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Releases: ballerina-platform/module-ballerina-ftp

Ballerina FTP module 0.5.0 released

21 Mar 16:58
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The ballerina organization of the FTP module changed to ballerina from wso2 with this release.
This is the latest version which compatible with Ballerina 1.2.0.

Ballerina FTP module 0.4.3 released

26 Feb 06:36
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This module can import via Ballerina central.

Ballerina FTP Module 0.99.2 Released!

24 Apr 16:58
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This is the compatible connector version of Ballerina v0.991.0

Ballerina FTP Module 0.99.1 Released!

18 Feb 10:01
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This is the compatible connector version of Ballerina v0.990.3

Ballerina FTP Module 0.99.0 Released!

10 Dec 05:15
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This is the latest release that compatible with Ballerina runtime 0.990.0.
FTP functionalities haven't changed this release, but syntax changed to compatible with new Ballerina runtime.

FTP Listener

The FTP Listener can be used to listen to a remote directory. It will keep listening to the specified directory and periodically notify the file addition and deletion.

import wso2/ftp;
import ballerina/log;

listener ftp:Listener remoteServer = new({
    secureSocket: {
        basicAuth: {
            username: "ballerina",
            password: "ballerina123"

service monitor on remoteLocation {
    resource function fileResource (ftp:WatchEvent m) {
        foreach ftp:FileInfo v1 in m.addedFiles {
            log:printInfo("Added file path: " + v1.path);
        foreach string v2 in m.deletedFiles {
            log:printInfo("Deleted file path: " + v2);

FTP Client

The FTP Client Connector can be used to connect to an FTP server and perform I/O operations.

import wso2/ftp;
import ballerina/io;
function main (string... args) {
    ftp:Client ftpClient = new({ protocol: ftp:FTP, host: "", port: 21 });
    // To create a folder in remote server
    var dirCreErr = ftpClient -> mkdir("/ballerina-user/sample-dir");
    if (dirCreErr is error) {
        io:println("An error occured.");

Ballerina FTP Module 0.98.0 Released!

14 Nov 13:18
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This is the latest Ballerina FTP Module that compatible with Ballerina version 0.983.0.

Ballerina FTP Package 0.97.5Released!

02 Oct 05:53
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This is the latest FTP connector which supports for Ballerina runtime V0.982.0.

Ballerina FTP Package 0.97.4 Released!

10 Aug 17:28
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This is the latest FTP connector which supports for Ballerina runtime V0.981.0. This release improved internal error logging.

Ballerina FTP Package 0.97.3 Released!

19 Jul 10:49
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We are pleased to announce release of Balleria FTP Package.

This package contains FTP directory listener and an FTP client. Please refer attached for more information. Please use install.<sh|bat> for install for the Ballerina distribution.

This version support with Ballerina 0.980.0 release only.

Ballerina File Connector 0.97.0 Released!

08 May 05:14
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FTP Listener

The FTP Listener can be used to listen to a remote directory. It will keep listening to the specified directory and periodically notify the file addition and deletion.

import wso2/ftp;
import ballerina/io;

endpoint ftp:Listener remoteLocation {
    secureSocket: {
        basicAuth: {
            username: "ballerina",
            password: "ballerina123"

service monitor bind remoteLocation {
    fileResource (ftp:WatchEvent m) {
        foreach v in m.addedFiles {
            io:println("Added file path: ", v.path);
        foreach v in m.deletedFiles {
            io:println("Deleted file path: ", v);

FTP Client

The FTP Client Connector can be used to connect to an FTP server and perform I/O operations.

import wso2/ftp;
import ballerina/io;

endpoint ftp:Client client {
    protocol: ftp:FTP,
function main (string[] args) {
    // To create a folder in remote server
    errorr? dirCreErr = client -> mkdir("/ballerina-user/sample-dir");
    match dirCreErr {
        error err => {
            io:println("An error occured.");
        () => {}
    // Upload file to a remote server
    io:ByteChannel summaryChannel = io:openFile("/home/ballerina/prog/summary.bal", io:MODE_R);
    error? filePutErr = client -> put("/ballerina-user/sample-dir/summary.bal", summaryChannel);    
    match filePutErr {
        error err => {
            io:println("An error occured.");
        () => {}
    // Get the content list of a given path
    var listResult = client -> list("/ballerina-user/sample-dir");
    match  listResult {
        string[] list => {
            foreach file in list {
                io:println("File: " + file);
        error err=> {
            io:println("An error occured.");
    // Get the size of a remote file
    int size = check client -> size("/ballerina-user/sample-dir/stock.json");
    // Read content of a remote file
    var getResult = client -> get("/ballerina-user/sample-dir/stock.json");
    match getResult {
        io:ByteChannel channel => {
            io:CharacterChannel characters = check io:createCharacterChannel(channel, "UTF-8");
            json stock = check characters.readJson();
            _ = channel.close();
        error err => {
            io:println("An error occured.");
    // Rename or move remote file to a another remote location in a same FTP server
    error? renameErr = client -> rename("/ballerina-user/sample-dir/stock.json", "/ballerina-user/sample-dir/done/stock.json");
    // Delete remote file
    error? fileDelCreErr = client -> delete("/ballerina-user/sample-dir/temp/MyMockProxy.xml");
    // Remove direcotry from remote server 
    _ = client -> rmdir("/ballerina-user/sample-dir/temp");  