Triggerfish is an audio patching environment. Audio objects built in SuperCollider can be patched together using a web interface (coming soon).
To run the development instance...
Make sure the supercollider i/o environmental variables are set: export SC_JACK_DEFAULT_OUTPUTS="system" export SC_JACK_DEFAULT_INPUTS="system" Then do:
gem install sass
rlwrap lein run -m clojure.main --init script/figwheel.clj -r
node out/server_out/triggerfish_server_with_figwheel.js
and load localhost:3000 in a browser
To switch focus in the repl between builds, type ":cljs/quit" and choose client-dev or server-dev. From there you can run (in-ns 'triggerfish.server.scsynth) (or whatever namespace you want to test).
You might try
(in-ns 'triggerfish-test.server.manual)
To hear a really simple example of sine waves going through tremolo effects.