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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 25, 2021. It is now read-only.

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Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn deploy

Refer to the official documentation for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "io.swagger:swagger-android-client:1.0.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/swagger-android-client-1.0.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import io.swagger.client.api.APIkeyApi;

public class APIkeyApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        APIkeyApi apiInstance = new APIkeyApi();
        try {
            Object result = apiInstance.aPIkeyInfo();
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling APIkeyApi#aPIkeyInfo");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
APIkeyApi aPIkeyInfo GET /open-api/api-key Get account api-key information.
CommonApi commonAnnouncements GET /v2/public/announcement Get Bybit OpenAPI announcements in the last 30 days in reverse order.
CommonApi commonGetLcp GET /v2/private/account/lcp Query LCP info.
CommonApi commonGetTime GET /v2/public/time Get bybit server time.
ConditionalApi conditionalCancel POST /v2/private/stop-order/cancel Cancel conditional order.
ConditionalApi conditionalCancelAll POST /v2/private/stop-order/cancelAll Cancel conditional order.
ConditionalApi conditionalGetOrders GET /v2/private/stop-order/list Get my conditional order list.
ConditionalApi conditionalNew POST /v2/private/stop-order/create Place a new conditional order.
ConditionalApi conditionalQuery GET /v2/private/stop-order Query real-time stop order information.
ConditionalApi conditionalReplace POST /v2/private/stop-order/replace Replace conditional order. Only incomplete orders can be modified.
ExecutionApi executionGetTrades GET /v2/private/execution/list Get user’s trade records.
ExecutionApi positionsClosePnlRecords GET /v2/private/trade/closed-pnl/list Get user's closed profit and loss records
FundingApi fundingMyLastFee GET /open-api/funding/prev-funding Funding settlement occurs every 8 hours at 00:00 UTC, 08:00 UTC and 16:00 UTC. The current interval's fund fee settlement is based on the previous interval's fund rate. For example, at 16:00, the settlement is based on the fund rate generated at 8:00. The fund rate generated at 16:00 will be used at 0:00 on the next day.
FundingApi fundingPredicted GET /open-api/funding/predicted-funding Get predicted funding rate and funding fee.
FundingApi fundingPrevRate GET /open-api/funding/prev-funding-rate Get predicted funding rate and funding fee.
KlineApi klineGet GET /v2/public/kline/list Query historical kline.
KlineApi klineMarkPrice GET /v2/public/mark-price-kline Query mark price kline.
LinearConditionalApi linearConditionalCancel POST /private/linear/stop-order/cancel Cancel Active Order
LinearConditionalApi linearConditionalCancelAll POST /private/linear/stop-order/cancel-all Cancel all stop orders.
LinearConditionalApi linearConditionalGetOrders GET /private/linear/stop-order/list Get linear Stop Orders
LinearConditionalApi linearConditionalNew POST /private/linear/stop-order/create Create linear stop Order
LinearConditionalApi linearConditionalQuery GET /private/linear/stop-order/search Get Stop Orders(real-time)
LinearConditionalApi linearConditionalReplace POST /private/linear/stop-order/replace Replace conditional order
LinearExecutionApi linearExecutionGetTrades GET /private/linear/trade/execution/list Get user's trading records.
LinearFundingApi linearFundingMyLastFee GET /private/linear/funding/prev-funding Get prev funding
LinearFundingApi linearFundingPredicted GET /private/linear/funding/predicted-funding Get predicted funding rate and funding fee.
LinearFundingApi linearFundingPrevRate GET /public/linear/funding/prev-funding-rate Get prev funding
LinearKlineApi linearKlineGet GET /public/linear/kline Get kline
LinearKlineApi linearKlineMarkPrice GET /public/linear/mark-price-kline Get kline
LinearMarketApi linearMarketTrading GET /public/linear/recent-trading-records Get recent trades
LinearOrderApi linearOrderCancel POST /private/linear/order/cancel Cancel Active Order
LinearOrderApi linearOrderCancelAll POST /private/linear/order/cancel-all Cancel all active orders.
LinearOrderApi linearOrderGetOrders GET /private/linear/order/list Get linear Active Orders
LinearOrderApi linearOrderNew POST /private/linear/order/create Create Active Order
LinearOrderApi linearOrderQuery GET /private/linear/order/search Get Active Orders(real-time)
LinearOrderApi linearOrderReplace POST /private/linear/order/replace Replace Active Order
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsChangeMargin POST /private/linear/position/add-margin Add/Reduce Margin
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsClosePnlRecords GET /private/linear/trade/closed-pnl/list Get user's closed profit and loss records.
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsMyPosition GET /private/linear/position/list Get my position list.
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsSaveLeverage POST /private/linear/position/set-leverage Set leverage
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsSetAutoAddMargin POST /private/linear/position/set-auto-add-margin Set auto add margin
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsSwitchIsolated POST /private/linear/position/switch-isolated Switch isolated
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsSwitchMode POST /private/linear/tpsl/switch-mode Switch Mode
LinearPositionsApi linearPositionsTradingStop POST /private/linear/position/trading-stop Set tradingStop
LinearWalletApi linearWalletGetRiskLimit GET /public/linear/risk-limit Get risk limit.
MarketApi marketAccountRatio GET /v2/public/account-ratio Query Account Long Short Ratio
MarketApi marketBigDeal GET /v2/public/big-deal Query Big Deal
MarketApi marketLiqRecords GET /v2/public/liq-records Query liq records.
MarketApi marketOpenInterest GET /v2/public/open-interest Query Open Interest
MarketApi marketOrderbook GET /v2/public/orderBook/L2 Get the orderbook.
MarketApi marketSymbolInfo GET /v2/public/tickers Get the latest information for symbol.
MarketApi marketTradingRecords GET /v2/public/trading-records Get recent trades
OrderApi orderCancel POST /v2/private/order/cancel Get my active order list.
OrderApi orderCancelAll POST /v2/private/order/cancelAll Get my active order list.
OrderApi orderGetOrders GET /v2/private/order/list Get my active order list.
OrderApi orderNew POST /v2/private/order/create Place active order
OrderApi orderQuery GET /v2/private/order Get my active order list.
OrderApi orderReplace POST /v2/private/order/replace Replace active order. Only incomplete orders can be modified.
PositionsApi positionsChangeMargin POST /position/change-position-margin Update margin.
PositionsApi positionsClosePnlRecords GET /v2/private/trade/closed-pnl/list Get user's closed profit and loss records
PositionsApi positionsMyPosition GET /v2/private/position/list Get my position list.
PositionsApi positionsSaveLeverage POST /user/leverage/save Change user leverage.
PositionsApi positionsTradingStop POST /open-api/position/trading-stop Set Trading-Stop Condition.
SymbolApi symbolGet GET /v2/public/symbols Query Symbols.
WalletApi walletExchangeOrder GET /v2/private/exchange-order/list Asset Exchange Records
WalletApi walletGetBalance GET /v2/private/wallet/balance get wallet balance info
WalletApi walletGetRecords GET /open-api/wallet/fund/records Get wallet fund records
WalletApi walletGetRiskLimit GET /open-api/wallet/risk-limit/list Get risk limit.
WalletApi walletSetRiskLimit POST /open-api/wallet/risk-limit Set risk limit
WalletApi walletWithdraw GET /open-api/wallet/withdraw/list Get wallet fund records

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api_key
  • Location: URL query string


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: sign
  • Location: URL query string


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: timestamp
  • Location: URL query string


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.


[email protected]