This repository hosts implementations of the computing system described in the
- Nand to Tetris (aka nand2tetris) project,
- Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris Coursera course, and the
- Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles book.
The project, course, and book all describe the same thing and sees one implement a CPU hardware stack by being given nothing but a nand gate and a data flip-flop (DFF). Then one implements the software stack, such as an assembler, VM, and compiler.
The final goal is to fully implement the Hack CPU on an FPGA and then the Jack language and underlying software stack using F#, where users can develop Jack code on a computer and then download it to the FPGA board to run their code, view it on a VGA monitor, and use a USB keyboard to interact with the computer.
This repository currently consists of three components:
Hardware stack implemented in the project's own HDL language. This can be found here and the projects follow those found in the courses and book. An example chip is the ALU:
CHIP ALU { IN x[16], y[16], // Two 16-bit data inputs zx, // Zero the x input nx, // Negate the x input zy, // Zero the y input ny, // Negate the y input f, // Function code: 1 for Add, 0 for And no; // Negate the out output OUT out[16], // 16-bit output zr, // True iff out=0 ng; // True iff out<0 PARTS: Preset(in=x, zero=zx, negate=nx, out=c0); Preset(in=y, zero=zy, negate=ny, out=c1); And16(a=c0, b=c1, out=c2); Add16(a=c0, b=c1, out=c3); Mux16(a=c2, b=c3, sel=f, out=c4); Not16(in=c4, out=c5); Mux16(a=c4, b=c5, sel=no, out=c6, out[15]=ng, out=out); EqZero16(in=c6, out=zr); }
Software stack implemented in F#.
- The assembler is completed
- The virtual machine (VM) is a work in progress.
- To enable testing of the VM translator, a simulation of the Hack CPU, including all chips, is also being developed purely in F#.
The completed assembler is a particularly beautiful example of using F#'s discriminated unions, records, and pattern matching for domain driven design. For example, the parser is implemented using an active pattern for regular expressions:
type SourceExpression = | CInstruction of CInstruction | AInstruction of AInstruction | LInstruction of Label | Comment of string | CommentedExpression of SourceExpression * comment : string // Handles when an expression in commented on the same line | Empty | UnknownExpression of ErrorMessage : string /// Parses the string, which represents a single line in the source assembly code, into /// a SourceExpression. The string is trimmed before being processed. let rec parse (str: string) = match str.Trim() with | RegexMatch labelRegex [x] -> LInstruction (Label (Symbol x)) | RegexMatch aInstructionRegex [x] -> AInstruction (AInstructionSymbol (Symbol x)) | RegexMatch @"^@([0-9]+)$" [x] -> AInstruction (AInstructionAddress (MemoryAddress (uint16 x))) | RegexMatch cInstructionRegex [""; _; ""] -> UnknownExpression "Both destination and jump cannot be empty." | RegexMatch cInstructionRegex [_; ""; _] -> UnknownExpression "A computation command must be provided." | RegexMatch cInstructionRegex [dest; comp; jump] -> match destStringToDestination dest, compStringToComputation comp, jumpStringToJump jump with | Some d, Some c, Some j -> CInstruction {Dest=d; Comp=c; Jump=j} | _ -> UnknownExpression "The C-Instruction is ill-formatted or contains invalid string commands." | RegexMatch @"^//(.*)$" [comment] -> Comment comment | RegexMatch @"^(.+)//(.*)$" [expr; comment] -> CommentedExpression (parse expr, comment) | "" -> Empty | _ -> UnknownExpression "Error"
Hardware stack impelemented using VHDL, Xilinx, and a Digilent Nexys A7-100T. This is a work in progress, and currently, only the combinatorial chips are implemented so far (that is, those only using a nand gate and no flip-flops or clocks). A data flip-flop (DFF) has been implemented, and the rest of the sequential chips will follow. The VHDL code can be found here. An example chip implementation is a mux:
library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity hack_mux is port ( a : in STD_LOGIC; b : in STD_LOGIC; selector : in STD_LOGIC; output : out STD_LOGIC); end hack_mux; architecture gate_level of hack_mux is signal s0 : STD_LOGIC; signal s1 : STD_LOGIC; signal s2 : STD_LOGIC; begin use_not: entity work.hack_not port map ( input => selector, output => s0); use_and0: entity work.hack_and port map ( a => a, b => s0, output => s1); use_and1: entity work.hack_and port map ( a => selector, b => b, output => s2); use_or: entity work.hack_or port map ( a => s1, b => s2, output => output); end gate_level;