0.5.0 (2017-02-10)
- add the posibility to send attachments. (c56748e)
0.4.4 (2016-12-30)
- build: Use name for plugin (e99f771)
- dependencies: resolve classpath error (c88cb48)
- docker-tests: Fix docker setup (see #JENKINS-40673) (52c6316), closes #JENKINS-40673
- findbugs: resolve findbugs error (c972250)
- new-rocket-api: first basic implementation (see #JENKINS-40595) (ebb346e)
- new-rocket-api: Implement message sending (see #JENKINS-40595) (162812b)
- new-rocket-api: Let integration tests respect RocketChat version (see #JENKINS-40595 and #JENKINS-40673) (603e6af)
- new-rocket-api: Let integration tests respect RocketChat version (see #JENKINS-40595 and #JENKINS-40673) (aa9614f)
- new-rocket-api: Run tests against multiple rocketchat versions (see #JENKINS-40595 and #JENKINS-40673) (0cd495d)
- new-rocket-api: Support old legacy API, too (see #JENKINS-40595) (08d8b42)
- new-rocket-api: Use docker tests in Travis Build (see #JENKINS-40595 and #JENKINS-40673) (e477881)
- testing: Implement basic integration test (see #JENKINS-40673) (01c249d)
0.3.0 (2016-12-09)
- error_handling: Improved error handling (4c51838)
- debugging: Improved logging (87f2d71)