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WebSocket Document

1、General information

  • The base endpoint of websocket is wss://,
  • The websocket server supply some topics for api user, such as ticker,orderbook etc. user can get real time msg by subscribing the topic which include normal (no security, like ticker, orderbook etc.) and private (need authenticate, like order change,position change etc. ).
  • The single connection between server and client can keepalive a long time, so keep connection need client send {"cmd":"ping"},if the websocket server receive the msg,then server will call back a {"code":"0","msg":"pong"} specially, some topic response include field "ver",the field mark this message's version, prevent message backtracking
  • specially, if you had subscribed a private topic with the authentication's connection, just use the exists, one account just have one authentication's connection with private topic in the same moment.

2、Access Process


The websocket server endpoint is wss(ws)://{server address}/message/realtime or wss(ws)://{server address}/message/realtime?subscribe=ORDERBOOK:BTC-USDT,TICKER:BTC-USDT,it's mean that client can subscribe topics when create connection to server, and with encrypted msg in header for private identity authentication which can subscribe private topic.if authenticate failed,the connection will be closed by server.

encrypted msg in header:

	"apiKey":"",(from website)
	"apiTimestamp":"1551848831",(the connect time(millisecond), type is string)
	"apiSignature":""(the signature data)

sign example:

request path="/message/realtime"

signatureString=request path + current timestamp(millisecond) + apiKey

apiSignature = sha256_HMAC(signatureString,secretKey)

response msg style:


code: the tag for response data: response data timestamp: response time topic: topic type


the base command style :

{"cmd":"", "args":["args1","args2","args3"...]}

cmd have four type: subscribe: for subscribe some of topic unSubscribe: for cancel subscribe some of topic authKey: for private identity authentication, client can send this cmd once the connection is created for get authority of private topic ping: for heart cmd, client can send this cmd with a fixed time period(30 senonds), if timeout not send, the connection will be closed by server.

args requests:

  • subscribe cmd:support multi topics, such as:["TICKER:BTC-USDT","ORDERBOOK10:BTC-USDT"]
  • unSubscribe cmd: remove topic, as same as subscribe.
  • authKey cmd:args is fixed,["apiKey","timestamp"(millisecond,type is string),"apiSignature"]
  • ping cmd:no args

sign example:

request path="/message/realtime"

signatureString=request path + current timestamp(millisecond) + apiKey

apiSignature = sha256_HMAC(signatureString,secretKey)


topic for certain type msg,the style such as "topic" or "topic:symbol", example: TICKER:BTC-USDT, support public and private.

public topic:

TICKER: the last new spot ticker msg

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
c the last new price String
h the highest price in the past 24 hours String
l the lowest price in the past 24 hours String
p price changed in the past 24 hours String
symbol String
v deal quantity in the past 24 hours String
ver version number prevent message backtracking String


	"data": {
ORDERBOOK: the last spot order book changed data

import:The creation of a complete order book on the client side must strictly depend on the processing of the 'ver' field. When the client subscribes to this topic, the message of code = 00007 is the incremental change information of the order book, and the message of code = 00006 is the one-time complete order book information. However, the 'ver' of these two times may not be continuous. At this time, the message may be lost. The complete order book The creation process is as follows:

  1. The client first subscribes to the order book subject of websocket of the specific transaction pair, and stores the change information of the order book with code = 00007 in the cache of the client;

  2. The client requests the complete order book information once through the REST API;

  3. Finally, the cached order book change information and the complete order book are merged once. The rules for merging as follows:

    a. Judge that the change version "ver" of the first order book received by websocket should be less than or equal to the complete order book version "ver" + 1, otherwise the above process should be resumed to rebuild the order book;

    b. Judge that the change version "ver" of each order book must be greater than the complete order book version "ver", otherwise, discard the change information of the order book.


response data:

Field Description Mark Type
b bids String[2],firt is price,second is quantity
s asks String[2],first is price,second is quantity
symbol String
ver version number prevent message backtracking String


TRADE:the last spot trade msg

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
p deal price String
s trade type buy or sell String
v deal quantity String
t trade time String
symbol String
ver version number prevent message backtracking String



CONTRACT_TICKER:the last new contract ticker msg

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
change price changed in the past 24 hours String
fundRate0 the value at next funding fee rate changed String
fundTime0 the time at next funding fee rate changed String
high high price in the past 24 hours String
low low price in the past 24 hours String
lastPrice the last deal price String
openValue open position String
symbol String
volume deal amount in the past 24 hours String
ver version number mark orderbook is the last, prevent message backtracking String
openInterest String
turnover String


	"data": {

CONTRACT_ORDERBOOK:the last new contract orderbook msg,if client subscribe the topic,once orderbook changed, server will send msg which is orderbook changed to channel.specially,when quantity=0,mark the price in orderbook had not exist.

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
b bids String[2],first is price, second is quantity
s asks String[2],first is price,second is quantity
symbol String
ver version number String



CONTRACT_ORDERBOOK10: the last new contract orderbook msg(include the last new 10 asks and 10 bids),if client subscribe the topic,once orderbook changed, server will send msg to channel.

response data refer to CONTRACT_ORDERBOOK

private topic:

ORDER: the last new private spot order msg, if client subscribe the topic,once user order changed, server will send msg to channel.

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
oId order id String
price order price if type is "market", the value is "-1" String
quantity order quantity String
side buy or sell String
symbol String
type limit or market String
status created,partDealt,fullDealt,canceled String
dealPrice Last executed price if status = canceled, the value is "0" String
dealQuantity Last executed quantity if status = canceled, the value is "0" String
dealVolume Last executed volume if status = canceled, the value is "0" String
fee if status = canceled, the value is "0" String
feeType if status = canceled, the value is "" String
cancelQuantity if status is not "canceled", the value is "0" String
time order update time Long



CONTRACT_ORDER: the last new private contract order msg, if client subscribe the topic,once user order changed, server will send msg to channel.

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
amountFill filled amount String
amountReal total amount String
avgPrice deal average price String
msgNo user defined String
orderId String
price String
side buy,sell String
status order status (open,filled,cancel,rejected) String
symbol String
type order type limit,market String
time create time Long



CONTRACT_ASSET: the last new private contract asset account msg,if client subscribe the topic,once user asset account changed, server will send msg to channel.

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
availableAmount Available Amount String
totalAmount Total Amount String
coin Coin type String
openPositionMargin String
openOrderMarginTotal Open order margin String
remainMargin String



CONTRACT_POSITION: the last new private contract position msg,if client subscribe the topic,once position changed, server will send msg to channel.

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
symbol String
positionId position id String
amount position amount String
side buy or sell String
entryPrice open price String
liquiPrice Forced liquidation String
frozen frozen amount String
margin position margin String
positionValue position value String
markPrice mark price String
maxRemovableMarginAmount the max can removed margin amount String
lastUpdateTime the last position changed time String
status position status, newOpen(first init),open,close String
realProfit acquired profit String
leverage leverage value String



CONTRACT_INFO: the last new private contract normal msg, if client subscribe the topic,once position、order、asset changed, server will send msg to channel.

response data:

Field Description Mark Type
symbol String
riskLimit risk limit String
leverage String
fundRate0 String



code detail:

code style is String,the success response code is below 10000, or is wrong response

code msg mark
0 pong
00000 Auth key success
00001 Subscribe success
00002 Connect success
00003 UnSubscribe success
00006 Init msg
00007 Normal msg
10000 No cmd
10001 No apiKey
10002 Invalid apiKey
10003 Signature Fail
10004 Need verify apiKey
10005 No topic
99999 UnKnow error