Local PowerShell Repository Setup Guide
Publishing Updates (Run Initially and After Changes)
function Set-DevEnv {
$ModuleName = ' Win32AppMigrationTool'
$DevPath = ' \\tsclient\C\GitHub\byteben\Win32App-Migration-Tool'
$LocalPath = ' C:\LocalModules\Win32AppMigrationTool'
Set-Location - Path $LocalPath
Write-Host - Object (" New-Item -Path {0} -ItemType Directory -Force" -f $LocalPath )
New-Item - Path $LocalPath - ItemType Directory - Force
Write-Host - Object (" Get-ChildItem -Path {0} | Copy-Item -Destination {0} -Recurse -Force" -f $DevPath , $LocalPath )
Get-ChildItem - Path $DevPath | Copy-Item - Destination $LocalPath - Recurse - Force
Write-Host - Object (" Import-Module {0} -Force" -f (Join-Path $LocalPath " $ModuleName .psd1" ))
Import-Module (Join-Path - Path $LocalPath - ChildPath " $ModuleName .psd1" ) - Force
Get-Module $ModuleName # Verify module is loaded with correct version
Get-Module $ModuleName - ListAvailable | Remove-Module - Force # Clear PowerShell module cache
Cleanup (When Done Testing)
Remove-Module $ModuleName - Force # Remove module from current session