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Plotly.js component for Vue3 in (optional) Typescript:

  • type definitions in Typescript
  • written in composition API
  • distinguish between newPlot and react
  • attach to ResizeObserver
  • propagate plotly_* event handlers

Live demo


npm i vue3-plotly-ts

Basic usage in Typescript


<script setup lang="ts">
    import {ref} from "vue"
    import VuePlotly from "vue3-plotly-ts"
    import Plotly from "plotly.js-dist-min"

    const data: Plotly.Data[] = [
            x: [1, 2, 3, 4],
            y: [10, 15, 13, 17],
            type: 'scatter',

    const layout = ref<Partial<Plotly.Layout>>({
        height: 230,
        title: 'Example plot',

    const plotRef = ref<typeof VuePlotly>()

    function onPlotlyClick(data: Plotly.PlotMouseEvent) {

See the source for the demo for a worked example:

Component props

  • data Plotly.Data[] - array of objects, see documentation
  • layout Partial<Plotly.Layout> - layout on the page, see documentation
  • config Partial<Plotly.Config> - configuration of interactivity documentation

Event handlers

Plotly provides a number of event handlers such as capturing a mouse click on a data point. These are propagated to VuePlotly as event handlers which expect a callback. These are the expected callback arguments:

  • plotly_click callback(event: Plotly.PlotMouseEvent)
  • plotly_hover callback(event: Plotly.PlotHoverEvent)
  • plotly_unhover callback(event: Plotly.PlotMouseEvent)
  • plotly_selecting callback(event: Plotly.PlotSelectionEvent)
  • plotly_selected callback(event: Plotly.PlotSelectionEvent)
  • plotly_restyle callback(event: Plotly.PlotRestyleEvent)
  • plotly_relayout callback(event: Plotly.PlotRelayoutEvent)
  • plotly_clickannotation callback(event: Plotly.ClickAnnotationEvent)
  • plotly_legendclick callback(event: Plotly.LegendClickEvent)
  • plotly_legenddoubleclick callback(event: Plotly.LegendClickEvent)
  • plotly_sliderchange callback(event: Plotly.SliderChangeEvent)
  • plotly_sliderend callback(event: Plotly.SliderEndEvent)
  • plotly_sliderstart callback(event: Plotly.SliderStartEvent)
  • plotly_sunburstclick callback(event: Plotly.SunburstClickEvent)
  • plotly_event callback(event: any)
  • plotly_beforeplot callback(event: Plotly.BeforePlotEvent)
  • plotly_afterexport callback()
  • plotly_afterplot callback()
  • plotly_animated callback()
  • plotly_animationinterrupted callback()
  • plotly_autosize callback()
  • plotly_beforeexport callback()
  • plotly_deselect callback()
  • plotly_doubleclick callback()
  • plotly_framework callback()
  • plotly_redraw callback()
  • plotly_transitioning callback()
  • plotly_transitioninterrupted callback()

See the Plotly event handler page for further details.

Some of the Plotly functions (see below) may create a new internal Plotly instance, so you may have to reset the Plotly event handlers by calling setPlotlyEventHandlers from the VuePlot instance that you can get from ref.

Plotly functions

There are several high-level Plotly functions that allow dynamic manipulations of plots such as animation and saving images. To access these functions, you need the id of the div element of the Plotly graph. This is given in the plotlyId property of the VuePlotly instance. Here is a schematic:

    <VuePlotly ref="plotRef"/>

<script setup>
    import VuePlotly from "vue3-plotly-ts"
    import Plotly from "plotly.js-dist-min"
    import {ref} from "vue"

    const plotRef = ref()
    Plotly.animate(plotref.value?.plotId, {data, ...}, {transition...})

Full details can be found in the demo.


Plotly.js component for Vue3 in Typescript







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