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117 lines (91 loc) · 5.05 KB

File metadata and controls

117 lines (91 loc) · 5.05 KB


  • Highlight the locations in the quickfix list (errors of a project-build, linter, or locations of a grep search) in the sign column, and in the text using text-properties (top left screenshot).
  • Display the error messages next to the lines containing the errors using virtual-text (bottom screenshot).
  • Show the error messages for the current line in a popup window next to the cursor (top right screenshot).

screenshot1 screenshot2


Signs, text-highlightings and virtual text

The locations in the quickfix and/or location list can be highlighted in the sign column and in the buffer using text-properties. Optionally, the error message can be displayed as virtual text next to the line containing the error. Signs, text-highlightings and virtual text are all optional and can be individually turned off in g:qfdiagnostics.

Command Description
:DiagnosticsPlace Highlight the diagnostics from the current quickfix list.
:LDiagnosticsPlace Same as :DiagnosticsPlace but use the current location list of the current window.
:DiagnosticsClear Remove the highlightings placed by :DiagnosticsPlace.
:LDiagnosticsClear[!] Remove the highlightings placed by :LDiagnosticsPlace.
:DiagnosticsToggle Toggle the diagnostics from the current quickfix list.
:LDiagnosticsToggle Toggle the diagnostics from the current location list.


  • :DiagnosticsPlace and :LDiagnosticsPlace first remove all highlightings that have previously been placed by the same command.
  • :LDiagnosticsPlace can be run in multiple windows to simultaneously highlight diagnostics from several location lists.
  • :LDiagnosticsClear must be run in the same window where :LDiagnosticsPlace has been executed to remove the previously placed diagnostics.
  • To remove the highlightings of all diagnostics from all location lists at once, run :LDiagnosticsClear!.


  1. Toggle the diagnostics of the quickfix and location lists with F7 and F8, respectively:
    nnoremap <F7> <Cmd>DiagnosticsToggle<Cr>
    nnoremap <F8> <Cmd>LDiagnosticsToggle<Cr>
  2. To place diagnostics automatically after running :make or :lmake, add the following to your vimrc:
    augroup qf-diagnostics-user
        autocmd QuickfixCmdPost  make  DiagnosticsPlace
        autocmd QuickfixCmdPost lmake LDiagnosticsPlace
    augroup END
    Note: it is not necessary to run DiagnosticsClear first, since DiagnosticsPlace automatically clears previously placed highlightings before adding new ones.

Popup window

Users who find virtual text too distracting can instead use a popup window for displaying error messages. The following <plug> mappings are provided:

  • <plug>(qf-diagnostics-popup-quickfix) — Display a popup window at the current cursor position with the error message found for the current line in the quickfix list. If the line contains several errors, all entries are collected and displayed in the same popup window.
  • <plug>(qf-diagnostics-popup-loclist) — Same as above but display the error messages from the current location-list of the current window.

If not all errors in the current line fit into the popup window, a scrollbar will appear on the right side. The popup window can then be scrolled with CTRL-J and CTRL-K, or alternatively, using the mouse wheel. Pressing CTRL-C or moving the cursor in any direction will close the popup window.


nmap gh <plug>(qf-diagnostics-popup-quickfix)
nmap gH <plug>(qf-diagnostics-popup-loclist)

Mnemonic: go hover


The appearance of the popup window, signs, text-highlightings and virtual text can be configured through g:qfdiagnostics. For all supported entries, see :help g:qfdiagnostics, as well as :help qf-diagnostics-examples for a few examples.

All highlighting groups used in the popup window are described in :help qf-dagnostics-popup-highlight.


$ cd ~/.vim/pack/git-plugins/start
$ git clone
$ vim -u NONE -c 'helptags vim-qf-diagnostics/doc | quit'

Note: The directory name git-plugins is arbitrary, you can pick any other name. For more details see :help packages. Alternatively, use your favorite plugin manager.


Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license.