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Table of Contents

  1. My Own Dwm Config
    1. Color Scheme
    2. Patches
    3. Keybinding
    4. Other
      1. Xsessions config
      2. Recompile
      3. Switch

My Own Dwm Config

Color Scheme

Nord and Light

Nord Dark

Nord Light


You can see all of 19 patches I have applied in ./patches dir.

  • dwm-00-regex-rules.diff

    to enable config.def.h 's regex rules

  • dwm-attachasideandbelow-20200702-f04cac6.diff

    new windows are spawned on the bottom of the stack

  • dwm-awesomebar-20200907-6.2.diff

    make dwmbar have awesomebar's effect

  • dwm-bar-height-6.2.diff

    make dwmbar's height can be change

  • dwm-bottomstack-20160719-56a31dc.diff

    add two stack layout that master on top and other windows on bottom

  • dwm-gridmode-20170909-ceac8c9.diff

    add a grid layout

  • dwm-6.2-tab-v2b.diff

    convert monocule layout to tab layout

  • dwm-restartsig-20180523-6.2.diff

    make dwm can restart through a shortcut

  • dwm-autostart-20200610-cb3f58a.diff

    enable autostart apps when dwm start or restart(my script ensures apps only start when dwm starts for the first time)

  • dwm-focusmaster-20200717-bb2e722.diff

    let you can focus master window through a shortcut

  • dwm-fullscreen-6.2.diff

    make window fullscreen

  • dwm-uselessgap-20200719-bb2e722.diff

    gaps appear when window number > 1

    merge full gaps with pertag

  • dwm-focusonnetactive-6.2.diff

    automatically switch to urgent window

  • dwm-hide_vacant_tags-6.2.diff

    hide vacant tags

  • dwm-pertag-perseltag-6.2.diff

    maintain layout for pertag

  • dwm-status2d-6.2.diff

    allow color on dwm status

  • dwm-status2d-xrdb-6.2.diff

    status2d work with xrdb

  • dwm-scratchpad-6.2.diff

    start a scratchpad

  • dwm-xrdb-6.2.diff

    reload dwm color through ~/.Xresources

  • tcl.c

    a new layout with a wide master panel centered on the screen.


You can see all of keybindings in ./config.def.h clearly.


Status Monitor


Xsessions config

Execute recompile script first.


sudo vim /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Dynamic window manager


The script called recompile need your user can execute sudo command without password.


The simple script in .local/bin/ called switch can switch nord-light and nord-dark theme through a shortcut defined in .dwm/config.def.h.

All of details about how to switch you can see in it.