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Cross session cell alignment

Biafra Ahanonu edited this page Jul 23, 2021 · 4 revisions

Please use the online documentation website going forward:

Cross-day or -session cell alignment alignment

Find the main function at

Algorithm overview

For details, see Cross-day analysis of BLA neuronal activity methods section in the associated Science paper:


  • Example output on several mPFC animals across multiple sessions. Color is used to indicate a global ID cell (e.g. the same cell matched across multiple days).


The below commands in MATLAB can be used to align sessions across days.

% Create input images, cell array of [x y nCells] matrices
inputImages = {day1Images,day2Images,day3Images};

% options to change
opts.maxDistance = 5; % distance in pixels between centroids for them to be grouped
opts.trialToAlign = 1; % which session to start alignment on
opts.nCorrections = 1; %number of rounds to register session cell maps.
opts.RegisTypeFinal = 2 % 3 = rotation/translation and iso scaling; 2 = rotation/translation, no iso scaling

% Run alignment code
[alignmentStruct] = matchObjBtwnTrials(inputImages,'options',opts);

% Global IDs is a matrix of [globalID sessionID]
% Each (globalID, sessionID) pair gives the within session ID for that particular global ID
globalIDs = alignmentStruct.globalIDs;

% View the cross-session matched cells, saved to `private\_tmpFiles` sub-folder.
[success] = createMatchObjBtwnTrialsMaps(inputImages,alignmentStruct);

In certain cases, you want to run analysis on the registered images, see below.

% Get registered images, cell array of [x y nCells] matrices
registeredImagesCell = alignmentStruct.inputImages;
% Get registered cell maps, cell array of [x y] matrices
registeredCellmaps = alignmentStruct.objectMapTurboreg;

% OR another method below.

% Get the registration coordinates
globalRegCoords = alignmentStruct.registrationCoords;
globalRegCoords = globalRegCoords{folderNo};

% Re-register input images for particular imaging session for later analysis.
for iterationNo = 1:length(globalRegCoords)
	for i=1:length(fn)
		localCoords = globalRegCoords{iterationNo}.(fn{i});
		[inputImages, localCoords] = turboregMovie(inputImages,'precomputedRegistrationCooords',localCoords);

Algorithm results

Cross-session metrics and results on cross-session amygdala response to pain


PFC cross-session alignment.

Dorsal striatum cross-session algorithm comparison

  • Original dorsal striatum cell maps from ICA with no motion correction applied.


  • calciumImagingAnalysis (Biafra's) registration algorithm
    • Color is used to indicate a global ID cell (e.g. the same cell matched across multiple days). Thus, same color cell = same cell across sessions under the quick iteration parameters used in the below run.

