WVD brings a Web Portal at a public internet facing address that any WVD user can use to access his desktops | applications.
In Challenge 5 we allowed any user in group 'WVD Users' to access a desktop. Let's just look into your AAD to select a user we will use for testing.
[Azure Portal] --> Azure Active Directory --> Users
I chose WVDUser3 to logon at the WVD Web Portal
Note: You may need to use a private (or incognito mode) browsing session to avoid auto logon.
Note++: The users password is the same that you used for the wvdadmin (the setup in Challenge2)
Once successful you should see your myFirstWorkspace:
Doubleclick on the session desktop | Logon to the destkop using the domain credentials:
On success you have a desktop within your browser |
Congratulations You now have a working WVD sandbox.