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executable file
770 lines (548 loc) · 64.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
770 lines (548 loc) · 64.9 KB

rules_pkg - 1.0.1

Common Attributes

These attributes are used in several rules within this module.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
out Name of the output file. This file will always be created and used to access the package content. If package_file_name is also specified, out will be a symlink. String required
package_file_name The name of the file which will contain the package. The name may contain variables in the forms {var} and $(var). The values for substitution are specified through package_variables` or taken from ctx.var. String optional package type specific
package_variables A target that provides PackageVariablesInfo to substitute into package_file_name. pkg_zip and pkg_tar also support this in package_dir Label optional None
attributes Attributes to set on entities created within packages. Not to be confused with bazel rule attributes. See 'Mapping "Attributes"' below Undefined. optional Varies. Consult individual rule documentation for details.

See examples/naming_package_files for examples of how out, package_file_name, and package_variables interact.

Since 0.8.0
: File name substitution now supports the $(var) syntax.
Since 0.8.0
: File name substitution now supports direct use of [ctx.var](

Mapping "Attributes"

The "attributes" attribute specifies properties of package contents as used in rules such as pkg_files, and pkg_mkdirs. These allow fine-grained control of the contents of your package. For example:

attributes = pkg_attributes(
    mode = "0644",
    user = "root",
    group = "wheel",
    my_custom_attribute = "some custom value",

mode, user, and group correspond to common UNIX-style filesystem permissions. Attributes should always be specified using the pkg_attributes helper macro.

Each mapping rule has some default mapping attributes. At this time, the only default is "mode", which will be set if it is not otherwise overridden by the user.

If user and group are not specified, then defaults for them will be chosen by the underlying package builder. Any specific behavior from package builders should not be relied upon.

Any other attributes should be specified as additional arguments to pkg_attributes.

Rule for creating Debian packages.


pkg_deb(name, data, out, architecture, architecture_file, breaks, built_using,
             built_using_file, changelog, conffiles, conffiles_file, config, conflicts, depends,
             depends_file, description, description_file, distribution, enhances, homepage, license,
             maintainer, package, package_file_name, package_variables, postinst, postrm, predepends,
             preinst, prerm, priority, provides, recommends, replaces, section, suggests, templates,
             triggers, urgency, version, version_file)

Create a Debian package.

This rule produces 2 artifacts: a .deb and a .changes file. The DefaultInfo will include both. If you need downstream rule to specifically depend on only the .deb or .changes file then you can use filegroup to select distinct output groups.


  • out the Debian package or a symlink to the actual package.
  • deb the package with any precise file name created with package_file_name.
  • changes the .changes file.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
data A tar file that contains the data for the debian package. Label required
out See Common Attributes Label required
architecture Package architecture. Must not be used with architecture_file. String optional "all"
architecture_file File that contains the package architecture. Must not be used with architecture. Label optional None
breaks See List of strings optional []
built_using The tool that were used to build this package provided either inline (with built_using) or from a file (with built_using_file). String optional ""
built_using_file The tool that were used to build this package provided either inline (with built_using) or from a file (with built_using_file). Label optional None
changelog The package changelog. See Label optional None
conffiles The list of conffiles or a file containing one conffile per line. Each item is an absolute path on the target system where the deb is installed. See List of strings optional []
conffiles_file The list of conffiles or a file containing one conffile per line. Each item is an absolute path on the target system where the deb is installed. See Label optional None
config config file used for debconf integration. See Label optional None
conflicts See List of strings optional []
depends See List of strings optional []
depends_file File that contains a list of package dependencies. Must not be used with depends. See Label optional None
description The package description. Must not be used with description_file. String optional ""
description_file The package description. Must not be used with description. Label optional None
distribution "distribution: See String optional "unstable"
enhances See List of strings optional []
homepage The homepage of the project. String optional ""
license The license of the project. String optional ""
maintainer The maintainer of the package. String required
package The name of the package String required
package_file_name See Common Attributes. Default: "{package}-{version}-{architecture}.deb String optional ""
package_variables See Common Attributes Label optional None
postinst The post-install script for the package. See Label optional None
postrm The post-remove script for the package. See Label optional None
predepends See List of strings optional []
preinst "The pre-install script for the package. See Label optional None
prerm The pre-remove script for the package. See Label optional None
priority The priority of the package. See String optional ""
provides See List of strings optional []
recommends See List of strings optional []
replaces See List of strings optional []
section The section of the package. See String optional ""
suggests See List of strings optional []
templates templates file used for debconf integration. See Label optional None
triggers triggers file for configuring installation events exchanged by packages. See Label optional None
urgency "urgency: See String optional "medium"
version Package version. Must not be used with version_file. String optional ""
version_file File that contains the package version. Must not be used with version. Label optional None

Provides rules for creating RPM packages via pkg_filegroup and friends.

pkg_rpm() depends on the existence of an rpmbuild toolchain. Many users will find to convenient to use the one provided with their system. To enable that toolchain add the following stanza to WORKSPACE:

# Find rpmbuild if it exists.
load("@rules_pkg//toolchains/rpm:rpmbuild_configure.bzl", "find_system_rpmbuild")


pkg_sub_rpm(name, srcs, architecture, conflicts, description, epoch, group, obsoletes, package_name,
            post_scriptlet, provides, requires, summary, version)

Define a sub RPM to be built as part of a parent RPM

This rule uses the outputs of the rules in mappings.bzl to define an sub RPM that will be built as part of a larger RPM defined by a pkg_rpm instance.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
srcs Mapping groups to include in this RPM List of labels required
architecture Sub RPM architecture String optional ""
conflicts List of RPM capability expressions that conflict with this package List of strings optional []
description Multi-line description of this subrpm String optional ""
epoch RPM Epoch tag for this subrpm String optional ""
group Optional; RPM "Group" tag.

NOTE: some distributions (as of writing, Fedora > 17 and CentOS/RHEL > 5) have deprecated this tag. Other distributions may require it, but it is harmless in any case.
String optional ""
obsoletes List of RPM capability expressions that this package obsoletes List of strings optional []
package_name name of the subrpm String optional ""
post_scriptlet RPM %post scriplet for this subrpm String optional ""
provides List of RPM capability expressions that this package provides List of strings optional []
requires List of RPM capability expressions that this package requires List of strings optional []
summary Sub RPM Summary tag String optional ""
version RPM Version tag for this subrpm String optional ""

Provides rules for creating RPM packages via pkg_filegroup and friends.

pkg_rpm() depends on the existence of an rpmbuild toolchain. Many users will find to convenient to use the one provided with their system. To enable that toolchain add the following stanza to WORKSPACE:

# Find rpmbuild if it exists.
load("@rules_pkg//toolchains/rpm:rpmbuild_configure.bzl", "find_system_rpmbuild")


pkg_rpm(name, srcs, architecture, binary_payload_compression, changelog, conflicts, debug,
        debuginfo, defines, description, description_file, epoch, group, license, obsoletes,
        package_file_name, package_name, package_variables, post_scriptlet, post_scriptlet_file,
        posttrans_scriptlet, posttrans_scriptlet_file, postun_scriptlet, postun_scriptlet_file,
        pre_scriptlet, pre_scriptlet_file, preun_scriptlet, preun_scriptlet_file, provides, release,
        release_file, requires, requires_contextual, rpmbuild_path, source_date_epoch,
        source_date_epoch_file, spec_template, subrpms, summary, url, version, version_file)

Creates an RPM format package via pkg_filegroup and friends.

The uses the outputs of the rules in mappings.bzl to construct arbitrary RPM packages. Attributes of this rule provide preamble information and scriptlets, which are then used to compose a valid RPM spec file.

This rule will fail at analysis time if:

  • Any srcs input creates the same destination, regardless of other attributes.

This rule only functions on UNIXy platforms. The following tools must be available on your system for this to function properly:

  • rpmbuild (as specified in rpmbuild_path, or available in $PATH)

  • GNU coreutils. BSD coreutils may work, but are not tested.

To set RPM file attributes (like %config and friends), set the rpm_filetag in corresponding packaging rule (pkg_files, etc). The value is prepended with "%" and added to the %files list, for example:

attrs = {"rpm_filetag": ("config(missingok, noreplace)",)},

Is the equivalent to %config(missingok, noreplace) in the %files list.

This rule produces 2 artifacts: an .rpm and a .changes file. The DefaultInfo will include both. If you need downstream rule to specifically depend on only the .rpm or .changes file then you can use filegroup to select distinct output groups.


  • out the RPM or a symlink to the actual package.
  • rpm the package with any precise file name created with package_file_name.
  • changes the .changes file.


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
srcs Mapping groups to include in this RPM.

These are typically brought into life as pkg_filegroups.
List of labels required
architecture Package architecture.

This currently sets the BuildArch tag, which influences the output architecture of the package.

Typically, BuildArch only needs to be set when the package is known to be cross-platform (e.g. written in an interpreted language), or, less common, when it is known that the application is only valid for specific architectures.

When no attribute is provided, this will default to your host's architecture. This is usually what you want.
String optional ""
binary_payload_compression Compression mode used for this RPM

Must be a form that rpmbuild(8) knows how to process, which will depend on the version of rpmbuild in use. The value corresponds to the %_binary_payload macro and is set on the rpmbuild(8) command line if provided.

Some examples of valid values (which may not be supported on your system) can be found here. On CentOS systems (also likely Red Hat and Fedora), you can find some supported values by looking for %_binary_payload in /usr/lib/rpm/macros. Other systems have similar files and configurations.

If not provided, the compression mode will be computed by rpmbuild itself. Defaults may vary per distribution or build of rpm; consult the relevant documentation for more details.

WARNING: Bazel is currently not aware of action threading requirements for non-test actions. Using threaded compression may result in overcommitting your system.
String optional ""
changelog - Label optional None
conflicts List of capabilities that conflict with this package when it is installed.

Corresponds to the "Conflicts" preamble tag.

See also:
List of strings optional []
debug Debug the RPM helper script and RPM generation Boolean optional False
debuginfo Enable generation of debuginfo RPMs

For supported platforms this will enable the generation of debuginfo RPMs adjacent to the regular RPMs. Currently this is supported by Fedora 40, CentOS7 and CentOS Stream 9.
Boolean optional False
defines Additional definitions to pass to rpmbuild Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
description Multi-line description of this package, corresponds to RPM %description.

Exactly one of description or description_file must be provided.
String optional ""
description_file File containing a multi-line description of this package, corresponds to RPM %description. Label optional None
epoch Optional; RPM "Epoch" tag. String optional ""
group Optional; RPM "Group" tag.

NOTE: some distributions (as of writing, Fedora > 17 and CentOS/RHEL > 5) have deprecated this tag. Other distributions may require it, but it is harmless in any case.
String optional ""
license RPM "License" tag.

The software license for the code distributed in this package.

The underlying RPM builder requires you to put something here; if your package is not going to be distributed, feel free to set this to something like "Internal".
String required
obsoletes List of rpm capability expressions that this package obsoletes.

Corresponds to the "Obsoletes" preamble tag.

See also:
List of strings optional []
package_file_name See 'Common Attributes' in the rules_pkg reference.

If this is not provided, the package file given a NVRA-style (name-version-release.arch) output, which is preferred by most RPM repositories.
String optional ""
package_name Optional; RPM name override.

If not provided, the name attribute of this rule will be used instead.

This influences values like the spec file name.
String optional ""
package_variables See 'Common Attributes' in the rules_pkg reference Label optional None
post_scriptlet RPM %post scriptlet. Currently only allowed to be a shell script.

post_scriptlet and post_scriptlet_file are mutually exclusive.
String optional ""
post_scriptlet_file File containing the RPM %post scriptlet Label optional None
posttrans_scriptlet RPM %posttrans scriptlet. Currently only allowed to be a shell script.

posttrans_scriptlet and posttrans_scriptlet_file are mutually exclusive.
String optional ""
posttrans_scriptlet_file File containing the RPM %posttrans scriptlet Label optional None
postun_scriptlet RPM %postun scriptlet. Currently only allowed to be a shell script.

postun_scriptlet and postun_scriptlet_file are mutually exclusive.
String optional ""
postun_scriptlet_file File containing the RPM %postun scriptlet Label optional None
pre_scriptlet RPM %pre scriptlet. Currently only allowed to be a shell script.

pre_scriptlet and pre_scriptlet_file are mutually exclusive.
String optional ""
pre_scriptlet_file File containing the RPM %pre scriptlet Label optional None
preun_scriptlet RPM %preun scriptlet. Currently only allowed to be a shell script.

preun_scriptlet and preun_scriptlet_file are mutually exclusive.
String optional ""
preun_scriptlet_file File containing the RPM %preun scriptlet Label optional None
provides List of rpm capabilities that this package provides.

Corresponds to the "Provides" preamble tag.

See also:
List of strings optional []
release RPM "Release" tag

Exactly one of release or release_file must be provided.
String optional ""
release_file File containing RPM "Release" tag. Label optional None
requires List of rpm capability expressions that this package requires.

Corresponds to the "Requires" preamble tag.

See also:
List of strings optional []
requires_contextual Contextualized requirement specifications

This is a map of various properties (often scriptlet types) to capability name specifications, e.g.:

{"pre": ["GConf2"],"post": ["GConf2"], "postun": ["GConf2"]}

Which causes the below to be added to the spec file's preamble:

Requires(pre): GConf2
Requires(post): GConf2
Requires(postun): GConf2

This is most useful for ensuring that required tools exist when scriptlets are run, although there may be other valid use cases. Valid keys for this attribute may include, but are not limited to:

- pre - post - preun - postun - pretrans - posttrans

For capabilities that are always required by packages at runtime, use the requires attribute instead.

See also:

NOTE: pkg_rpm does not check if the keys of this dictionary are acceptable to rpm(8).
Dictionary: String -> List of strings optional {}
rpmbuild_path Path to a rpmbuild binary. Deprecated in favor of the rpmbuild toolchain String optional ""
source_date_epoch Value to export as SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to facilitate reproducible builds

Implicitly sets the %clamp_mtime_to_source_date_epoch in the subordinate call to rpmbuild to facilitate more consistent in-RPM file timestamps.

Negative values (like the default) disable this feature.
Integer optional -1
source_date_epoch_file File containing the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH value.

Implicitly sets the %clamp_mtime_to_source_date_epoch in the subordinate call to rpmbuild to facilitate more consistent in-RPM file timestamps.
Label optional None
spec_template Spec file template.

Use this if you need to add additional logic to your spec files that is not available by default.

In most cases, you should not need to override this attribute.
Label optional "@rules_pkg//pkg/rpm:template.spec.tpl"
subrpms Sub RPMs to build with this RPM

A list of pkg_sub_rpm instances that can be used to create sub RPMs as part of the overall package build.

NOTE: use of subrpms is incompatible with the legacy spec_file mode
List of labels optional []
summary RPM "Summary" tag.

One-line summary of this package. Must not contain newlines.
String required
url RPM "URL" tag; this project/vendor's home on the Internet. String optional ""
version RPM "Version" tag.

Exactly one of version or version_file must be provided.
String optional ""
version_file File containing RPM "Version" tag. Label optional None

Rules for making .tar files.


pkg_tar(name, deps, srcs, out, allow_duplicates_from_deps,
             allow_duplicates_with_different_content, compressor, compressor_args, create_parents,
             empty_dirs, empty_files, extension, files, include_runfiles, mode, modes, mtime, owner,
             ownername, ownernames, owners, package_dir, package_dir_file, package_file_name,
             package_variables, portable_mtime, private_stamp_detect, remap_paths, stamp,
             strip_prefix, symlinks)


Name Description Type Mandatory Default
name A unique name for this target. Name required
deps tar files which will be unpacked and repacked into the archive. List of labels optional []
srcs Inputs which will become part of the tar archive. List of labels optional []
out - Label required
allow_duplicates_from_deps - Boolean optional False
allow_duplicates_with_different_content If true, will allow you to reference multiple pkg_* which conflict (writing different content or metadata to the same destination). Such behaviour is always incorrect, but we provide a flag to support it in case old builds were accidentally doing it. Never explicitly set this to true for new code. Boolean optional True
compressor External tool which can compress the archive. Label optional None
compressor_args Arg list for compressor. String optional ""
create_parents - Boolean optional True
empty_dirs - List of strings optional []
empty_files - List of strings optional []
extension - String optional "tar"
files Obsolete. Do not use. Dictionary: Label -> String optional {}
include_runfiles Include runfiles for executables. These appear as they would in bazel-bin.For example: 'path/to/myprog.runfiles/path/to/my_data.txt'. Boolean optional False
mode - String optional "0555"
modes - Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
mtime - Integer optional -1
owner Default numeric to apply to files when not set via pkg_attributes. String optional "0.0"
ownername - String optional "."
ownernames - Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
owners - Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
package_dir Prefix to be prepend to all paths written.

This is applied as a final step, while writing to the archive. Any other attributes (e.g. symlinks) which specify a path, must do so relative to package_dir. The value may contain variables. See package_file_name for examples.
String optional ""
package_dir_file - Label optional None
package_file_name See Common Attributes String optional ""
package_variables See Common Attributes Label optional None
portable_mtime - Boolean optional True
private_stamp_detect - Boolean optional False
remap_paths - Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
stamp Enable file time stamping. Possible values:
  • stamp = 1: Use the time of the build as the modification time of each file in the archive.
  • stamp = 0: Use an "epoch" time for the modification time of each file. This gives good build result caching.
  • stamp = -1: Control the chosen modification time using the --[no]stamp flag.
    Since 0.5.0
  • Integer optional 0
    strip_prefix (note: Use strip_prefix = "." to strip path to the package but preserve relative paths of sub directories beneath the package.) String optional ""
    symlinks - Dictionary: String -> String optional {}

    Zip archive creation rule and associated logic.


    pkg_zip(name, srcs, out, allow_duplicates_with_different_content, compression_level,
                 compression_type, include_runfiles, mode, package_dir, package_file_name,
                 package_variables, private_stamp_detect, stamp, strip_prefix, timestamp)


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    srcs List of files that should be included in the archive. List of labels optional []
    out output file name. Default: name + ".zip". Label required
    allow_duplicates_with_different_content If true, will allow you to reference multiple pkg_* which conflict (writing different content or metadata to the same destination). Such behaviour is always incorrect, but we provide a flag to support it in case old builds were accidentally doing it. Never explicitly set this to true for new code. Boolean optional True
    compression_level The compression level to use, 1 is the fastest, 9 gives the smallest results. 0 skips compression, depending on the method used Integer optional 6
    compression_type The compression to use. Note that lzma and bzip2 might not be supported by all readers. The list of compressions is the same as Python's ZipFile: String optional "deflated"
    include_runfiles See standard attributes. Boolean optional False
    mode The default mode for all files in the archive. String optional "0555"
    package_dir Prefix to be prepend to all paths written. The name may contain variables, same as package_file_name String optional "/"
    package_file_name See Common Attributes String optional ""
    package_variables See Common Attributes Label optional None
    private_stamp_detect - Boolean optional False
    stamp Enable file time stamping. Possible values:
  • stamp = 1: Use the time of the build as the modification time of each file in the archive.
  • stamp = 0: Use an "epoch" time for the modification time of each file. This gives good build result caching.
  • stamp = -1: Control the chosen modification time using the --[no]stamp flag.
  • Integer optional 0
    strip_prefix - String optional ""
    timestamp Time stamp to place on all files in the archive, expressed as seconds since the Unix Epoch, as per RFC 3339. The default is January 01, 1980, 00:00 UTC.

    Due to limitations in the format of zip files, values before Jan 1, 1980 will be rounded up and the precision in the zip file is limited to a granularity of 2 seconds.
    Integer optional 315532800

    Package creation helper mapping rules.

    This module declares Provider interfaces and rules for specifying the contents of packages in a package-type-agnostic way. The main rules supported here are the following:

    • pkg_files describes destinations for rule outputs
    • pkg_mkdirs describes directory structures
    • pkg_mklink describes symbolic links
    • pkg_filegroup creates groupings of above to add to packages

    Rules that actually make use of the outputs of the above rules are not specified here.


    filter_directory(name, src, excludes, outdir_name, prefix, renames, strip_prefix)

    Transform directories (TreeArtifacts) using pkg_filegroup-like semantics.

    Effective order of operations:

    1. Files are excluded
    2. renames or strip_prefix is applied.
    3. prefix is applied

    In particular, if a rename applies to an individual file, strip_prefix will not be applied to that particular file.

    Each non-`rename``d path will look like this:


    Each renamed path will look like this:


    If an operation cannot be applied (strip_prefix) to any component in the directory, or if one is unused (exclude, rename), the underlying command will fail. See the individual attributes for details.


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    src Directory (TreeArtifact) to process. Label required
    excludes Files to exclude from the output directory.

    Each element must refer to an individual file in src.

    All exclusions must be used.
    List of strings optional []
    outdir_name Name of output directory (otherwise defaults to the rule's name) String optional ""
    prefix Prefix to add to all paths in the output directory.

    This does not include the output directory name, which will be added regardless.
    String optional ""
    renames Files to rename in the output directory.

    Keys are destinations, values are sources prior to any path modifications (e.g. via prefix or strip_prefix). Files that are excluded must not be renamed.

    This currently only operates on individual files. strip_prefix does not apply to them.

    All renames must be used.
    Dictionary: String -> String optional {}
    strip_prefix Prefix to remove from all paths in the output directory.

    Must apply to all paths in the directory, even those rename'd.
    String optional ""


    pkg_filegroup(name, srcs, prefix)

    Package contents grouping rule.

    This rule represents a collection of packaging specifications (e.g. those created by pkg_files, pkg_mklink, etc.) that have something in common, such as a prefix or a human-readable category.


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    srcs A list of packaging specifications to be grouped together. List of labels required
    prefix A prefix to prepend to provided paths, applied like so:

    - For files and directories, this is simply prepended to the destination - For symbolic links, this is prepended to the "destination" part.
    String optional ""


    pkg_files(name, srcs, attributes, excludes, include_runfiles, prefix, renames, strip_prefix)

    General-purpose package target-to-destination mapping rule.

    This rule provides a specification for the locations and attributes of targets when they are packaged. No outputs are created other than Providers that are intended to be consumed by other packaging rules, such as pkg_rpm. pkg_files targets may be consumed by other pkg_files or pkg_filegroup to build up complex layouts, or directly by top level packaging rules such as pkg_files.

    Consumers of pkg_filess will, where possible, create the necessary directory structure for your files so you do not have to unless you have special requirements. Consult pkg_mkdirs for more details.


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    srcs Files/Labels to include in the outputs of these rules List of labels required
    attributes Attributes to set on packaged files.

    Always use pkg_attributes() to set this rule attribute.

    If not otherwise overridden, the file's mode will be set to UNIX "0644", or the target platform's equivalent.

    Consult the "Mapping Attributes" documentation in the rules_pkg reference for more details.
    String optional "{}"
    excludes List of files or labels to exclude from the inputs to this rule.

    Mostly useful for removing files from generated outputs or preexisting filegroups.
    List of labels optional []
    include_runfiles Add runfiles for all srcs.

    The runfiles are in the paths that Bazel uses. For example, for the target //my_prog:foo, we would see files under paths like foo.runfiles/<repo name>/my_prog/<file>
    Boolean optional False
    prefix Installation prefix.

    This may be an arbitrary string, but it should be understandable by the packaging system you are using to have the desired outcome. For example, RPM macros like %{_libdir} may work correctly in paths for RPM packages, not, say, Debian packages.

    If any part of the directory structure of the computed destination of a file provided to pkg_filegroup or any similar rule does not already exist within a package, the package builder will create it for you with a reasonable set of default permissions (typically 0755 root.root).

    It is possible to establish directory structures with arbitrary permissions using pkg_mkdirs.
    String optional ""
    renames Destination override map.

    This attribute allows the user to override destinations of files in pkg_files relative to the prefix attribute. Keys to the dict are source files/labels, values are destinations relative to the prefix, ignoring whatever value was provided for strip_prefix.

    If the key refers to a TreeArtifact (directory output), you may specify the constant REMOVE_BASE_DIRECTORY as the value, which will result in all containing files and directories being installed relative to the otherwise specified install prefix (via the prefix and strip_prefix attributes), not the directory name.

    The following keys are rejected:

    - Any label that expands to more than one file (mappings must be one-to-one).

    - Any label or file that was either not provided or explicitly excluded.

    The following values result in undefined behavior:

    - "" (the empty string)

    - "."

    - Anything containing ".."
    Dictionary: Label -> String optional {}
    strip_prefix What prefix of a file's path to discard prior to installation.

    This specifies what prefix of an incoming file's path should not be included in the output package at after being appended to the install prefix (the prefix attribute). Note that this is only applied to full directory names, see strip_prefix for more details.

    Use the strip_prefix struct to define this attribute. If this attribute is not specified, all directories will be stripped from all files prior to being included in packages (strip_prefix.files_only()).

    If prefix stripping fails on any file provided in srcs, the build will fail.

    Note that this only functions on paths that are known at analysis time. Specifically, this will not consider directories within TreeArtifacts (directory outputs), or the directories themselves. See also #269.
    String optional "."


    pkg_mkdirs(name, attributes, dirs)

    Defines creation and ownership of directories in packages

    Use this if:

    1. You need to create an empty directory in your package.

    2. Your package needs to explicitly own a directory, even if it already owns files in those directories.

    3. You need nonstandard permissions (typically, not "0755") on a directory in your package.

    For some package management systems (e.g. RPM), directory ownership (2) may imply additional semantics. Consult your package manager's and target distribution's documentation for more details.


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    attributes Attributes to set on packaged directories.

    Always use pkg_attributes() to set this rule attribute.

    If not otherwise overridden, the directory's mode will be set to UNIX "0755", or the target platform's equivalent.

    Consult the "Mapping Attributes" documentation in the rules_pkg reference for more details.
    String optional "{}"
    dirs Directory names to make within the package

    If any part of the requested directory structure does not already exist within a package, the package builder will create it for you with a reasonable set of default permissions (typically 0755 root.root).
    List of strings required


    pkg_mklink_impl(name, attributes, link_name, target)

    Define a symlink within packages

    This rule results in the creation of a single link within a package.

    Symbolic links specified by this rule may point at files/directories outside of the package, or otherwise left dangling.


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    attributes Attributes to set on packaged symbolic links.

    Always use pkg_attributes() to set this rule attribute.

    Symlink permissions may have different meanings depending on your host operating system; consult its documentation for more details.

    If not otherwise overridden, the link's mode will be set to UNIX "0777", or the target platform's equivalent.

    Consult the "Mapping Attributes" documentation in the rules_pkg reference for more details.
    String optional "{}"
    link_name Link "destination", a path within the package.

    This is the actual created symbolic link.

    If the directory structure provided by this attribute is not otherwise created when exist within the package when it is built, it will be created implicitly, much like with pkg_files.

    This path may be prefixed or rooted by grouping or packaging rules.
    String required
    target Link "target", a path on the filesystem.

    This is what the link "points" to, and may point to an arbitrary filesystem path, even relative paths.
    String required


    pkg_attributes(mode, user, group, uid, gid, kwargs)

    Format attributes for use in package mapping rules.

    If "mode" is not provided, it will default to the mapping rule's default mode. These vary per mapping rule; consult the respective documentation for more details.

    Not providing any of "user", "group", "uid", or "gid" will result in the package builder choosing one for you. The chosen value should not be relied upon.

    Well-known attributes outside of the above are documented in the rules_pkg reference.

    This is the only supported means of passing in attributes to package mapping rules (e.g. pkg_files).


    Name Description Default Value
    mode string: UNIXy octal permissions, as a string. None
    user string: Filesystem owning user name. None
    group string: Filesystem owning group name. None
    uid int: Filesystem owning user id. None
    gid int: Filesystem owning group id. None
    kwargs any other desired attributes. none


    A value usable in the "attributes" attribute in package mapping rules.


    pkg_mklink(name, link_name, target, attributes, src, kwargs)

    Create a symlink.

    Wraps pkg_mklink_impl


    Name Description Default Value
    name target name none
    link_name the path in the package that should point to the target. none
    target target path that the link should point to. none
    attributes file attributes. None
    src - None
    kwargs - none






    Name Description Default Value
    path - ""




    Name Description Default Value
    path - ""

    Rules to create RPM archives.

    NOTE: this module is deprecated in favor of pkg/rpm_pfg.bzl. For more information on the pkg_filegroup framework it uses, see pkg/mappings.bzl.

    pkg_rpm() depends on the existence of an rpmbuild toolchain. Many users will find to convenient to use the one provided with their system. To enable that toolchain add the following stanza to WORKSPACE:

    # Find rpmbuild if it exists.
    load("@rules_pkg//toolchains/rpm:rpmbuild_configure.bzl", "find_system_rpmbuild")


    pkg_rpm(name, data, architecture, changelog, debug, release, release_file, rpmbuild_path,
            source_date_epoch, source_date_epoch_file, spec_file, version, version_file)

    Legacy version


    Name Description Type Mandatory Default
    name A unique name for this target. Name required
    data - List of labels required
    architecture - String optional "all"
    changelog - Label optional None
    debug - Boolean optional False
    release - String optional ""
    release_file - Label optional None
    rpmbuild_path - String optional ""
    source_date_epoch - Integer optional 0
    source_date_epoch_file - Label optional None
    spec_file - Label required
    version - String optional ""
    version_file - Label optional None