Version: 1.1.0
Project Repo:
Last Revision to documentation: 23rd October 2020
Folder Structure:
- server
- api
- chemml
- api
- client
- chemmlAngular
- src
- app
- left-files-bar-component
- left-menu-component
- loading-component
- nav-button
- new-project-box
- open-project
- project-info-component
- results-page-component
- global-footer
- toolbox
- helpers
- toolbox-component
- home-page
- tool-config
- input-output-config
- visualize-main
- landing-page
- assets
- environments
- app
- src
- chemmlAngular
- docs
- arch.PNG
- deployment.pdf
- ub_logo.jpg
Database structure:
MongoDB Collections > chemml_projects > projects
To add a new API
- Create a app.route and associated function in server/api/
- Add API path in app/helpers/api_url.ts.
- Add an Observable function in data-service.service.ts.
- Subscribe to the observable in the component's constructor.
Example Function
runPipeline(project_name: string, body: any): Observable<any> {
var packet:any = {
data : body
catchError(this.handleError<any>('runPipeline', []))
Angular Components:
- global-footer: add it to every full page component.
- helpers: contains chemml-sklearn-jsons, and api_url.ts
- home-page: the main-landing page. contains redirection to tutorials and portal.
- input-output-component: Opens when the user clicks on the arrows between tab. Handles output from previous node and input to next node.
- landing-page: This is main page of the portal. Shows the listing of all projects.
- left-files-bar-components: Show and upload files to the project.
- left-menu-components: Not of any use. To be deleted.
- loading-component: Import this component to create a loader in between component.
- nav-button: Edit the navbar buttons in this component.
- new-project-box: Opens the new project box.
- open-project: Loads all the previous project.
- project-info-component: Edit the project information name, description, and tags.
- results-page-component: This component displays all the results of previous runs.
- tool-config: Side config bar, to select configuration options for selected tool. Contains the json interpolator.
- toolbox: left side toolbox that lists all tools
- toolbox-component: Component that creates individuals tools. This works with flowy.js drag and drop.
- visualize-main: The visualization component. Add more graphs in this component.
- app.component.ts: The main component where portal canvas and drag drop functionalities work.
Celery pipeline uses mongoDB backend. Mongodb > jobs collection.
Description for individual functions will be added as comments in code files.
- Clone repository:
- Activating environment and setting up flask API. The api code package requirements are written in requirements.txt
conda activate ./my_chemml_env
cd server
cd api
pip3 install requirements.txt
- Install chemml
cd ..
cd chemml
pip3 install -e .
- Start API Server
python &
- Setup Celery and MongoDB.
MongoDB is both our application database and celery backend and broker.
Celeryconfig is alreay written in a file called So the next steps are to install mongoDB and install celery and create celery worker process.
If MongoDB and celery are installed, then run:
celery -A celery_task worker --loglevel=info --pool=eventlet
To install celery:
pip3 install celery
To install mongoDB community via terminal:
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
Start mongoDB server:
sudo systemctl start mongod
Create production build of angular project.
cd client
cd chemmlAngular
ng build --prod
This will create the production build in dist folder.
Make sure angular.json baseURL is set to point right url for static files.