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Donald J. Fortier II edited this page Apr 15, 2015 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the wikimedia-bot wiki!

How to set up the wm-bot

You will need a server with any operating system that can run mono, in this example we use ubuntu:

  • Download mono (you can install only few parts, but mono-complete is best as it contains everything needed):
  • sudo apt-get install mono-complete make git
  • Create a user account for a bot:
  • sudo useradd -m -r wm-bot
  • Switch to newly created user and get a source code of bot
    sudo su - wm-bot
    git clone src
    cd src
  • Now create a folder for bot, for example ~/prod
    mkdir ~/prod
    cd ~/prod
    mkdir modules
    cp -r ../src/scripts ../src/bin/configuration ../src/bin/*dll ../src/bin/*exe .
    cp ../src/bin/modules_debug/* modules
  • Add yourself as root to the admins file
  • Update configuration file
    cd configuration
    vim wmib.conf
  • Now you can start the bot by running:
    cd ~/prod
    mono wmib.exe
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