Thoughts on turnstile. First, it ought to be simple, with minimal back-off logic, since we if we really cared about backing off we'd use a real event queue.
var turnstile = new Turnstile.batch(cadence(function (step, values, attept) {
step(function (value) {{ body: value }, step())
}), function (error) {
if (error) throw error
turnstile.enqueue({ value: 1 }, step())
turnstile.enqueue({ value: 1 })
Gets to clever and ugly. Let's let turnstile be a builder? Or just an object with properties. We don't need to fetishize it.
var turnstile = new Turnstile
turnstile.batch(cadence(function (step, values) {
step([function () {{ body: values }, step())
}, function (_, error) {
throw errors
turnstile.enqueue({ value: 1 })
trunstile.retry(function (values, attempt) {
if (turnstile.length) {
Database.prototype.insert = cadence(function (step, value) {
step(function () {
}, function (success) {
if (success) {
return success
Thoughts on an API that also provides a universal sink.
var turnstile = createTurnstile(function (error, context) {
if (context == 'fatal') {
throw error
} else {
console.log({ context: context, stack: error.stack })
turnstile(256, function (value, callback) {
turnstile(function (values, callback) {
turnstile(function () {
}, function () {
// so maybe one more construction step...
// queued and one at a time.
turnstile.invoke(function () {
}, function (value, callback) {
// no queueing.
var queue = turnstile.immediate(function (value, callback) {
// queued and one at a time.
turnstile.queue(function (value, callback) {
// queued with a maximum of 256 at a time.
turnstile.queue(256, function (values, callback) {
// run in background
turnstile.once(function (callback) {
turnstile.daemon(3000, function (callback) {
var turnstylist = new Turnstylist(function (error, context) {
turnstylist.createTurnstile(function () {
return true
}, function (value, callback) {
}, 'fatal')