- Improve support for $ref (Raymond Feng)
- Handle embedded schemas for parameter/response (Raymond Feng)
- Add support for examples in models and responses (Zak Barbuto)
Improve swagger mapping (Raymond Feng)
chore: update license (Diana Lau)
- Fix file upload attachments (Zak Barbuto)
- feat(route-helper): Add 'documented' flag for hiding params (Samuel Reed)
update strong-globalize to 3.1.0 (shimks)
CODEOWNERS: add zbarbuto (Miroslav Bajtoš)
update globalize string (Diana Lau)
fix basePath, add store.json (wing328)
Enable 'updateOnly' feature based on generateOperationScopedModels (#99) (Rashmi Hunt)
Bump version to 5.0.0 (Raymond Feng)
Set required to be true for path parameters (Raymond Feng)
Support updateOnly feature (#92) (Rashmi Hunt)
Add stalebot configuration (Kevin Delisle)
Update Issue and PR Templates (#95) (Sakib Hasan)
Allow externalDocs and custom names for models (Zak Barbuto)
Add support for file-type parameters (Zak Barbuto)
Add community maintainers to CODEOWNERS (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Add CODEOWNER file (Diana Lau)
Update eslint config to the latest (Miroslav Bajtoš)
type-registry: add DateString type (Kevin Delisle)
Travis CI config (Kevin Delisle)
- Allow swagger 1.2 (Raymond Feng)
Use a default model is added if no tags found (Raymond Feng)
Replicate new issue_template from loopback (Siddhi Pai)
Replicate issue_template from loopback repo (Siddhi Pai)
Bump version to 4.0.0 (Raymond Feng)
Remove .npmignore (Raymond Feng)
Enhance Swagger to LoopBack mapping for code gen (Raymond Feng)
Upgrade eslint-config to 7.x, eslint to 3.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)
- Omit null default values from schema (Heath Morrison)
fix: package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (Ryan Graham)
Update paid support URL (Siddhi Pai)
Adjust route parameters sequence (Tao Yuan)
Start 3.x + drop support for Node v0.10/v0.12 (siddhipai)
Drop support for Node v0.10 and v0.12 (Siddhi Pai)
Start the development of the next major version (Siddhi Pai)
Coerce form to formData in accepts.http.source (Simon Ho)
Fix date output format to "date-time" (Stefan B)
Update pt translation file (Candy)
Update ja translation file (Candy)
Update translation files - round#2 (Candy)
Add translated files (gunjpan)
Update deps to loopback 3.0.0 RC (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Remove juggler as a dependency (Amir Jafarian)
Allow setting null on error's responseModel (Alex Plescan)
Use juggler@3 and loopback@3 for testing (Amir Jafarian)
Allow object arguments to provide Model (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Expose object types as nested properties (Carl Fürstenberg)
verb in test (Amir Jafarian) -
Add globalization. (Richard Pringle)
Update URLs in CONTRIBUTING.md (#49) (Ryan Graham)
Add doc root (jannyHou)
Add custom definition to swagger file (jannyHou)
- update copyright notices and license (Ryan Graham)
Do not generate required if no item is present (Raymond Feng)
Fix linting errors (Amir Jafarian)
Auto-update by eslint --fix (Amir Jafarian)
Add eslint infrastructure (Amir Jafarian)
- Disable the warning as it prints messages during loopback scaffolding (Raymond Feng)
improve scheme generation for return object (hideya kawahara)
Support default status codes (Candy)
- Handle {id} and . in operation id (Raymond Feng)
- Handle extensions under paths (Raymond Feng)
Make type geopoint case insensitive (Candy)
Treat property as type 'any' if not specified (Candy)
Exclude definition that are not referenced (Candy)
Fix handling of allOf when generating models (Gari Singh)
specgen: fix the definition of GeoPoint type (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Fix: hidden models referenced by hidden models (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Add GeoPoint support to explorer. (Candy)
specgen: ensure operation ids are unique (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Fix typo (Candy)
Refer to licenses with a link (Sam Roberts)
type-registry: code cleanup (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Register ObjectID for MongoDB, fix cause warning: Swagger: skipping unknown type "ObjectID" (Van-Duyet Le)
map ObjectID to string type (Clark Wang)
Add support for array types/refs (Raymond Feng)
Reformat the code (Raymond Feng)
Skip null values for length (Raymond Feng)
Use strongloop conventions for licensing (Sam Roberts)
README: link to loopback-explorer (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Remove the Labs label (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Add swagger-spec generator from loopback-explorer (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Update dependencies (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Move code generator to "codegen" subfolder (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Update package.json (Rand McKinney)
Update README.md (Rand McKinney)
Fix bad CLA URL in CONTRIBUTING.md (Ryan Graham)
Bump version (Raymond Feng)
Fix the spec version for 2.0 (Raymond Feng)
Add contribution guidelines (Ryan Graham)
Bump version (Raymond Feng)
Tidy up the code generation (Raymond Feng)
Bump version (Raymond Feng)
Enhance tests (Raymond Feng)
Enhance type mapping (Raymond Feng)
Bump version (Raymond Feng)
Tidy up remoting metadata (Raymond Feng)
- First release!