actions/checkout digest to 6d193bf (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#21996
- deps: Update camunda/operate Docker tag to v8.5.6 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22018
- Release/operate 8.5.6 by @kristinkomschow in camunda/camunda#22020
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22057
- deps: Update Docker tag to v7.17.24 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22126
- deps: Update Docker tag to v7.17.24 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22127
- deps: Update version.elasticsearch7 to v7.17.24 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22136
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.772 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22171
- fix: use treePathCache per partition by @ralfpuchert in camunda/camunda#21059
- Rework TreePath Cache by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22120
- Add tree path cache metrics by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22196
- Do not update treePath on FNI completed or terminated by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22215
- [Backport stable/operate-8.5] fix: support Bearer token with typ AT+JWT by @backport-action in camunda/camunda#22216
- Do not store leaf FNI in treePath Cache by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22219
- deps: Update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio-jvm to v3.9.1 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22275
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22335
- Stable/Operate-8.5: Fix integration tests - lazy creation FNI transformer by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22340
- deps: Update dependency to v3.25.5 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22469
- ci: run Operate frontend build on 8.5 stable branch by @ThorbenLindhauer in camunda/camunda#22524
Full Changelog: camunda/camunda@operate-8.5.6...operate-8.5.7
💊 Bugfixes
- support Bearer token with typ AT+JWT (#5040)
- check for isEmbeddedForm to handle customFormKey user tasks backport to 8.5 (#5036)
- process search query should return latest version of documents (#5034)
🧹 Chore
- bump identity and zeebe versions (#5046)
- fix flaky ZeebeImportMigrateProcessTaskIT.shouldMigrateProcessInstanceAndTasksDefinitionForZeebeUserTask (#5038)
- enable maven report artifact upload for tasklist tests (#5037)
- update
Bug Fixes
- Tasklist: Bearer token with typ AT+JWT not supported (#22118)
- Process instance banned for timer trigger command with unknown process (#20677)
Merged Pull Requests
- Update base Docker image to latest Ubuntu LTS (#22383)
- fix: reject on missing process in timer trigger (#22169)
- fix: ensure access to raft role is thread safe (#22063)
- ci: use infra self-hosted runners for zeebe-ci.yml/property-tests job (#22028)
- ci: use infra self-hosted runners for zeebe-snyk.yml workflow (#21979)
- ci: use bigger runner for release workflow (#21579)
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.4.12
- Operate: 8.4.13
- Tasklist: 8.4.13
- Zeebe: 8.4.12
No changes
🧹 Chore
- update Zeebe and Identity 8.4.12 (#6812)
- prepare for next development iteration
💊 Bugfixes
- fix: Tasklist - OpenSearch AWS config can't be disabled [Backport stable/8.4] (#5027)
- fix: Opensearch ilm - separate requests for indexes/templates polices [Backport/stable 8.4] (#5025)
- fix: add include global state to true on backup manager [Backport stable/8.4] (#5021)
Bug Fixes
- Date component cycling values backwards in negative UTC regions (#21825)
- ILM does not work when previous archived indices were created (#21432)
- Collapsing dynamic lists affects the output data in tasklist (#21348)
- Feel rounding done by
isn't accurate in forms (#21347) - Fix issue with simple dates in negative offset timezones behave erratically (#21346)
- Process instance banned for timer trigger command with unknown process (#20677)
- Clear scroll request fails on Opensearch on AWS (#19869)
Merged Pull Requests
- [Backport stable/8.5] Update base Docker image to latest Ubuntu LTS (#22395)
- Update base Docker image to latest Ubuntu LTS (#22383)
- fix: reject on missing process in timer trigger (#22169)
- deps: Update org.camunda.feel:feel-engine to 1.17.8 (#22077)
- fix: ensure access to raft role is thread safe (#22063)
- ci: use infra self-hosted runners for zeebe-ci.yml/property-tests job (#22028)
- ci: use infra self-hosted runners for zeebe-snyk.yml workflow (#21979)
- ci: use bigger runner for release workflow (#21579)
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.3.15
- Operate: 8.3.16
- Tasklist: 8.3.17
- Zeebe: 8.3.16
🚀 New Features
- allow spring to manage datasource bean (#2989)
🧹 Chore
- update zeebe and identity 8.3.16 (#6811)
- prepare for next development iteration
💊 Bugfixes
- add include global state to true on backup manager [Backport stable/8.3] (#5020)
Bug Fixes
- Process instance banned for timer trigger command with unknown process (#20677)
Merged Pull Requests
- [Backport stable/8.5] Update base Docker image to latest Ubuntu LTS (#22395)
- Update base Docker image to latest Ubuntu LTS (#22383)
- fix: reject on missing process in timer trigger (#22169)
- deps: Update org.camunda.feel:feel-engine to 1.17.8 (#22077)
- fix: ensure access to raft role is thread safe (#22063)
- ci: use infra self-hosted runners for zeebe-ci.yml/property-tests job (#22028)
- ci: use infra self-hosted runners for zeebe-snyk.yml workflow (#21979)
- ci: use bigger runner for release workflow (#21579)
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.2.31
- Operate: 8.2.31
- Tasklist: 8.2.32
- Zeebe: 8.2.32
💊 Bugfixes
- update dependency axios to v1.7.4 [security] (#3007)
🧹 Chore
- update Zeebe and Identity 8.2.32 (#6810)
- prepare for next development iteration
💊 Bugfixes
- Fix: add include global state to true on backup manager (#5019)
Bug Fixes
- Process instance banned for timer trigger command with unknown process (#20677)
Merged Pull Requests
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.5.5
- Operate: 8.5.7
- Tasklist: 8.5.7
- Zeebe: 8.5.7
🚀 New Features
- fallback to using token algorithm when the algorithm cannot be found via JWKS (#3002) (#3022)
💊 Bugfixes
- update dependency axios to v1.7.4 [security] (#3003)
What's Changed
- deps: Update actions/checkout digest to b684943 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#21987
- deps: Update actions/checkout digest to 6d193bf (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#21996
- deps: Update camunda/operate Docker tag to v8.5.6 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22018
- Release/operate 8.5.6 by @kristinkomschow in camunda/camunda#22020
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22057
- deps: Update Docker tag to v7.17.24 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22126
- deps: Update Docker tag to v7.17.24 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22127
- deps: Update version.elasticsearch7 to v7.17.24 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22136
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.772 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22171
- fix: use treePathCache per partition by @ralfpuchert in camunda/camunda#21059
- Rework TreePath Cache by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22120
- Add tree path cache metrics by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22196
- Do not update treePath on FNI completed or terminated by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22215
- [Backport stable/operate-8.5] fix: support Bearer token with typ AT+JWT by @backport-action in camunda/camunda#22216
- Do not store leaf FNI in treePath Cache by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22219
- deps: Update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio-jvm to v3.9.1 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22275
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22335
- Stable/Operate-8.5: Fix integration tests - lazy creation FNI transformer by @Zelldon in camunda/camunda#22340
- deps: Update dependency to v3.25.5 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#22469
- ci: run Operate frontend build on 8.5 stable branch by @ThorbenLindhauer in camunda/camunda#22524
Full Changelog: camunda/camunda@operate-8.5.6...operate-8.5.7
💊 Bugfixes
- Use dynamic viewport height for public start forms
- Tasklist - OpenSearch AWS config can't be disabled (#5026)
- Opensearch ilm - separate requests for indexes/templates polices (#5023)
- Fix Tasklist on iOS (#5008)
- add include global state to true on backup manager (#5018)
🧹 Chore
- update
- Bump to [email protected] (#5028)
- update
Bug Fixes
- Exporter arguments are always converted to maps instead of list (#4552)
- Multi instance body finishes with less inner activities than expected (#20958)
- NPE in
"parentElementInstance" is null (#20762) - Possible memory corruption leading to SIGSEGV (#20555)
- Exporting decision evaluation records breaks with large
values (#20248) - CI: Zeebe build fails due to SBE build errors (#16029)
- NullPointerException in ActivateProcessInstanceBatchProcessor.createChildInstanceRecord (#12918)
- Renovate updates project parent poms but shouldn't (#20856)
- Refactor
method argument order inEither
interface (#20588) Sequencer#isEntryValid
is slow because it has to calculate the full record size (#19225)
Merged Pull Requests
- build: fix fetching the last push commit (#21861)
- Allow instantiating exporter configuration with list fields/members (#21847)
- fix: make SBE code generation thread safe (#21801)
- [Backport stable/8.4] build: replace protolock with buf CLI (#21773)
- build: add buf configuration file (#21696)
- build: replace protolock with buf CLI (#21616)
- fix: prevent completing multi-instance body until the completion/termination of all its children (#21442)
- bugfix: set a limit to evaluationFailureMessage size (#21320)
- refactor: record value and metadata length is always non-zero (#21311)
- Unlearn spotless to ratchet from main (#21200)
- feat: allow dns resolution to fall back to TCP (#21066)
- test: ensure that controlled actor scheduler starts idle (#21043)
- refactor: Change order of
method arguments inEither
interface (#20889) - fix: resetting a reader does not invalidate returned entries (#20720)
- fix: run scheduled tasks at a given timestamp (#18986)
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.5.5
- Operate: 8.5.6
- Tasklist: 8.5.7
- Zeebe: 8.5.7
🚀 New Features
- fallback to using token algorithm when the algorithm cannot be found via JWKS (#3002) (#3022)
💊 Bugfixes
- update dependency axios to v1.7.4 [security] (#3003)
What's Changed
- deps: Update camunda/operate Docker tag to v8.5.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19483
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.746 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19507
- Release/operate 8.5.4 by @sdorokhova in camunda/camunda#19499
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.747 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19547
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.748 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19606
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19655
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.749 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19705
- deps: Update version.identity to v8.5.3 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19729
- deps: Update camunda/identity Docker tag to v8.5.3 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19737
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.750 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19758
- deps: Update version.zeebe to v8.5.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19782
- deps: Update camunda/zeebe Docker tag to v8.5.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19789
- deps: Update camunda/tasklist Docker tag to v8.5.3 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19807
- deps: Update dependency io.camunda:zeebe-bom to v8.5.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19797
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.751 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19810
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.752 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19855
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.753 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19889
- deps: Update all non-major dependencies (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19894
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19897
- [Backport stable/operate-8.5] Backport build-platform-docker GHA by @backport-action in camunda/camunda#19749
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.754 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19921
- deps: Update stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action digest to ee55253 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19966
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.755 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#19971
- fix: fix concurrency mode performance by @sdorokhova in camunda/camunda#19912
- fix: improve treePathCache and DatabaseInfo access by @ralfpuchert in camunda/camunda#20006
- deps: Update camunda/zeebe Docker tag to v8.5.5 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20016
- deps: Update dependency io.camunda:zeebe-bom to v8.5.5 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20017
- deps: Update version.zeebe to v8.5.5 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20019
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.756 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20022
- deps: Update dependency commons-logging:commons-logging to v1.3.3 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20060
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.757 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20115
- deps: Update stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action digest to 18157e6 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20124
- deps: Update stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action digest to 55a82ca (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20125
- deps: Update all non-major dependencies (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20127
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20129
- deps: Update stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action digest to be823a7 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20130
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.758 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20147
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.759 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20183
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.760 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20200
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.761 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20242
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20247
- deps: Update dependency @types/carbon-components-react to v7.55.13 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20261
- deps: update spring-boot till 3.2.7 by @sdorokhova in camunda/camunda#20280
- deps: Update dependency org.opensearch:opensearch-testcontainers to v2.0.2 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20325
- deps: Update dependency styled-components to v6.1.12 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20326
- deps: Update version.identity to v8.5.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20351
- deps: Update camunda/identity Docker tag to v8.5.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20352
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.762 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20358
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20388
- deps: Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v6.4.7 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20419
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.763 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20420
- deps: Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v6.4.8 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20450
- deps: Update dependency to v3.25.4 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20508
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.764 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20536
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.765 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20548
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20578
- deps: Update actions/checkout digest to 9a9194f (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20599
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.766 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20600
- deps: Update dependency org.eclipse.parsson:parsson to v1.1.7 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20624
- deps: Update Docker tag to v7.17.23 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20636
- deps: Update dependency com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bom to v1.12.767 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20642
- deps: Update Docker tag to v7.17.23 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20643
- deps: Lock file maintenance (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20756
- fix: set unique keys for output variable rows [backport 8.5] by @pedesen in camunda/camunda#20730
- fix: use endDate as indicator for a finished operation [8.5 backport] by @pedesen in camunda/camunda#20740
- deps: Update dependency lint-staged to v15.2.8 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20782
- deps: Update version.elasticsearch7 to v7.17.23 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20647
- deps: Update version.zeebe to v8.5.6 (stable/operate-8.5) by @renovate in camunda/camunda#20830
- deps: Update depend...
Camunda application in this release generation:
- Identity: 8.4.10
- Operate: 8.4.11
- Tasklist: 8.4.11
- Zeebe: 8.4.10
🧹 Chore
- upgrade org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web from 3.2.5 to 3.2.7 (#2985)
🚀 New Features
- Updates to fix CVE (#6786)
💊 Bugfixes
- set unique keys for output variable rows [8.4 backport] (#6791)
- use endDate as indicator for a finished operation (#6792)
🧹 Chore
- update zeebe, identity, operate and tasklist versions (#6795)
- preview-env: add dockerhub pull secret (#6777) (#6782)
💊 Bugfixes
- Tasklist index prefixes are not correctly setup on OpenSearch (#4996)
- include tenantId in variable record store (#4991)
🧹 Chore
- bump zeebe and identity for 8.4 patch release (#5015)
- add exception stacktrace into the debug logs [Backport stable/8.4] (#5012)
- deps: update graphql-java to fix CVE-2024-40094 [Backport stable/8.4] (#5006)
- deps: upgrade springboot to fix CVE-2024-22262 (#4985)
- Add Intermediate None Event to
Bug Fixes
- Limit the number of element in the process caches (#15533)
- Considerable amount of GRPC error details can trigger ingress response header limit (#11284)
Java Client
- Job worker should apply backoff on job polling in case of service unavailable (#4443)
Go Client
- Job worker should apply backoff on job polling in case of service unavailable (#4443)
- StackOverflowError during process instance modification (#20307)
- Issue when importing variables in a MT environment (#20199)
- Flaky test shouldBeThreadSafe: io.camunda.zeebe.client.impl.oauth.OAuthCredentialsCacheTest (#20136)
- Snapshot detected as corrupted because of incorrect checksum comparison (#19984)
- No executable process is found after transformation (#19834)
- Oauth token refresh can trigger rate limiting and log errors (#13832)
- Strange use of ObjectMapper in ES/OS DTO (#20556)
- gRPC thread pool saturated by blocked Identity calls (#18697)
Merged Pull Requests
- Remove grpc thread config (#20591)
- Dont use object mapper in DTO to ES / OS (#20560)
- Reset RecordingExporter before each ZeebeIntegration test setup (#20524)
- [Backport stable/8.5] Fix OauthCredentialsCache concurrency issues (#20439)
- Fix OauthCredentialsCache concurrency issues (#20429)
- Terminate elements iteratively instead of recursively during PI modification (#20425)
- Test for snapshot corruption when restoring from backup. (#20415)
- Add logging to setup commands (#20389)
- test: fix potential race condition (#20334)
- Add intermediate throw event
(#20316) - fix: ensure controlled actor scheduler is closed after tests (#20296)
- test: prevent db transaction corruption by test (#20288)
- Fix flaky MessageStreamProcessorTest (#20286)
- Limit client request retries to three attempts (#20088)
- test: fix flaky raft heartbeat test (#20079)
- Threadsafe oauth credentials cache (#20065)
- test: snapshot false negative corruption unit test (#20040)
- fix: Allow single deployment of multiple BPMN processes with the same resource name (#20026)
- feat: allow overriding default
through config and change default to 16KB (#20002) - fix: do not use combined checksum for snapshot integrity (#19988)
- deps: Update dependency io.grpc:grpc-bom to v1.65.0 (main) (#19858)
- Backport build-platform-docker GHA (#19740)
- fix: limit validation result output to a certain size and print the number of remaining errors (#19600)
- change grpc executor to virtual threads (#19005)
- feat: implementing bounded cache (#17581)