Binary Connectives are all right-associative.
二項結合子はすべて右結合.example: P → Q → R := P → (Q → R)
The precedence of logical connectives
論理結合子の優先度Precedence Logical Connective 4 ¬, ∀, ∃ 3 ∧ 2 ∨ 1 → 0 ↔ example: P ∧ Q ∨ R := (P ∧ Q) ∨ R
The parsable expression of non-logical symbols
Free Variable[a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω\d]+ P
αβγP_1 Bounded Variable [a-zA-Zα-ωΑ-Ω]\d* x
123x123 -
The syntax sugar of logical symbols
SymbolSyntax Sugars ⊢ proves, vdash, \vdash, |-, ├, ┣ ⊤ true, tautology, top, \top ⊥ false, contradiction, bottom, bot, \bot ¬ not, ~, negation, lnot, \lnot, neg, \neg ∧ and, land, \land, /\, &, &&, wedge, \wedge ∨ or, lor, \lor, \/, |, ||, vee, \vee → to, \to, imp, \imp, implies, imply, ->, =>, -->, ==>, ⇒, rightarrow, \rightarrow ↔ iff, \iff, <->, <=>, <-->, <==>, ⇔, ≡, if and only if, leftrightarrow, \leftrightarrow, equiv, equivalent ∀ forall, \forall, all, for all, ! ∃ exists, \exists, ex, there exists, ? () {}, [] example: all x [P(x) and Q] to all x P(x) and Q := ∀x(P(x) ∧ Q) → (∀xP(x) ∧ Q)
A sequence of the same quantifiers can be omitted.
同じ量化子の連続は省略可能.example: ∀x, y, z P(x) := ∀x∀y∀z P(x)
The meanings of parse error messages
パースエラーメッセージの解説Error Message Meaning Examples Parenthesis Error. Mismatch in number of
left/right brackets
左右括弧の不一致((P → Q) Duplicated Bounded Variables ∀x∃y∀x P(x,y) Cannot Quantify Predicate ∀P (P → P) Cannot Quantify Function ∀f (Q → P(f(x))) The quantifier must be used
in the form '∀x'∀(P(x)) The quantifier must be used
in the form '∃x'∃(P(x)) ⊢ must occur one time. Illegal Argument Parse Error. other parse error
その他のパースエラーP ∧∧ Q
The meanings of reply messages
リプライメッセージの解説Error Message Meaning Provable. Unprovable. Proof Failed: Too many unification terms. Proof Failed: Timeout. The proof tree is too large to output: Timeout. Proof Failed: OutOfMemoryError. The proof tree is too large to output: OutOfMemoryError. Proof Failed: StackOverflowError. An unexpected error has occurred: Java exec failure. The proof tree is too large to output: Dimension too large. An unexpected error has occurred: Could not compile tex file. The proof tree is too large to output: DVI stack overflow. An unexpected error has occurred: Could not compile dvi file.