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File metadata and controls

83 lines (63 loc) · 2.24 KB



Before starting to use Node-API you need to assure you have the following prerequisites:

Installation and usage

To use Node-API in a native module:

  1. Add a dependency on this package to package.json:
  "dependencies": {
    "node-addon-api": "*",
  1. Reference this package's include directory and gyp file in binding.gyp:
  'include_dirs': ["<!(node -p \"require('node-addon-api').include_dir\")"],
  1. Decide whether the package will enable C++ exceptions in the Node-API wrapper. The base ABI-stable C APIs do not throw or handle C++ exceptions, but the Node-API C++ wrapper classes may optionally integrate C++ and JavaScript exception-handling . To enable that capability, C++ exceptions must be enabled in binding.gyp:
  'cflags!': [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
  'cflags_cc!': [ '-fno-exceptions' ],
  'xcode_settings': {
    'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY': 'libc++',
  'msvs_settings': {
    'VCCLCompilerTool': { 'ExceptionHandling': 1 },

Alternatively, disable use of C++ exceptions in Node-API:

  1. If you would like your native addon to support OSX, please also add the following settings in the binding.gyp file:
'conditions': [
  ['OS=="mac"', {
      'cflags+': ['-fvisibility=hidden'],
      'xcode_settings': {
        'GCC_SYMBOLS_PRIVATE_EXTERN': 'YES', # -fvisibility=hidden
  1. Include napi.h in the native module code. To ensure only ABI-stable APIs are used, DO NOT include node.h, nan.h, or v8.h.
#include "napi.h"

At build time, the Node-API back-compat library code will be used only when the targeted node version does not have Node-API built-in.

The preprocessor directive NODE_ADDON_API_DISABLE_DEPRECATED can be defined at compile time before including napi.h to skip the definition of deprecated APIs.