Alex Cristia [email protected]
We should aim to follow the workflow described here:
First, clone the repository:
$ git clone
By default, you will be on the master
$ cd app
$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Let's create a branch for your contribution, based on master
For this example, we call it my-contribution
. Please use a specific name, depending on your contribution.
$ git checkout -b my-contribution
Now you can make your changes. Most of the time you want to modify files in the app
Once your changes are made, commit them.
$ git add app/
$ git commit -m "A short message explaining your changes"
Rebase to make sure you will keep changes made by other developers on your branch and master
$ git fetch origin
$ git rebase origin/my-contribution
$ git rebase origin/master
Then, push your new branch to the remote repository.
$ git push origin my-contribution
You can now get back to the master
$ git checkout master
We want the maintainer of the repository to merge our changes, so we'll now create a "merge request". --- TO BE ADDED
Click on "+ New Merge Request".
On the left side ("Source branch"), pick your branch (my-contribution
in our example). Leave master
as the "Target branch".
Click on "Compare branches".
Set an explicit title. If necessary, add more information about your changes in the "Description" field.
Assign the merge request to the maintainer.
Click on "Submit merge request".
The maintainer will now review your request and merge it to the repository. He will then release a new version of the app.
Once this is done, you can update your local repository:
$ git pull origin master
You can also delete your local branch, which is no longer useful:
$ git branch -d my-contribution
Thanks for your contribution!