Here is some more detailed guidance on how to go about importing frameworks from SyncKit into your own project.
To build using XCode 7 or higher, simply open the workspace in Xcode, select the SyncKit
scheme and build the workspace synckit.xcworkspace
To use the XCode command-line tool to build all the dynamic libraries: In the terminal, enter the following command whilst ensuring that you have replaced the code signing identity and keychain with your own:
$ xcodebuild \
-workspace synckit.xcworkspace \
-scheme SyncKit \
-sdk "iphoneos" \
-configuration Release \
CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="iPhone Developer: John Smith(4176XXXX9)" \
OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS="--keychain /Users/jsmith/Library/Keychains/login.keychain"
After a successful build, the dynamic libraries will be in the workspace's folder in DerivedData/synckit/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/
. The ios frameworks are universal binaries; they are fit for iPhone and iPad architectures, as well as the iOS simulator.
In your own project, you need to import the iOS frameworks.
You will find them in their build location in the workspace's folder in DerivedData/synckit/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/
To import them, select your project's main target and go to the project's settings:
Next, in the General tab, go to the Embedded Binaries and click on the [+] button to add the frameworks. In the dialog that follows, click on the 'Add Other...' button:
Now add the frameworks you need. Obtain them from this folder in the workspace folder: DerivedData/synckit/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/
Make sure that the 'Copy Items if needed' option is selected. Once the iOS frameworks have been added, they will be shown in your project settings and copied to your project:
Your project can now utilise these libraries.