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2017-04-19 |
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After you are logged in to {{}}, you can upload your application with the bluemix app push
Before you begin, you must:
- Install the {{}} command line interface.
- Connect to {{}}.
bluemix api https://api.DomainName
- Log in to {{}}.
bluemix login -u username -o org_name -s space_name
When a bluemix app push command is issued, the command line interface provides the working directory to the {{}} environment that uses a buildpack to build and run the application.
- From your application directory, enter the bluemix app push command with the application name. The app name must be unique in the {{}} environment.
bluemix app push app_name -m 512m
{{}} includes built-in buildpacks. In some cases, even for the built-in buildpacks, you must also supply a -c option to specify the command that is used to start your application. For example, you need to use the -c option to push your Node.js application:
bluemix app push app_name -c start_command
In addition, the Node.js application must contain a valid package.json file.
All other external buildpacks must be pushed by using the -b option. For example:
bluemix app push app_name -b buildpack_URL
Tip: When you use the bluemix app push command, the command copies all of the files and directories from your current directory to Bluemix. Ensure that you have only the required files in your application directory.
- If you change your application, you can upload those changes by entering the
bluemix app push
command again. The command uses your previous options and your responses to the prompts to update any running instances of your application with the new bits of code.
{{}} CLI bundled a cf cli in its installation. bluemix app push
command acutually invokes cf push
to upload and deploy your application to {{}}. See cf commands for more information about cf push. See Using community buildpacks for information about buildpacks.