// TCP setup:
let ip = wasi_sockets::resolve_addresses("example.com").await?[0];
let tcp_client = wasi_sockets::TcpSocket::new();
let (tcp_input, tcp_output) = tcp_client.connect(ip, 443).await;
// TLS setup:
let (tls_input, tls_output) = wasi_tls::ClientConnection::new(tcp_input, tcp_output)
// Usage:
tls_output.blocking_write_and_flush("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n");
let http_response = tls_input.blocking_read();
// Prepare certificates + private key:
let id = wasi_tls::PrivateIdentity::parse(
// TCP setup:
let tcp_server = wasi_sockets::TcpSocket::new();
loop {
let (tcp_client, tcp_input, tcp_output) = tcp_server.accept().await?;
// TLS setup:
let handshake = wasi_tls::ServerConnection::new(tcp_input, tcp_output).accept();
let (tls_input, tls_output) = handshake.finish().await?;
// Usage:
let http_request = tls_input.blocking_read();
tls_output.blocking_write_and_flush("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
let client_cert = wasi_tls::PrivateIdentity::parse(
let ip = wasi_sockets::resolve_addresses("example.com").await?[0];
let tcp_client = wasi_sockets::TcpSocket::new();
let (tcp_input, tcp_output) = tcp_client.connect(ip, 443).await;
let tls_connection = wasi_tls::ClientConnection::new(tcp_input, tcp_output);
let handshake = tls_connection.connect("example.com")?;
// Configure settings:
// Receive and validate server certificate:
let server_cert = handshake.verify_server_identity().await?;
let parsed_cert = parse_der(server_cert.export_X509_chain()); // Note: certificate parsing must be done by the guest.
// At the time of writing, validations performed here are always *in addition*
// to the TLS implementation's default validation.
if (/* custom logic */) {
// Handle client certificate request:
match handshake.receive_client_identity_request().await? {
Some(certificate_request) => certificate_request.respond([client_cert]), // TODO: add showcase on how to select a client cert based on server-indicated authorities.
None => { /* No client certificate requested. */ },
let (tls_input, tls_output) = handshake.finish().await?;
// Display TLS connection status:
tls_output.blocking_write_and_flush("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: example.com\r\n\r\n");
let http_response = tls_input.blocking_read();
let id1 = wasi_tls::PrivateIdentity::parse(
let id2 = wasi_tls::PrivateIdentity::parse(
let tcp_server = wasi_sockets::TcpSocket::new();
loop {
let (tcp_client, tcp_input, tcp_output) = tcp_server.accept().await?;
let tls_connection = wasi_tls::ServerConnection::new(tcp_input, tcp_output);
let handshake = tls_connection.accept();
// Configure connection properties based on ClientHello:
let client_hello = handshake.receive_client_hello().await?;
match client_hello.server_name() {
Some("example.com") => {
_ => {
handshake.configure_alpn_ids(["h2", "http/1.1"]);
// Request client certificate:
match handshake.request_client_identity().await? {
Some(client_cert) => {
let parsed_cert = parse_der(client_cert.export_X509_chain()); // Note: certificate parsing must be done by the guest.
// At the time of writing, validations performed here are always *in addition*
// to the TLS implementation's default validation.
if (/* custom logic */) {
None => {
// Client didn't provide a certificate.
let (tls_input, tls_output) = handshake.finish().await?;
// Display TLS connection status:
let http_request = tls_input.blocking_read();
// Perform post-handshake authentication based on HTTP path:
if http_request.starts_with("GET /secure") && tls_connection.client_identity() == None {
let _client_cert = tls_connection.request_client_identity().await;
tls_output.blocking_write_and_flush("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n");
Member | WASI equivalent |
CheckCertRevocationStatus |
⛔ Not supported. Can be faked to return false . |
CipherAlgorithm |
⛔ Not supported. |
CipherStrength |
⛔ Not supported. |
HashAlgorithm |
⛔ Not supported. |
HashStrength |
⛔ Not supported. |
IsAuthenticated |
✅ true after the handshake finished successfully. |
IsEncrypted |
✅ Alias for IsAuthenticated |
IsMutuallyAuthenticated |
✅ Check that the connection IsAuthenticated , and that both client-identity and server-identity are not null. |
IsServer |
✅ To be maintained in userland |
IsSigned |
✅ Alias for IsAuthenticated |
KeyExchangeAlgorithm |
⛔ Not supported. |
KeyExchangeStrength |
⛔ Not supported. |
LocalCertificate |
✅ client-connection::client-identity / server-connection::server-identity |
NegotiatedApplicationProtocol |
✅ client-connection::alpn-id / server-connection::alpn-id |
NegotiatedCipherSuite |
✅ client-connection::cipher-suite / server-connection::cipher-suite |
RemoteCertificate |
✅ client-connection::server-identity / server-connection::client-identity |
SslProtocol |
✅ client-connection::protocol-version / server-connection::protocol-version |
TargetHostName |
✅ client-connection::server-name / server-connection::server-name |
TransportContext |
❔ Unknown |
AuthenticateAsClient , AuthenticateAsClientAsync , BeginAuthenticateAsClient , EndAuthenticateAsClient |
✅ client-connection::connect . See SslClientAuthenticationOptions table below for more details. |
AuthenticateAsServer , AuthenticateAsServerAsync , BeginAuthenticateAsServer , EndAuthenticateAsServer |
✅ server-connection::accept . See SslServerAuthenticationOptions table below for more details. |
NegotiateClientCertificateAsync |
✅ server-connection::request-client-identity |
Read , ReadAsync , BeginRead , EndRead , ReadByte , ReadAtLeast , ReadAtLeastAsync , ReadExactly , ReadExactlyAsync |
✅ Use the input-stream returned by the handshake finish method. |
Write , WriteAsync , BeginWrite , EndWrite , WriteByte |
✅ Use the output-stream returned by the handshake finish method. |
CopyTo , CopyToAsync |
✅ Currently implemented in user space. Could be specialized as output-stream::splice in case both sides are WASI streams. |
Flush , FlushAsync |
✅ Use the output-stream returned by the handshake finish method. |
Dispose , DisposeAsync , Close , Finalize , ShutdownAsync |
⛔ TODO: graceful shutdown |
CanRead |
✅ Implemented in user space |
ReadTimeout |
✅ Implemented in user space |
CanWrite |
✅ Implemented in user space |
WriteTimeout |
✅ Implemented in user space |
CanTimeout |
✅ Implemented in user space |
Position |
✅ Implemented in user space |
InnerStream |
✅ Implemented in user space |
LeaveInnerStreamOpen |
✅ Implemented in user space |
CanSeek |
✅ Not applicable to network streams. false |
Seek |
✅ Not applicable to network streams. throw new NotSupportedException() |
Length |
✅ Not applicable to network streams. throw new NotSupportedException() |
SetLength |
✅ Not applicable to network streams. throw new NotSupportedException() |
ToString , Equals , GetHashCode , GetLifetimeService , GetType , InitializeLifetimeService , MemberwiseClone , ObjectInvariant , CreateObjRef , CreateWaitHandle |
✅ Generic .NET methods. Not specific to TLS. Implemented in user space |
Member | WASI equivalent |
AllowRenegotiation |
⛔ Not supported. |
AllowTlsResume |
⛔ Not supported. |
ApplicationProtocols |
✅ client-handshake::configure-alpn-ids |
CertificateChainPolicy |
❔ Unknown |
CertificateRevocationCheckMode |
NoCheck is supported. |
CipherSuitesPolicy |
null (== OS default) is supported. |
ClientCertificateContext |
✅ Use client-identity-request::respond returned by client-handshake::receive-client-identity-request |
ClientCertificates |
✅ Use client-identity-request::respond returned by client-handshake::receive-client-identity-request |
EnabledSslProtocols |
None (== OS default) is supported. |
EncryptionPolicy |
RequireEncryption is supported. |
LocalCertificateSelectionCallback |
✅ client-handshake::receive-client-identity-request |
RemoteCertificateValidationCallback |
✅ client-handshake::receive-server-identity |
TargetHost |
✅ The server-name parameter of client-connection::connect |
Member | WASI equivalent |
AllowRenegotiation |
⛔ Not supported. |
AllowTlsResume |
⛔ Not supported. |
ApplicationProtocols |
✅ server-handshake::configure-alpn-ids |
CertificateChainPolicy |
❔ Unknown |
CertificateRevocationCheckMode |
NoCheck is supported. |
CipherSuitesPolicy |
null (== OS default) is supported. |
ClientCertificateRequired |
✅ abort the handshake if server-handshake::request-client-identity resolves with none . |
EnabledSslProtocols |
None (== OS default) is supported. |
EncryptionPolicy |
RequireEncryption is supported. |
RemoteCertificateValidationCallback |
✅ server-handshake::request-client-identity |
ServerCertificate |
✅ server-handshake::configure-identities |
ServerCertificateContext |
✅ server-handshake::configure-identities |
ServerCertificateSelectionCallback |
✅ Wait for the ClientHello using server-handshake::receive-client-hello and call server-handshake::configure-identities after that. |
Member | WASI equivalent |
ServerName |
✅ client-hello::server-name |
SslProtocols |
⛔ Not supported. |
API | WASI equivalent |
TLSSocket.localAddress , TLSSocket.localPort , TLSSocket.remoteAddress , TLSSocket.remoteFamily , TLSSocket.remotePort , TLSSocket.address , Server.address , Server.listen , Server: 'connection' event , Server.close |
✅ These APIs can be implemented using wasi-sockets. The WASI TLS interface does not do any I/O. |
connect , createSecureContext , createSecurePair , createServer , TLSSocket.constructor |
✅ Use the client-connection or server-connection resource. See the connection options table below for a more detailed breakdown. |
checkServerIdentity |
✅ Implementable in user space. |
getCiphers |
⛔ Not supported. |
rootCertificates |
⛔ Not supported. |
⛔ Not supported. |
⛔ Not supported. |
⛔ Not supported. Can be faked to return the highest known protocol of the compiled Node.JS version. |
⛔ Not supported. Can be faked to return the lowest known protocol of the compiled Node.JS version. |
'auto' is supported. |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket: 'keylog' event , Server: 'keylog' event |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket: 'OCSPResponse' event |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket: 'secureConnect' event , Server: 'secureConnection' event |
✅ Triggered when the handshake's finish future resolves successfully. |
TLSSocket: 'session' event |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.alpnProtocol |
✅ client-connection::alpn-id / server-connection::alpn-id |
TLSSocket.authorizationError |
TLSSocket.authorized . |
TLSSocket.authorized |
client-connection::server-identity or server-connection::client-identity is not null, the connection can be considered "authorized". |
TLSSocket.disableRenegotiation |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.enableTrace |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.encrypted |
✅ Always true . |
TLSSocket.exportKeyingMaterial |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.getCertificate |
✅ client-connection::client-identity / server-connection::server-identity |
TLSSocket.getCipher |
✅ client-connection::cipher-suite / server-connection::cipher-suite |
TLSSocket.getEphemeralKeyInfo |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.getFinished |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.getPeerCertificate |
✅ client-connection::server-identity / server-connection::client-identity |
TLSSocket.getPeerFinished |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.getPeerX509Certificate |
✅ client-connection::server-identity / server-connection::client-identity |
TLSSocket.getProtocol |
✅ client-connection::protocol-version / server-connection::protocol-version |
TLSSocket.getSession |
⛔ Not supported. Can be faked to return undefined . |
TLSSocket.getSharedSigalgs |
⛔ Not supported. |
TLSSocket.getTLSTicket |
⛔ Not supported. Can be faked to return undefined . |
TLSSocket.getX509Certificate |
✅ client-connection::client-identity / server-connection::server-identity |
TLSSocket.isSessionReused |
⛔ Not supported. Can be faked to return false . |
TLSSocket.renegotiate |
server-connection::request-client-identity |
TLSSocket.servername |
✅ client-connection::server-name / server-connection::server-name |
TLSSocket.setKeyCert |
✅ server-handshake::configure-identities |
TLSSocket.setMaxSendFragment |
⛔ Not supported. |
Server: 'newSession' event |
⛔ Not supported. |
Server: 'OCSPRequest' event |
⛔ Not supported. |
Server: 'resumeSession' event |
⛔ Not supported. |
Server: 'tlsClientError' event |
✅ To be implemented in user space. 'tlsClientError' == any reason the server-handshake could not be finish ed successfully. |
Server.addContext |
✅ To be implemented in user space. Use server-handshake::receive-client-hello to wait for the ClientHello and then configure the server-handshake based on the registered contexts. |
Server.getTicketKeys |
⛔ Not supported. |
Server.setSecureContext |
✅ See Server.addContext . |
Server.setTicketKeys |
⛔ Not supported. |
Option | WASI equivalent |
ALPNProtocols |
✅ client-handshake::configure-alpn-ids / server-handshake::configure-alpn-ids |
ALPNCallback |
✅ Use server-handshake::receive-client-hello to receive the ClientHello. The return value of the callback can be passed as single item list into server-handshake::configure-alpn-ids . |
SNICallback |
✅ server-handshake::receive-client-hello |
ca |
⛔ Not supported. |
cert , key , pfx |
✅ client-identity-request::respond / server-handshake::configure-identities |
passphrase |
private-identity::parse . |
checkServerIdentity |
✅ client-handshake::verify-server-identity |
ciphers |
⛔ Not supported. |
clientCertEngine |
⛔ (Deprecated) Not supported. |
crl |
⛔ Not supported. |
dhparam |
⛔ Not supported. |
ecdhCurve |
⛔ Not supported. |
enableTrace |
⛔ Not supported. |
handshakeTimeout |
✅ Implementable in user space |
honorCipherOrder |
⛔ Not supported. |
isServer |
✅ Indicates whether a client-connection or server-connection should be constructed. |
key |
✅ client-identity-request::respond / server-handshake::configure-identities |
minDHSize |
⛔ Not supported. |
minVersion , maxVersion , secureProtocol |
⛔ Not supported. |
privateKeyEngine |
⛔ (Deprecated) Not supported. |
privateKeyIdentifier |
⛔ (Deprecated) Not supported. |
pskCallback |
⛔ Not supported. |
pskIdentityHint |
⛔ Not supported. |
rejectUnauthorized |
true is supported. |
requestCert |
✅ When true , use server-handshake::receive-client-hello |
requestOCSP |
⛔ Not supported. |
secureOptions |
⛔ Not supported. |
servername |
✅ The server-name parameter of client-connection::connect |
session |
⛔ Not supported. |
sessionIdContext |
⛔ Not supported. |
sessionTimeout |
⛔ Not supported. |
sigalgs |
⛔ Not supported. |
ticketKeys |
⛔ Not supported. |