From d67001d44aaeb31b48a0bcffc4410325a0e4cf5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Case <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2024 11:08:18 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] remove FillAllInputs from docs

---                                     |  14 +-
 .../create_simple_tx/      |  74 +++---
 transaction/template/p2pkh/p2pkh_test.go      | 250 ------------------
 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index cc55964..7af183a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -53,18 +53,22 @@ import (
 func main() {
 	tx := transaction.NewTransaction()
-	_ = tx.AddInputFrom(
+	unlockingScriptTemplate, _ := p2pkh.Unlock(priv, nil)
+   if err := tx.AddInputFrom(
-		"76a914eb0bd5edba389198e73f8efabddfc61666969ff788ac6a0568656c6c6f",
+		"76a9144bca0c466925b875875a8e1355698bdcc0b2d45d88ac",
-	)
+		unlockingScriptTemplate,
+	); err!= nil {
+      log.Fatal(err.Error())
+   }
 	_ = tx.PayToAddress("1AdZmoAQUw4XCsCihukoHMvNWXcsd8jDN6", 1000)
-	decodedWif, _ := wif.DecodeWIF("KzH8frNSgsKtmPQ2oMFnwD3DK347PY3YJUzE1dCKNKLaWSfHaXGC")
+	priv, _ := ec.PrivateKeyFromWif("KznvCNc6Yf4iztSThoMH6oHWzH9EgjfodKxmeuUGPq5DEX5maspS")
-	if err := tx.FillAllInputs(context.Background(), &unlocker.Getter{PrivateKey: decodedWif.PrivKey}); err != nil {
+	if err := tx.Sign(); err != nil {
 	log.Printf("tx: %s\n", tx)
diff --git a/docs/examples/create_simple_tx/ b/docs/examples/create_simple_tx/
index 75809d7..3c81f1b 100644
--- a/docs/examples/create_simple_tx/
+++ b/docs/examples/create_simple_tx/
@@ -25,44 +25,35 @@ import (
 func main() {
  // Create a new transaction
- tx := transaction.NewTransaction()
- // Add the inputs
- err := tx.AddInputFrom(
-  // Previous transaction ID (hex)
-  "11b476ad8e0a48fcd40807a111a050af51114877e09283bfa7f3505081a1819d",
-  // Previous transaction output index
-  0,
-  // Previous transaction script (hex)
-  "76a9144bca0c466925b875875a8e1355698bdcc0b2d45d88ac",
-  // Previous transaction output value in satoshis
-  1500,
- )
- if err!= nil {
-    log.Fatal(err.Error())
- }
- // Add the outputs
- _ = tx.PayToAddress(
-  // Destination address
-  "1NRoySJ9Lvby6DuE2UQYnyT67AASwNZxGb",
-  // Value in satoshis
-  1000,
- )
- // Fill all inputs with the given private key
- decodedWif, _ := wif.DecodeWIF("KznvCNc6Yf4iztSThoMH6oHWzH9EgjfodKxmeuUGPq5DEX5maspS")
- // Sign the transaction
- if err := tx.FillAllInputs(
-  // The default context which is empty but can be 
-  // used to control cancellations and timeouts.
-  context.Background(), 
-  &unlocker.Getter{PrivateKey: decodedWif.PrivKey}); err != nil {
-   log.Fatal(err.Error())
- }
- log.Printf("tx: %s\n", tx)
+   tx := transaction.NewTransaction()
+   // Add the inputs
+   unlockingScriptTemplate, _ := p2pkh.Unlock(priv, nil)
+   if err := tx.AddInputFrom(
+		"11b476ad8e0a48fcd40807a111a050af51114877e09283bfa7f3505081a1819d",
+		0,
+		"76a9144bca0c466925b875875a8e1355698bdcc0b2d45d88ac",
+		1500,
+		unlockingScriptTemplate,
+	); err!= nil {
+      log.Fatal(err.Error())
+   }
+   // Add the outputs
+   _ = tx.PayToAddress(
+      // Destination address
+      "1NRoySJ9Lvby6DuE2UQYnyT67AASwNZxGb",
+      // Value in satoshis
+      1000,
+   )
+   priv, _ := ec.PrivateKeyFromWif("KznvCNc6Yf4iztSThoMH6oHWzH9EgjfodKxmeuUGPq5DEX5maspS")
+   // Sign the transaction
+   if err := tx.Sign(); err != nil {
+		log.Fatal(err.Error())
+	}
+   log.Printf("tx: %s\n", tx)
@@ -81,19 +72,20 @@ Main Function:
 - The output index (vout) in the referenced transaction.
 - A script (locking script) representing the locking conditions under which the output can be spent.
 - The number of satoshis from the output that is being spent.
+- UnlockingScriptTemplate used to sign input
 `tx.PayToAddress(...)` adds an output to the transaction, specifying:
 - The recipient's Bitcoin SV address.
 - The amount of satoshis to send to that address.
-`wif.DecodeWIF(...)` decodes a WIF-encoded private key. This is necessary for signing the transaction inputs.
+`ec.PrivateKeyFromWif(...)` decodes a WIF-encoded private key. This is necessary for signing the transaction inputs.
-`tx.FillAllInputs(...)` attempts to sign all inputs of the transaction using the private key provided. This is essential for validating the transaction on the network.
+`tx.Sign(...)` attempts to sign all inputs of the transaction using the script templates provided. This is essential for validating the transaction on the network.
 The context passed `(context.Background())` is the default context which is empty but can be used to control cancellations and timeouts.
 Error Handling and Logging:
-If `tx.FillAllInputs(...)` returns an error, the program logs the error and terminates using `log.Fatal(...)`.
+If `tx.Sign(...)` returns an error, the program logs the error and terminates using `log.Fatal(...)`.
 If no error occurs, it logs the serialized form of the transaction, which is ready to be broadcasted to the network.
diff --git a/transaction/template/p2pkh/p2pkh_test.go b/transaction/template/p2pkh/p2pkh_test.go
index ea447b5..ba61568 100644
--- a/transaction/template/p2pkh/p2pkh_test.go
+++ b/transaction/template/p2pkh/p2pkh_test.go
@@ -128,253 +128,3 @@ func TestLocalUnlocker_ValidSignature(t *testing.T) {
-// type mockUnlockerGetter struct {
-// 	t            *testing.T
-// 	unlockerFunc func(ctx context.Context, lockingScript *script.Script) (transaction.ScriptTemplate, error)
-// }
-// func (m *mockUnlockerGetter) Unlocker(ctx context.Context, lockingScript *script.Script) (transaction.ScriptTemplate, error) {
-// 	require.NotNil(m.t, m.unlockerFunc, "unlockerFunc not set in this test")
-// 	return m.unlockerFunc(ctx, lockingScript)
-// }
-// type mockUnlocker struct {
-// 	t      *testing.T
-// 	script string
-// }
-// func (m *mockUnlocker) UnlockingScript(ctx context.Context, tx *transaction.Transaction, params transaction.UnlockParams) (*script.Script, error) {
-// 	uscript, err := script.NewFromASM(m.script)
-// 	require.NoError(m.t, err)
-// 	return uscript, nil
-// }
-// func TestLocalUnlocker_NonSignature(t *testing.T) {
-// 	t.Parallel()
-// 	tests := map[string]struct {
-// 		tx                  *transaction.Transaction
-// 		unlockerFunc        func(ctx context.Context, lockingScript *script.Script) (transaction.Unlocker, error)
-// 		expUnlockingScripts []string
-// 	}{
-// 		"simple script": {
-// 			tx: func() *transaction.Transaction {
-// 				tx := transaction.NewTransaction()
-// 				require.NoError(t, tx.AddInputFrom("45be95d2f2c64e99518ffbbce03fb15a7758f20ee5eecf0df07938d977add71d", 0, "52529387", 15564838601))
-// 				return tx
-// 			}(),
-// 			unlockerFunc: func(ctx context.Context, lockingScript *script.Script) (transaction.Unlocker, error) {
-// 				asm, err := lockingScript.ToASM()
-// 				require.NoError(t, err)
-// 				unlocker, ok := map[string]*mockUnlocker{
-// 					"OP_2 OP_2 OP_ADD OP_EQUAL": {t: t, script: "OP_4"},
-// 				}[asm]
-// 				require.True(t, ok)
-// 				require.NotNil(t, unlocker)
-// 				return unlocker, nil
-// 			},
-// 			expUnlockingScripts: []string{"OP_4"},
-// 		},
-// 		"multiple inputs unlocked": {
-// 			tx: func() *transaction.Transaction {
-// 				tx := transaction.NewTransaction()
-// 				require.NoError(t, tx.AddInputFrom("45be95d2f2c64e99518ffbbce03fb15a7758f20ee5eecf0df07938d977add71d", 0, "52529487", 15564838601))
-// 				require.NoError(t, tx.AddInputFrom("45be95d2f2c64e99518ffbbce03fb15a7758f20ee5eecf0df07938d977add71d", 0, "52589587", 15564838601))
-// 				require.NoError(t, tx.AddInputFrom("45be95d2f2c64e99518ffbbce03fb15a7758f20ee5eecf0df07938d977add71d", 0, "5a559687", 15564838601))
-// 				return tx
-// 			}(),
-// 			unlockerFunc: func(ctx context.Context, lockingScript *script.Script) (transaction.ScriptTemplate, error) {
-// 				asm, err := lockingScript.ToASM()
-// 				require.NoError(t, err)
-// 				unlocker, ok := map[string]*mockUnlocker{
-// 					"OP_2 OP_2 OP_SUB OP_EQUAL":  {t: t, script: "OP_FALSE"},
-// 					"OP_2 OP_8 OP_MUL OP_EQUAL":  {t: t, script: "OP_16"},
-// 					"OP_10 OP_5 OP_DIV OP_EQUAL": {t: t, script: "OP_2"},
-// 				}[asm]
-// 				require.True(t, ok)
-// 				require.NotNil(t, unlocker)
-// 				return unlocker, nil
-// 			},
-// 			expUnlockingScripts: []string{"OP_FALSE", "OP_16", "OP_2"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for name, test := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			tx := test.tx
-// 			require.Equal(t, len(tx.Inputs), len(test.expUnlockingScripts))
-// 			ug := &mockUnlockerGetter{
-// 				t:            t,
-// 				unlockerFunc: test.unlockerFunc,
-// 			}
-// 			require.NoError(t, tx.FillAllInputs(context.Background(), ug))
-// 			for i, script := range test.expUnlockingScripts {
-// 				asm, err := tx.Inputs[i].UnlockingScript.ToASM()
-// 				require.NoError(t, err)
-// 				require.Equal(t, script, asm)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestBareMultiSigValidation(t *testing.T) {
-// 	txHex := "0100000001cfb38c76cadeb5b96c3863d9e298fe96e24e594b75f69c37aa709f45b76d1b25000000009200483045022100d83dc84d3ea3fb36b006f6887e1e16811c59fe9a9b79b84142874a90d5b834160220052967be98c26270de0082b0fecab5a40d5bc48d5034b6cdfc2b8e47210e1469414730440220099ffa89363f9a05f23a4fa318ddbefeeeec4b41f6abde7083a3be6696ed904902201722110a488df3780a260ba09b7de6363bfce7f6beec9819e9b9f47f6e978d8141ffffffff01a8840100000000001976a91432b996f742e774b0241be9007f831558ba06d20b88ac00000000"
-// 	tx, err := transaction.NewTransactionFromHex(txHex)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	// txid := tx.GetTxID()
-// 	// fmt.Println(txid)
-// 	var sigs = make([]*ec.Signature, 2)
-// 	var sigHashTypes = make([]uint32, 2)
-// 	var publicKeys = make([]*ec.PublicKey, 3)
-// 	sigScript := tx.Inputs[0].UnlockingScript
-// 	sig0Bytes := []byte(*sigScript)[2:73]
-// 	sig0HashType, _ := binary.Uvarint([]byte(*sigScript)[73:74])
-// 	sig1Bytes := []byte(*sigScript)[75:145]
-// 	sig1HashType, _ := binary.Uvarint([]byte(*sigScript)[145:146])
-// 	pk0, _ := hex.DecodeString("023ff15e2676e03b2c0af30fc17b7fb354bbfa9f549812da945194d3407dc0969b")
-// 	pk1, _ := hex.DecodeString("039281958c651c013f5b3b007c78be231eeb37f130b925ceff63dc3ac8886f22a3")
-// 	pk2, _ := hex.DecodeString("03ac76121ffc9db556b0ce1da978021bd6cb4a5f9553c14f785e15f0e202139e3e")
-// 	publicKeys[0], err = ec.ParsePubKey(pk0, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	publicKeys[1], err = ec.ParsePubKey(pk1, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	publicKeys[2], err = ec.ParsePubKey(pk2, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	sigs[0], err = ec.ParseDERSignature(sig0Bytes, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	sigs[1], err = ec.ParseDERSignature(sig1Bytes, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	sigHashTypes[0] = uint32(sig0HashType)
-// 	sigHashTypes[1] = uint32(sig1HashType)
-// 	var previousTxSatoshis uint64 = 99728
-// 	var SourceTxScript, _ = script.NewFromHex("5221023ff15e2676e03b2c0af30fc17b7fb354bbfa9f549812da945194d3407dc0969b21039281958c651c013f5b3b007c78be231eeb37f130b925ceff63dc3ac8886f22a32103ac76121ffc9db556b0ce1da978021bd6cb4a5f9553c14f785e15f0e202139e3e53ae")
-// 	var prevIndex uint32
-// 	var outIndex uint32
-// 	for i, sig := range sigs {
-// 		sighash := signature.GetSighashForInputValidation(tx, sigHashTypes[i], outIndex, prevIndex, previousTxSatoshis, SourceTxScript)
-// 		h, err := hex.DecodeString(sighash)
-// 		if err != nil {
-// 			t.Error(err)
-// 			return
-// 		}
-// 		for j, pk := range publicKeys {
-// 			valid := sig.Verify(util.ReverseBytes(h), pk)
-// 			t.Logf("signature %d against pulbic key %d => %v\n", i, j, valid)
-// 		}
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestP2SHMultiSigValidation(t *testing.T) { // NOT working properly!
-// 	txHex := "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"
-// 	tx, err := transaction.NewTransactionFromHex(txHex)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	// txid := tx.GetTxID()
-// 	// fmt.Println(txid)
-// 	var sigs = make([]*ec.Signature, 2)
-// 	var sigHashTypes = make([]uint32, 2)
-// 	var publicKeys = make([]*ec.PublicKey, 3)
-// 	sigScript := tx.Inputs[0].UnlockingScript
-// 	sig0Bytes := []byte(*sigScript)[2:73]
-// 	sig0HashType, _ := binary.Uvarint([]byte(*sigScript)[73:74])
-// 	sig1Bytes := []byte(*sigScript)[75:145]
-// 	sig1HashType, _ := binary.Uvarint([]byte(*sigScript)[145:146])
-// 	pk0, _ := hex.DecodeString("021db57ae3de17143cb6c314fb206b56956e8ed45e2f1cbad3947411228b8d17f1")
-// 	pk1, _ := hex.DecodeString("0308b00cf7dfbb64604475e8b18e8450ac6ec04655cfa5c6d4d8a0f3f141ee4194")
-// 	pk2, _ := hex.DecodeString("030c7f9342ff6583599db8ee8b52383cadb4cf6fee3650c1ad8f66158a4ff0ebd9")
-// 	publicKeys[0], err = ec.ParsePubKey(pk0, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	publicKeys[1], err = ec.ParsePubKey(pk1, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	publicKeys[2], err = ec.ParsePubKey(pk2, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	sigs[0], err = ec.ParseDERSignature(sig0Bytes, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	sigs[1], err = ec.ParseDERSignature(sig1Bytes, ec.S256())
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		t.Error(err)
-// 		return
-// 	}
-// 	sigHashTypes[0] = uint32(sig0HashType)
-// 	sigHashTypes[1] = uint32(sig1HashType)
-// 	var previousTxSatoshis uint64 = 8785040
-// 	var SourceTxScript, _ = script.NewFromHex("5221021db57ae3de17143cb6c314fb206b56956e8ed45e2f1cbad3947411228b8d17f1210308b00cf7dfbb64604475e8b18e8450ac6ec04655cfa5c6d4d8a0f3f141ee419421030c7f9342ff6583599db8ee8b52383cadb4cf6fee3650c1ad8f66158a4ff0ebd953ae")
-// 	var prevIndex uint32 = 1
-// 	var outIndex uint32 = 0
-// 	for i, sig := range sigs {
-// 		sighash := signature.GetSighashForInputValidation(tx, sigHashTypes[i], outIndex, prevIndex, previousTxSatoshis, SourceTxScript)
-// 		h, err := hex.DecodeString(sighash)
-// 		if err != nil {
-// 			t.Error(err)
-// 			return
-// 		}
-// 		for j, pk := range publicKeys {
-// 			valid := sig.Verify(util.ReverseBytes(h), pk)
-// 			t.Logf("signature %d against pulbic key %d => %v\n", i, j, valid)
-// 		}
-// 	}
-// }