- fix bug 24.
- seems like 2.2.0 forgot some thing?
- remove the unnecessary
- add ReorderableSliverGridView.count.
- look like the official MultiDragGestureRecognizer api has changed after(maybe earlier) flutter 2.5.1
- 1.1.0-alpha.4 is ok, release version.
- support alpha.3. For the merge mistake.
- update dragWidgetBuilder(child) to dragWidgetBuilder(index, child)
- add option dragWidgetBuilder, can config custom drag widget.
- add option scrollSpeedController, can config the scroll speed.
- fix childAspectRatio bug
- use new impl correspond to new reorderable_listview impl
- add drag scroll ability
- deprecate option antiMultiDrag
- add null-safety
- add option antiMultiDrag
- add GridView construct params, like physics etc.
fix add footer issue
fix grid gap, calculate item position issue.
- TODO: Describe initial release.