- Updated core to v3.1.3
- Updated core to v3.1.2
- Update core to support MMOD
- Moved pinMode to Begin
- Fixed bug in Config return values
- Added fix in includes to support Arduino AVR
- Added CMake Teensy MMOD support
- Added default constructor and a config method for configuring the sensor
- Merging Bme280 and Bme280-arduino
- Pulling in CMake tooling from the mcu-support repo
- Pulling in BST provided source files and wrapping with C++
- Put guards around digitalWriteFast to support microcontrollers that might not have that available
- Switched std::size_t to int to support microcontrollers without STL access
- Updated to match our BME-280 library for flight software
- Updated license to MIT
- Updated license to GPLV3.
- Updating library.properties name.
- Modified to work with Arduino 1.5 format and creating a baseline release now.