The BvFetch module provides methods to cache duplicate API calls and interact with the cacheStorage
shouldCache (Function):
A function that takes the API response JSON as input and returns a boolean indicating whether to cache the response or not. This allows you to implement custom logic based on the response content. If caching is desired, the function should return true; otherwise, false.
cacheName (String):
Optional. Specifies the name of the cache to be used. If not provided, the default cache name 'bvCache' will be used.
cacheLimit (Integer)
: Optional. Specifies the cache size limit for the cache storage. Its value should be in MB. Default value is 10 MB.
url (String):
The URL of the API endpoint to fetch data from.
options (Object):
Optional request options such as headers, method, etc., as supported by the Fetch API.
A promise that resolves to the API response. If the response is cached, it returns the cached response. Otherwise, it fetches data from the API endpoint, caches the response according to the caching logic, and returns the fetched response.
url (String):
The URL of the API endpoint.
options (Object):
Optional request options.
The generated cache key.
Retrieves cached Requests from the cache storage associated with the provided cache name.
This method takes no parameters.
This method does not return anything.
Fetches data from the specified URL, caches the response, and returns the response.
url (String):
The URL from which to fetch data.
options (Object):
Optional request options such as headers, method, etc., as supported by the
Fetch API.
cacheKey (String):
The cache key associated with the fetched data.
A promise that resolves to the fetched response.
Function to fetch data from cache.
cacheKey (String):
The cache key to fetch data from the cache.
Promise<Response|null>: A Promise that resolves with a Response object if the data is found in cache, or null if the data is not cached or expired.
Caches the provided response with the specified cache key if it meets the criteria for caching.
response (Response):
The response object to be cached.
cacheKey (String):
The cache key associated with the response.
This method does not return anything.
This method takes no parameters.
A promise indicating the completion of cache flush operation.
Manages the cache by deleting expired cache entries and maintaining the cache size limit.
This method takes no parameters.
This method does not return anything.
var BvFetch = require('bv-ui-core/lib/bvFetch')
// Initialize BV Fetch instance
const bvFetch = new BVFetch({
canBeCached: canBeCached, // optional
cacheName: "bvCache" // optional, default is "bvCache"
// Make API calls using bvFetchFunc method
.then(response => {
// Handle response
.catch(error => {
// Handle error