All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Initial version
- Use CloudFront KeyValueStore to store commitId
- remove age and date header
- build AWS Layer manually
- max name for OAC & remove old comments
- use custom name for KVS
- Use Lambda Power Tools for logging and tracing
- Use one CloudFront Function template per framework
- Generate the necessary dummy zip file required by the Pipeline during installation, instead of using the CLI deploy command
- Address the behavior when a user wants to utilize their own framework that is not included in the existing list of supported frameworks
- Lambda layer path
- Update Readme CDK Usage
- Fix A record
- Add option to submit a feature request
- fix wording for A record
- update a few prompts to be more explicit
- Properly bundles package before publishing to npm
- Ensure connection stack name follows naming pattern
- Removal special characters Action name in CodePipeline