- mapkey
- vmapkey
- imapkey
- map
- unmap
- unmapAllExcept
- imap
- iunmap
- cmap
- vmap
- vunmap
- lmap
- addSearchAlias
- removeSearchAlias
- searchSelectedWith
- Clipboard.read
- Clipboard.write
- Hints.setNumeric
- Hints.setCharacters
- Hints.dispatchMouseClick
- Hints.click
- Hints.create
- Hints.style
- Normal.passThrough
- Normal.scroll
- Normal.feedkeys
- Normal.jumpVIMark
- Visual.style
- Front.openOmnibar
- Front.registerInlineQuery
- getBrowserName
- Front.showBanner
- Front.showPopup
- isElementPartiallyInViewport
- getClickableElements
- tabOpenLink
- insertJS
- aceVimMap
- addVimMapKey
Create a shortcut in normal mode to execute your own action.
string the key sequence for the shortcut.annotation
string a help message to describe the action, which will displayed in help opened by?
function a Javascript function to be bound. If the function needs an argument, next pressed key will be fed to the function.options
: regex, a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works, for example,/github\.com/i
says that this mapping works only for github.com,repeatIgnore
: boolean, whether this action can be repeated by dot command. (optional, defaultnull
mapkey("<Space>", "pause/resume on youtube", function() {
var btn = document.querySelector("button.ytp-ad-overlay-close-button") || document.querySelector("button.ytp-ad-skip-button") || document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy button.ytp-play-button');
}, {domain: /youtube.com/i});
- See: mapkey
Create a shortcut in visual mode to execute your own action.
string the key sequence for the shortcut.annotation
string a help message to describe the action, which will displayed in help opened by?
function a Javascript function to be bound. If the function needs an argument, next pressed key will be fed to the function.options
: regex, a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works, for example,/github\.com/i
says that this mapping works only for github.com,repeatIgnore
: boolean, whether this action can be repeated by dot command. (optional, defaultnull
- See: mapkey
Create a shortcut in insert mode to execute your own action.
string the key sequence for the shortcut.annotation
string a help message to describe the action, which will displayed in help opened by?
function a Javascript function to be bound. If the function needs an argument, next pressed key will be fed to the function.options
: regex, a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works, for example,/github\.com/i
says that this mapping works only for github.com,repeatIgnore
: boolean, whether this action can be repeated by dot command. (optional, defaultnull
Map a key sequence to another in normal mode.
string a key sequence to replaceold_keystroke
string a key sequence to be replaceddomain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works. (optional, defaultnull
string use it instead of the annotation from old_keystroke if provided. (optional, defaultnull
map(';d', '<Ctrl-Alt-d>');
Unmap a key sequence in normal mode.
string a key sequence to be removed.domain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping will be removed. (optional, defaultnull
unmap("<<", /youtube.com/);
Unmap all keybindings except those specified.
array the keybindings you want to keep.domain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping will be removed. (optional, defaultnull
unmapAllExcept(['E','R','T'], /google.com|twitter.com/);
- See: map
Map a key sequence to another in insert mode.
string a key sequence to replaceold_keystroke
string a key sequence to be replaceddomain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works. (optional, defaultnull
string use it instead of the annotation from old_keystroke if provided. (optional, defaultnull
- See: unmap
Unmap a key sequence in insert mode.
string a key sequence to be removed.domain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping will be removed. (optional, defaultnull
- See: map
Map a key sequence to another in omnibar.
string a key sequence to replaceold_keystroke
string a key sequence to be replaceddomain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works. (optional, defaultnull
string use it instead of the annotation from old_keystroke if provided. (optional, defaultnull
- See: map
Map a key sequence to another in visual mode.
string a key sequence to replaceold_keystroke
string a key sequence to be replaceddomain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works. (optional, defaultnull
string use it instead of the annotation from old_keystroke if provided. (optional, defaultnull
- See: unmap
Unmap a key sequence in visual mode.
string a key sequence to be removed.domain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping will be removed. (optional, defaultnull
- See: map
Map a key sequence to another in lurk mode.
string a key sequence to replaceold_keystroke
string a key sequence to be replaceddomain
regex a Javascript regex pattern to identify the domains that this mapping works. (optional, defaultnull
string use it instead of the annotation from old_keystroke if provided. (optional, defaultnull
Add a search engine alias into Omnibar.
string the key to trigger this search engine, one or several chars, used as search alias, when you input the string and pressspace
in omnibar, the search engine will be triggered.prompt
string a caption to be placed in front of the omnibar.search_url
string the URL of the search engine, for example,https://www.s.com/search.html?query=
, if there are extra parameters for the search engine, you can use it ashttps://www.s.com/search.html?query={0}&type=cs
(since order of URL parameters usually does not matter).search_leader_key
in normal mode will search selected text with this search engine directly without opening the omnibar, for examplesd
. (optional, defaults
string the URL to fetch suggestions in omnibar when this search engine is triggered. (optional, defaultnull
function a function to parse the response fromsuggestion_url
and return a list of strings as suggestions. Receives two arguments:response
, the first argument, is an object containing a propertytext
which holds the text of the response; andrequest
, the second argument, is an object containing the propertiesquery
which is the text of the query andurl
which is the formatted URL for the request. (optional, defaultnull
in normal mode will search selected text within current site with this search engine directly without opening the omnibar, for examplesod
. (optional, defaulto
URL for favicon for this search engine,skipMaps
disable creating key mappings for this search engine (optional, defaultnull
addSearchAlias('d', 'duckduckgo', 'https://duckduckgo.com/?q=', 's', 'https://duckduckgo.com/ac/?q=', function(response) {
var res = JSON.parse(response.text);
return res.map(function(r){
return r.phrase;
Remove a search engine alias from Omnibar.
string the alias of the search engine to be removed.search_leader_key
in normal mode will search selected text with this search engine directly without opening the omnibar, for examplesd
. (optional, defaults
in normal mode will search selected text within current site with this search engine directly without opening the omnibar, for examplesod
. (optional, defaulto
Search selected with.
string a search engine's search URLonlyThisSite
boolean whether to search only within current site, need support from the provided search engine. (optional, defaultfalse
boolean whether to search in interactive mode, in case that you need some small modification on the selected content. (optional, defaultfalse
string only used with interactive mode, in such case the url fromse
is ignored, SurfingKeys will construct search URL from the alias registered byaddSearchAlias
. (optional, default""
Read from clipboard.
function a callback function to handle text read from clipboard.
Clipboard.read(function(response) {
Write text to clipboard.
string the text to be written to clipboard.
Use digits as hint label, with it set you could type text to filter links, this API is to replace original setting like Hints.numericHints = true;
Set characters for generating hints, this API is to replace original setting like Hints.characters = "asdgqwertzxcvb";
string the characters for generating hints.
- See: Hints.create
The default onHintKey
HTMLElement the element for which the pressed hint is targeted.
mapkey('q', 'click on images', function() {
Hints.create("div.media_box img", Hints.dispatchMouseClick);
}, {domain: /weibo.com/i});
Click element or create hints for elements to click.
string or array of HTMLElement
, click on it if there is only one in the array orforce
parameter is true, otherwise hints will be generated for them. Iflinks
is a string, it will be used as css selector forgetClickableElements
boolean force to click the first input element whether there are more than one elements inlinks
or not. (optional, defaultfalse
mapkey('zz', 'Hide replies', function() {
Hints.click(document.querySelectorAll("#less-replies:not([hidden])"), true);
- See: Hints.dispatchMouseClick
Create hints for elements to click.
string or array of HTMLElement
, iflinks
is a string, it will be used as css selector.onHintKey
function a callback function on hint keys pressed.attrs
: whether to activate the new tab when a link is opened,tabbed
: whether to open a link in a new tab,multipleHits
: whether to stay in hints mode after one hint is triggered. (optional, defaultnull
mapkey('yA', '#7Copy a link URL to the clipboard', function() {
Hints.create('*[href]', function(element) {
Clipboard.write('[' + element.innerText + '](' + element.href + ')');
Returns boolean whether any hint is created for target elements.
Set styles for hints.
string styles for hints.mode
string sub mode for hints, usetext
for hints mode to enter visual mode. (optional, defaultnull
Hints.style('border: solid 3px #552a48; color:#efe1eb; background: none; background-color: #552a48;');
Hints.style("div{border: solid 3px #707070; color:#efe1eb; background: none; background-color: #707070;} div.begin{color:red;}", "text");
Enter PassThrough mode.
number? how many milliseconds to linger in PassThrough mode, to ignore it will stay in PassThrough mode until an Escape key is pressed.
Scroll within current target.
string down | up | pageDown | fullPageDown | pageUp | fullPageUp | top | bottom | left | right | leftmost | rightmost | byRatio
Feed keys into Normal mode.
string the keys to be fed into Normal mode.
Jump to a vim-like mark.
string a vim-like mark.
Set styles for visual mode.
Visual.style('marks', 'background-color: #89a1e2;');
Visual.style('cursor', 'background-color: #9065b7;');
Open the omnibar.
the sub type for the omnibar, which can beBookmarks
mapkey('ou', '#8Open AWS services', function() {
var services = Array.from(top.document.querySelectorAll('#awsc-services-container li[data-service-href]')).map(function(li) {
return {
title: li.querySelector("span.service-label").textContent,
url: li.getAttribute('data-service-href')
if (services.length === 0) {
services = Array.from(top.document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="awsc-nav-service-list"] li[data-testid]>a')).map(function(a) {
return {
title: a.innerText,
url: a.href
Front.openOmnibar({type: "UserURLs", extra: services});
}, {domain: /console.amazonaws|console.aws.amazon.com/i});
- See: example.
Register an inline query.
: string or function, the dictionary service url or a function to return the dictionary service url,parseResult
: function, a function to parse result from dictionary service and return a HTML string to render explanation,headers
: object[optional], in case your dictionary service needs authentication.
Get current browser name
Returns string "Chrome" | "Firefox" | "Safari"
Show message in banner.
string the message to be displayed in banner.timeout
number milliseconds after which the banner will disappear. (optional, default1600
Show message in popup.
string the message to be displayed in popup.
Check whether an element is in viewport.
Element the element to be checked.ignoreSize
boolean whether to ignore size of the element, otherwise the element must be with size 4*4. (optional, defaultfalse
Returns boolean
Get all clickable elements. SurfingKeys has its own logic to identify clickable elements, such as a HTMLAnchorElement
or elements with cursor as pointer. This function provides two parameters to identify those clickable elements that SurfingKeys failed to identify.
string extra css selector of those clickable elements.pattern
regex a regular expression that matches text of the clickable elements.
var elms = getClickableElements("[rel=link]", /click this/);
Returns array array of clickable elements.
Open links in new tabs.
string links to be opened, the links should be split by\n
if there are more than one.simultaneousness
number how many tabs will be opened simultaneously, the rest will be queued and opened later whenever a tab is closed. (optional, default5
mapkey("<Space>", "pause/resume on youtube", function() {
var btn = document.querySelector("button.ytp-ad-overlay-close-button") || document.querySelector("button.ytp-ad-skip-button") || document.querySelector('ytd-watch-flexy button.ytp-play-button');
}, {domain: /youtube.com/i});
Insert javascript code into main world context.
(function | string) a javascript function to be executed in main world context, or an URL of js file.onload
function a callback function after requested code executed.
Map the key sequence lhs
to rhs
for mode ctx
in ACE editor.
string a key sequence to replacerhs
string a key sequence to be replacedctx
string a mode such asinsert
aceVimMap('J', ':bn', 'normal');
Add map key in ACE editor.
object multiple objects to define key map in ACE, see more from ace/keyboard/vim.js
keys: 'n',
type: 'motion',
motion: 'moveByCharacters',
motionArgs: {
forward: false
keys: 'e',
type: 'motion',
motion: 'moveByLines',
motionArgs: {
forward: true,
linewise: true
Call background action
with args
, the callback
will be executed with response from background.
string a background action to be called.args
object the parameters to be passed to the background action.callback
function a function to be executed with the result from the background action.
RUNTIME('getTabs', {queryInfo: {currentWindow: true}}, response => {