These are open data for public. It doesn't need an API key to call these methods. You can call simple GET request or open it directly from the browser.
- The base endpoint is:
- All endpoints return either a JSON object or array.
- All time and timestamp related fields are in milliseconds.
Public API rate limited to 180request/minute.
Provide server time on exchange
"timezone": "UTC",
"server_time": 1571205969552
Provide available pairs on exchange
"id": "btcidr",
"symbol": "BTCIDR",
"base_currency": "idr",
"traded_currency": "btc",
"traded_currency_unit": "BTC",
"description": "BTC/IDR",
"ticker_id": "btc_idr",
"volume_precision": 0,
"price_precision": 1000,
"price_round": 8,
"pricescale": 1000,
"trade_min_base_currency": 50000,
"trade_min_traded_currency": 0.0001,
"has_memo": false,
"memo_name": false,
"url_logo": "",
"url_logo_png": ""
Provide price increments of each pairs on exchange
"increments": {
"btc_idr": "1000",
"ten_idr": "1",
"abyss_idr": "1",
"act_idr": "1",
"ada_idr": "1"
Provide summary information for the pairs
"tickers": {
"btc_idr": {
"high": "120009000",
"low": "116735000",
"vol_btc": "218.31103295",
"vol_idr": "25831203178",
"last": "117136000",
"buy": "116938000",
"sell": "117136000",
"server_time": 1571206340,
"name": "Bitcoin"
"prices_24h": {
"btcidr": "120002000",
"tenidr": "521",
"abyssidr": "148",
"actidr": "125",
"adaidr": "592"
"prices_7d": {
"btcidr": "116001000",
"tenidr": "517",
"abyssidr": "147",
"actidr": "128",
"adaidr": "580"
Provide Single Ticker Price on each pair in exchange
Type | Mandatory | Description |
String | Optional | Example: btdidr , tenidr , ethidr . For specific pair id please use Response from API /api/pairs . Default $pair_id is btcidr . |
"ticker": {
"high": "523",
"low": "505",
"vol_ten": "153588.49847928",
"vol_idr": "78884203",
"last": "511",
"buy": "511",
"sell": "512",
"server_time": 1571207668
Provide All Ticker Prices in exchange
"tickers": {
"btc_idr": {
"high": "120009000",
"low": "116735000",
"vol_btc": "218.13777777",
"vol_idr": "25800033297",
"last": "117088000",
"buy": "117002000",
"sell": "117078000",
"server_time": 1571207881
Provide transaction Information from all pairs/selected pair
Type | Mandatory | Description |
String | Optional | Example: btdidr , tenidr , ethidr . For specific pair id please use Response from API /api/pairs . Default $pair_id is btcidr . |
"date": "1571207255",
"price": "511",
"amount": "123.19523759",
"tid": "1623490",
"type": "sell"
"date": "1571207236",
"price": "512",
"amount": "121.42187500",
"tid": "1623489",
"type": "buy"
Provide Volume price Buy and Sell on each pair in exchange
Type | Mandatory | Description |
String | Optional | Example: btdidr , tenidr , ethidr . For specific pair id please use Response from API /api/pairs . Default $pair_id is btcidr . |
"buy": [
"sell": [
Provide OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) Charting History Information for pairs
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
from | Int | Required | beginning of time frame (unixtimestamp), Example: 1698742200 |
to | Int | Required | end of time frame (unixtimestamp), Example: 1699347009 |
tf | String | Required | time frame range in minute, day, or week (see Timeframe List ) |
symbol | String | Required | Example: BTCIDR , ETHIDR , IDXIDR . For specific pair id please use Response from API /api/pairs |
Value | Description |
1 | 1 minute time frame |
15 | 15 minute time frame |
30 | 30 minute time frame |
60 | 60 minute / 1 Hour time frame |
240 | 240 minute / 4 Hours time frame |
1D | 1 Day time frame |
3D | 3 Day time frame |
1W | 1 Week time frame |
"Time": 1699328700,
"Open": 0.9999,
"High": 0.9999,
"Low": 0.9999,
"Close": 0.9999,
"Volume": "14814.00000000"
"Time": 1699329600,
"Open": 0.9996,
"High": 0.9996,
"Low": 0.9996,
"Close": 0.9996,
"Volume": "12359.00000000"
"Time": 1699330500,
"Open": 0.9996,
"High": 0.9996,
"Low": 0.9996,
"Close": 0.9996,
"Volume": "0"