There is a lot of confusion in API terminology. For example, the term REST is often wrongly used to denote an RPC-like API.
Let's clarify the definition of following terms.
RPC denotes the practice of calling a procedure that is defined on a remote computer(/process) as if it were defined locally on the same computer(/process).
JavaScript Example
// Node.js server
const {endpoints} = require('@wildcard-api/server');
// We define a function (aka procedure) `hello` on a Node.js server.
endpoints.hello = function(name) {
return {message: 'Welcome '+name};
// Browser
import {endpoints} from '@wildcard-api/client';
(async () => {
// We call the procedure `hello` remotely from the browser — we do *r*emote *p*rocedure *c*all (RPC)
const {message} = await endpoints.hello('Elisabeth');
console.log(message); // Prints `Welcome Elisabeth`
A more elaborate definition can be found here.
JSON endpoints denotes the practice of creating HTTP routes that return JSON data.
JSON endpoints are RPC-like but are not not RPC.
JavaScript Example
// RPC-like API with Node.js and Express
const express = require('express');
const Todo = require('./path/to/your/data/model/Todo');
const AuthMiddleware = require('./path/to/your/auth/code');
const app = express();
// RPC-like API: we don't create CRUD endpoints, instead we
// create endpoints as the need arises — in an ad-hoc fashion.
// Similarly to what we would do with RPC.
app.get('/get-todo-items', async (req, res) => {
const {user} = req;
const todos = await Todo.findAll({authorId:});
return todos;
app.get('/create-todo-item/:text', async (req, res) => {
const {user} = req;
const {text} = req.params;
const newTodo = new Todo({text, authorId:});
return newTodo;
app.listen(3000, () => {console.log('Server is running.')});
Python Example
# RPC-like API with Python and FastAPI
from fastapi import FastAPI
from .database import db, models
from .auth import AuthMiddleware
app = FastAPI()
# RPC-like API: we don't create CRUD endpoints, instead we
# create endpoints as the need arises — in an ad-hoc fashion.
# Similarly to what we would do with RPC.
def get_todo_items(user_id):
todos = db.query(models.Todo).all()
return todos"/create-todo-item/{text}")
def create_todo_item(text, user_id):
db_item = models.Item(text=text, author_id=user_id)
return db_item
REST defines its methodology over 5 levels of principles.
The first level, REST level-0, stipulates the usage of the HTTP protocol to transport data.
Any API that uses HTTP is a REST level-0 API; RPC and JSON endpoints are REST level-0 APIs.
For an API to be called REST, it needs to follow all REST levels.
The last level, REST level-5, stipulates that an API should only consist of CRUD operations on a list of data models. This list of data models is usually called the API schema.
APIs can be classified by whether they have a schema or not.
- JSON endpoints
- REST level-0
- GraphQL
The term RPC-like is commonly used to denote an API that is schemaless.