diff --git a/iac/README.md b/iac/README.md
index b1df4b3..666e62e 100644
--- a/iac/README.md
+++ b/iac/README.md
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ This repository contains the necessary infrastructure as code to set up a Solana
 ### 5. Solana Node Configuration
 1. After provisioning the infrastructure, download and run the scripts located in the `scripts/solana-rpc` directory on the Solana node.
-2. These scripts handle disk configuration, Solana RPC node setup, and will expose the RPC port on `8899` internally which will be proxied through Nginx on port 80.
+2. These scripts handle disk configuration, Solana RPC node setup,Nginx configuraiton and will expose the RPC port on `8899` internally which will be proxied through Nginx on port 80.
 3. Execute the `configure-solana-disks.sh` script first and ensure it completes successfully:
     chmod +x configure-solana-disks.sh