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File metadata and controls

299 lines (244 loc) · 13.7 KB

The Masonry component efficiently displays dynamically-sized, user-positioned cells using windowing techniques. Cell positions are controlled by an injected cellPositioner property. Windowing is vertical; this component does not support horizontal scrolling.


Measuring and layout

Rendering occurs in two phases:

Phase 1: Measurement

This phase uses estimated cell sizes (provided by the cellMeasurerCache property) to determine how many cells to measure in a batch. Batch size is chosen using a fast, naive layout algorithm that stacks images in order until the viewport has been filled. After measurement is complete (componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate) this component evaluates positioned cells in order to determine if another measurement pass is required (eg if actual cell sizes were less than estimated sizes). All measurements are permanently cached (keyed by keyMapper) for performance purposes.

Phase 2: Layout

This phase uses the external cellPositioner to position cells. At this time the positioner has access to cached size measurements for all cells. The positions it returns are cached by Masonry for fast access later.

Phase one is repeated if the user scrolls beyond the current layout's bounds. If the layout is invalidated due to eg a resize, cached positions can be cleared using recomputeCellPositions() or clearCellPositions().

Animation Constraints

  • Simple animations are supported (eg translate/slide into place on initial reveal).
  • More complex animations are not (eg flying from one position to another on resize).

Layout Constraints

  • This component supports a multi-column layout.
  • Each item can have a unique, lazily-measured height.
  • The width of all items in a column must be equal. (Items may not span multiple columns.)
  • The left position of all items within a column must align.
  • Cell measurements must be synchronous. Size impacts layout and async measurements would require frequent layout invalidation. Support for this may be added in the future but for now the use of the CellMeasurer render callback's async measure parameter is not supported.

Prop Types

Property Type Required? Description
cellCount number Total number of items
cellMeasurerCache mixed Caches item measurements. Default sizes help Masonry decide how many images to batch-measure. Learn more here.
cellPositioner function Positions a cell given an index: (index: number) => ({ left: number, top: number }). Learn more
cellRenderer function Responsible for rendering a cell given an index. Learn more
className string Optional custom CSS class name to attach to root Masonry element.
height number Height of the component; this value determines the number of visible items.
id string Optional custom id to attach to root Masonry element.
keyMapper function Maps an index to a unique id to store cached measurement and position info for a cell. This prevents eg cached measurements from being invalidated when a collection is re-ordered. (index: number) => any
onCellsRendered function Callback invoked with information about the cells that were most recently rendered. This callback is only invoked when visible cells have changed: ({ startIndex: number, stopIndex: number }): void
onScroll function Callback invoked whenever the scroll offset changes within the inner scrollable region: ({ clientHeight: number, scrollHeight: number, scrollTop: number }): void
overscanByPixels number Render this many additional pixels above and below the viewport. This helps reduce flicker when a user scrolls quickly. Defaults to 20.
role string Optional override of ARIA role default; defaults to "grid".
scrollingResetTimeInterval number Wait this amount of time after the last scroll event before resetting pointer-events; defaults to 150ms.
style mixed Optional custom inline style to attach to root Masonry element.
tabIndex number Optional override of tab index default; defaults to 0.
width number Width of the component; this value determines the number of visible items.
rowDirection string row direction of items, can be ltr or rtl defaults to ltr
scrollTop number Forced vertical scroll offset; can be used to synchronize scrolling between components

Public Methods

clearCellPositions ()

Clears internal position cache and force-updates.

recomputeCellPositions ()

Resets internal position cache, synchronously re-computes positions, then force-updates.


Responsible for rendering a single cell given its index. This function accepts the following named parameters:

function cellRenderer({
  index, // Index of item within the collection
  isScrolling, // The Grid is currently being scrolled
  key, // Unique key within array of cells
  parent, // Reference to the parent Grid (instance)
  style, // Style object to be applied to cell (to position it);
  // This must be passed through to the rendered cell element.
}) {
  return (
      <div style={style}>{/* Your content goes here */}</div>


Masonry provides a built-in positioner for a simple layout. This positioner requires a few configuration settings:

Property Type Required? Description
cellMeasurerCache CellMeasurerCache Contains cell measurements (eg item height).
columnCount number Number of columns to use in layout.
columnWidth number Column width.
spacer number Empty space between columns; defaults to 0.

You can use this layout as shown below:

const cellPositioner = createMasonryCellPositioner({
  cellMeasurerCache: cache,
  columnCount: 3,
  columnWidth: 200,
  spacer: 10,

let masonryRef;

function renderMasonry(props) {
  return (
      ref={ref => (masonryRef = ref)}

If any of the configuration settings change due to external changes (eg window resize event) you can update them using the reset method as shown below:

  columnCount: 4,
  columnWidth: 250,
  spacer: 15,


Basic Masonry Example

Below is a very basic Masonry example with a naive layout algorithm.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'react-virtualized';

// Array of images with captions
const list = [];

// Default sizes help Masonry decide how many images to batch-measure
const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
  defaultHeight: 250,
  defaultWidth: 200,
  fixedWidth: true,

// Our masonry layout will use 3 columns with a 10px gutter between
const cellPositioner = createMasonryCellPositioner({
  cellMeasurerCache: cache,
  columnCount: 3,
  columnWidth: 200,
  spacer: 10,

function cellRenderer({index, key, parent, style}) {
  const datum = list[index];

  return (
    <CellMeasurer cache={cache} index={index} key={key} parent={parent}>
      <div style={style}>
            height: datum.imageHeight,
            width: datum.imageWidth,

// Render your grid

Masonry example with dynamically measured images

Items in the list in basic example can only be measured once, which means client has to know all the sizes upfront before displaying. For cases when server cannot deliver such data we need to pre-measure images. In order to preserve correct optimized layout images can only be displayed one by one in the order they appear in the array, not in the order they are loaded.

These specifics were taken into account in a small library react-virtualized-image-measurer here is an example with dynamically measured images:

import React from 'react';
import {render} from 'react-dom';
import {
} from 'react-virtualized';
import ImageMeasurer from 'react-virtualized-image-measurer';

// Array of images with captions
//const list = [{image: 'http://...', title: 'Foo'}];

// We need to make sure images are loaded from scratch every time for this demo
const noCacheList = => ({
  image: item.image + '?noCache=' + Math.random(),

const columnWidth = 200;
const defaultHeight = 250;
const defaultWidth = columnWidth;

// Default sizes help Masonry decide how many images to batch-measure
const cache = new CellMeasurerCache({
  fixedWidth: true,

// Our masonry layout will use 3 columns with a 10px gutter between
const cellPositioner = createMasonryCellPositioner({
  cellMeasurerCache: cache,
  columnCount: 3,
  spacer: 10,

const MasonryComponent = ({itemsWithSizes}) => {
  function cellRenderer({index, key, parent, style}) {
    const {item, size} = itemsWithSizes[index];
    const height = columnWidth * (size.height / size.width) || defaultHeight;

    return (
      <CellMeasurer cache={cache} index={index} key={key} parent={parent}>
        <div style={style}>
              height: height,
              width: columnWidth,

  return (

// Render your grid
    image={item => item.image}
    {({itemsWithSizes}) => <MasonryComponent itemsWithSizes={itemsWithSizes} />}

Live demo: