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Executive accelerates mix task development.

Executive tasks

The primary offering in Executive is the Executive.Task module. It provides a domain-specific language for declaring options that can be passed to the mix task.

defmodule Mix.Tasks.Something.Do do
  use Executive.Task

  option :id, :uuid
  option :timeout, :integer

  @impl Executive.Task
  def run(argv, opts) do
    MyApp.do_something(argv, opts)

See the Executive.Task docs for more information about available features.

mix executive.gen.task

Writing tasks by hand can be tedious, so Executive provides a mix task to generate new tasks.

Options are passed using switches for their respective type aliases.

mix executive.gen.task --string message --no-unique --alias m --string cursor --required --doc "where to start" --integer limit

The above mix task would generate a task that would look something like this:

# in lib/mix/tasks/
defmodule Mix.Tasks.SomeOtherThing.Do do
  @shortdoc "TODO Describe this task in one line"
  @moduledoc """
  TODO Describe what this task does

      $ mix

  ## Command line options


  use Executive.Task
  alias Executive.Schema

  with_schema fn schema ->
    quote do
      @typep option() :: unquote(Schema.option_typespec(schema))
      @typep options() :: unquote(Schema.options_typespec(schema))

  option :message, :string, unique: false, alias: :m

  @optdoc "where to start"
  option :cursor, :string, required: true
  option :limit, :integer

  @impl Executive.Task
  def run(argv, opts) do
    # TODO implement this task

See the mix executive.gen.task docs for more information.

Executive types

Executive parses options using modules that implement the Executive.Type behaviour. It provides a number of built-in options as well as some aliases to make them easier to reference, but custom types can be built just by implementing the behaviour. A list of available built-in types and their aliases is available in the docs for t:Executive.Type.alias/0.