In this app I focused on implementing an interactive & beautiful design for a sample food ordering app!
It's still an uncomplete project but good enough for my purpose!
It can be continued if backedup by an API...!
- User login (via username || google || facebook) & register (OTP) procedure implementation
- Intro slider
- ready to connect to the business logic and a repository for dynamic data
- Food preview
- Full menu preview
- Viewing profile
- Searching among all foods & restaurants (todo -> repository)
- Viewing restaurants on the map (todo)
- Cart ordering and payment stuff (todo)
- Notifying user for the order's process (todo)
- Selecting current location for the order (todo)
- Profile customization (todo)
This project is based on MVVM architecture, using following tech-stacks:
- Jetpack
- Lifecycle
- View Binding
- Navigation Component
- Hilt (todo api)
- Retrofit (todo api)
- Glide
- Coroutines
- Image Carousel
- OTP View
- Circle Image View
- Power Spinner
- Image Picker
- Toasty
- Circle Indicator
Build & install or Get .APK
Main design by: Akila Weerakoon
Logo by: Omnium