Contributing to Heyya
Thank you for considering contributing to Heyya! We welcome and appreciate any contributions, whether they are bug reports, bug fixes, feature suggestions, or pull requests. Getting Started
To get started with Heyya, follow these steps:
Install Elixir and Erlang, if you don't already have them. You can find installation instructions at
Clone the Heyya repository: git clone
Install Heyya's dependencies: mix deps.get
Run the tests: mix test
This will verify that Heyya is installed and working properly on your system. Contributing Code
To contribute code to Heyya, follow these steps:
Create a new branch for your changes: git checkout -b my-feature
Make your changes and commit them to your branch: git commit -am "Add my feature"
Push your branch to GitHub: git push origin my-feature
Open a pull request from your branch to the master branch on GitHub.
Your pull request will be reviewed and, if everything looks good, merged into Heyya. Reporting Bugs and Suggesting Features
If you find a bug in Heyya or have a suggestion for a new feature, please open an issue on GitHub. We will review and address the issue as soon as possible.
Thank you for contributing to Heyya!