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104 lines (79 loc) · 3.51 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (79 loc) · 3.51 KB


Some fun messing around with 6502 assembly on the Atari 2600 (VCS).


This isn't quite a game; its more of a screw around project I kicked around.

At this point its only a skeleton and has the following:

  • Scoreboard and timer BCD display
  • Player movement with joysticks
  • Graphics and color binary loading
  • Reset button
  • A bit of black and white TV support
  • Random numbers via Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)

I really wanted to do more with this. But, truthfully I just don't feel like working on it anymore. Its time for this to go on the shelf.


Yeah...this is all I have after ~2 weeks of messing around. This stuff is difficult for me. screenshot.png

Stella Emulator Controls

  • Arrow keys - joystick
  • Spacebar - fire
  • F2 - reset
  • F3 - color TV
  • F4 - black and white TV
  • PAUSE - pause emulator

Unimplemented Ideas

  • Full black and white TV support
  • Player and enemy projectiles
  • Basic pathfinding for Enemy
  • Difficulty switches increase enemy speed
  • Random generated playfield obstacles


Memory Map

|       TIA Registers       | $00-$7F
|         PIA RAM           | $80-$FF
|           ???             |
|    PIA Ports and Timer    | $280-$297
|           ???             |
|       Cartridge ROM       | $F000-$FFFF

NTSC Video Frame

+-------------------------------------------------+        <-----+
|                 Vertical Sync                   |   3 lines    |
|                                                 |              |
+-------------------------------------------------+              |
|                 Vertical Blank                  |  37 lines    |
|                                                 |              |
+--------------------+----------------------------+              +-- 262 lines
|    Horiz.          |           Visible          |              |
|    Blank           |            Frame           | 192 lines    |
|                    |  <-- 160 color clocks -->  |              |
+--------------------+----------------------------+              |
|                    Overscan                     |  30 lines    |
|                                                 |              |
+-------------------------------------------------+        <-----+

|--------------  228 color clocks ----------------|
|---------------  76  CPU cycles -----------------|


Main reference: . This guy is absolutely incredible with 6502 asm.