This is just a simple example on how RabbitMQ can be used along with TYPO3.
Install required package:
ddev composer req symfony/amqp-messenger
Create a message with all information needed later on in the handler:
final class MyMessage
public function __construct(
public readonly array $content
) {
Process a message:
final class MyHandler
public function __construct(private readonly MessageBusInterface $bus)
public function __invoke(MyMessage $message): void
try {
// #### Do magic stuff with $message->content ####
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
// Workaround to support infinite retryable messages. So no message gets lost.
$envelope = new Envelope(new MyMessage($message->content), [new DelayStamp(5000)]);
Register 'amqp' in ext_localconf.php
// Unset the default, so that it no longer applies
// Set Webhook-Messages and MyMessage to asynchronous transport via amqp
foreach ([WebhookMessageInterface::class, MyMessage::class] as $className) {
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['messenger']['routing'][$className] = 'amqp';
Dispatch a message:
class RunTheRabbit implements MiddlewareInterface
public function __construct(private readonly MessageBusInterface $bus)
public function process(
ServerRequestInterface $request,
RequestHandlerInterface $handler
): ResponseInterface {
$value = ['some' => 'value'];
$this->bus->dispatch(new MyMessage($value));
return $handler->handle($request);
Start the worker to consume messages:
ddev typo3 messenger:consume -vv amqp