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Cloudformation Stackset - Provision IAM role/policies across AWS Organization


The YAML Cloudformation stackset template is intended to be a reference/example of how IAM roles/policies can be deployed from an Organization-delegated administrator account across all member accounts within the Org or within specific OUs. It will provision an IAM Role with optional managed policies attached based on job junction and AWS support center access needs. Optionally a custom(in-line) reference IAM policy can also be associated with the role. The example in-inline IAM policy in this template is for the EC2 service, granting read access to all CloudWatch logs.

This CFN template was borrowed and refactored from:

Prereqs & Dependencies

Follow the setup in blog and/or documentation below to enable trusted access with AWS Organizations and register a delegated administrator account.

Deploy Service-Managed Stacksets across Organziation

From the delegated admin account Cloudformation console, ceate a new 'service-managed' stackset using the cfn-iam-role-policy.yaml CFN YAML template.

  • Give the Stackset a name (i.e. OrgIAMrole-)
  • Configure CFN parameters:
    • Choose a managed policy based on job function (optional)
    • Set path if grouping (default /)
    • Set Name for in-line policy (i.e EC2-Cloudwatch-readonly)
    • Set Custom Role Name (i.e. OrgDataScientistRole)
    • Enter Account ID of delegated administrator, which will likely be the account ID where the stackset is being launched from
    • Use managed policy for AWS support access or a custom policy(must pre-exist)
  • Select 'Service-managed permissions'
  • Select 'Deploy to Organization'
  • Select region 'US East(N.Virginia)'. Note only one region is needed since IAM is a global service.

Configure AWS CLI AssumeRole from delegated admin account

The CFN template sets the delegated admin account as the Principal in the Trust poilcy, allowing cross-account AssumeRole permissions. From the CFN stack outputs, note the RoleARN and replace Account ID with the ID of the member account where you are assuming the role. Note that Secret access keys must be setup for the org-admin profile that will be used as the source_profile of the member-acct.

[profile org-admin]
region = us-east-1
output = json

[profile member-acct]
role_arn = arn:aws:iam::<Account ID>:role/<Role Name>
source_profile = org-admin
region = us-east-1
output = json

Validate the AssumeRole access by running a AWScli command using the member-acct profile

$ aws iam list-roles --profile member-account | jq '.Roles[] | select(.RoleName == "<Role Name>")'

A few useful commands for reference:

Find the Org parent IDs and OU IDs:

$ aws organizations list-roots
$ aws organizations list-organizational-units-for-parent --parent-id r-XXXX

Register an Org deletgated admin(from mgmt account)

$ aws organizations register-delegated-administrator --account-id XXXXXXXXXX
$ aws organizations list-delegated-administrators

Option for Propegating Roles/policies to Specific AWS Account IDs:

Service-Managed Cloudformation stackset deployments can be used to only propagate the Cloudformation admin & execution roles across an Org. Once the cross-account IAM perms for Cloudformation are in place across the Org, you can then create one or more Self-Managed Cloudformation stacksets that support defining a list of target account IDs to propagate roles/policies to specific member accounts.

Step 1

From the delegated admin account Cloudformation console, ceate a new Service-Managed stackset using the cfn-org-stackset-perms.yaml CFN YAML template.

  • Give the Stackset a name (i.e. Org-deployed-cross-acct-CFN-perms)
  • Configure CFN parameters:
    • Enter Account ID of delegated administrator, which will likely be the account ID where the stackset is being launched from
  • Select 'Service-managed permissions'
  • Select 'Deploy to Organization'
  • Select region 'US East(N.Virginia)'. Note only one region is needed since IAM is a global service.

Step 2

Once the Service-Managed stackset is sucessfiully deployed, from the same Cloudformation console, ceate a new Self-Managed stackset using the cfn-iam-role-policy.yaml Cloudformation YAML template. The steps will be similar as noted above, except select the option for Self-Managed which will allow for a CSV list of member account IDs and will use the default AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole which was deployed to the member accounts via the Service-Managed stackset.