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252 lines (206 loc) · 4.47 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (206 loc) · 4.47 KB

Boardzilla game packaging


  "minPlayers": 2,
  "maxPlayers": 2,
  "defaultPlayers": 2 // optional, implied if min == max, default min
  "ui": {
    "root": "ui",
    "build": "npm run build",
    "src": "src",
    "out": "build"
  "game": {
    "root": "game",
    "build": "npm run build",
    "src": "src",
    "artifact": "build/index.js"



Must export an object game with two functions, initialState and processMove.

initialState(setup: SetupState): GameUpdate
processMove(previousState: GameStartedState, move: Move): GameUpdate
reprocessHistory(setup: SetupState, moves: Move[]): ReprocessHistoryResult

type Player = {
  id: string
  color: string
  name: string
  position: number
  avatar: string
  host: boolean
  settings?: any

type Message = {
  position?: number
  body: string

type GameSettings = Record<string, any>

type InternalGameState = any

type InternalPlayerState = any

type GameStartedState = {
  currentPlayers: number[]
  phase: 'started'
  state: InternalGameState

type GameFinishedState = {
  winners: number[]
  phase: 'finished'
  state: InternalGameState

type GameState = GameStartedState | GameFinishedState

type SetupState = {
  randomSeed: string
  players: Player[]
  settings: GameSettings

type PlayerState = {
  position: number
  state: InternalPlayerState
  summary?: string
  score?: number

type GameUpdate = {
  game: GameState
  players: PlayerState[]
  messages: Message[]

type Move = {
  position: number
  data: any

type ReprocessHistoryResult = {
  initialState: GameUpdate
  updates: GameUpdate[]
  error?: string


The game ui occurs in three phases "new", "started" and "finished".

During "new", it will recv the following messages.

window.addEventListener('message', (evt: MessageEvent<
  UsersEvent |
  SettingsUpdateEvent |
  GameUpdateEvent |
  GameFinishedEvent |
>)) UpdateSettingsMessage | UpdatePlayersMessage | ReadyMessage)

Only the host is permitted to send UpdatePlayerMessage.

During "started", it will recv the following events.

window.addEventListener('message', (evt: MessageEvent<
  GameUpdateEvent |
  GameFinishedEvent |
  MessageProcessed |
>)) MoveMessage | ReadyMessage)

Once a game has received GameFinishedEvent, it will receive no other events.

recv events by ui

type User = {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  avatar: string;
  playerDetails?: {
    color: string;
    position: number;
    ready: boolean;
    settings?: any;
    sessionURL?: string; // only exposed to host

type PlayerSetupEvent = {
  type: "playerSetup";
  users: User[];

type UserOnlineEvent = {
  type: "userOnline";
  id: string;
  online: boolean;

// an update to the setup state
type SettingsUpdateEvent = {
  type: "settingsUpdate";
  settings: GameSettings;
  seatCount: number;

type GameUpdateEvent = {
  type: "gameUpdate";
  state: InternalPlayerState;
  position: number;
  currentPlayers: number[];
  readOnly?: boolean;

type GameFinishedEvent = {
  type: "gameFinished";
  state: InternalPlayerState;
  position: number;
  winners: number[];

// indicates the disposition of a message that was processed
type MessageProcessedEvent = {
  type: "messageProcessed";
  id: string;
  error?: string;

sent events by ui

// host only
type UpdateSettingsMessage = {
  type: "updateSettings"
  id: string
  settings: GameSettings
  seatCount: number

// only host can specify any user id, rejected if non-host supplies other user id
type SeatOperation = {
  type: 'seat'
  position: number
  userID: string
  color: string
  name: string
  settings?: any

// only host can specify any user id, rejected if non-host supplies other user id
type UnseatOperation = {
  type: 'unseat'
  userID: string

// only host can specify any user id, rejected if non-host supplies other user id
type UpdateOperation = {
  type: 'update'
  userID: string
  color?: string
  name?: string
  ready?: boolean
  settings?: any

type PlayerOperation = SeatOperation | UnseatOperation | UpdateOperation

type UpdatePlayersMessage = {
  type: "updatePlayers"
  id: string
  operations: PlayerOperation[]

type ReadyMessage = {
  type: "ready"

// used to send a move
type MoveMessage = {
  type: 'move'
  id: string
  data: any

// bootstrap data
{userID: string, host: bool, minPlayers: number, maxPlayers: number}