diff --git a/AWS_SERVICES_SUPPORTED.md b/AWS_SERVICES_SUPPORTED.md index ea7a202f180b..7fa912a609dd 100644 --- a/AWS_SERVICES_SUPPORTED.md +++ b/AWS_SERVICES_SUPPORTED.md @@ -70,6 +70,8 @@ These services have not yet been manually tested by the SDK team and may not hav - [x] Amazon Budgets - [x] Amazon Ce - [x] Amazon Chime +- [x] Amazon Chime Identity +- [x] Amazon Chime Messaging - [x] Amazon Cloud9 - [x] Amazon Cloud Directory - [x] Amazon Cloud Front @@ -221,6 +223,7 @@ These services have not yet been manually tested by the SDK team and may not hav - [x] Amazon Signer - [x] Amazon SMS - [x] Amazon Sms-Voice +- [x] Amazon Snow Device Management - [x] Amazon SSO - [x] Amazon Sso-Admin - [x] Amazon Sso-Oidc diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 527ac5c28ef4..5fece716949c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# The AWS SDK for Rust [![Docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-v0.0.15--alpha-blue)](https://awslabs.github.io/aws-sdk-rust/) ![MSRV](https://img.shields.io/badge/msrv-1.52.1-red) +# The AWS SDK for Rust [![Docs](https://img.shields.io/badge/docs-v0.0.16--alpha-blue)](https://awslabs.github.io/aws-sdk-rust/) ![MSRV](https://img.shields.io/badge/msrv-1.52.1-red) This repo contains the new AWS SDK for Rust (the SDK) and its [public roadmap](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust/projects/1) @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The SDK provides one crate per AWS service. You must add [Tokio](https://crates. ```toml [dependencies] -aws-sdk-dynamodb = { git = "https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust", tag = "v0.0.15-alpha", package = "aws-sdk-dynamodb" } +aws-sdk-dynamodb = { git = "https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sdk-rust", tag = "v0.0.16-alpha", package = "aws-sdk-dynamodb" } tokio = { version = "1", features = ["full"] } ``` 3. Provide your AWS credentials as environment variables: diff --git a/sdk/Cargo.toml b/sdk/Cargo.toml index 0a594ac54e2c..6ac4356f61a4 100644 --- a/sdk/Cargo.toml +++ b/sdk/Cargo.toml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ [workspace] members = [ - "migrationhub","accessanalyzer","acmpca","acm","alexaforbusiness","amp","amplify","amplifybackend","apigateway","apigatewaymanagement","apigatewayv2","appconfig","appflow","appintegrations","applicationautoscaling","applicationinsights","applicationcostprofiler","appmesh","apprunner","appstream","appsync","athena","auditmanager","autoscalingplans","autoscaling","backup","batch","braket","budgets","costexplorer","chime","cloud9","clouddirectory","cloudformation","cloudfront","cloudhsm","cloudhsmv2","cloudsearch","cloudsearchdomain","cloudtrail","codeartifact","codebuild","codecommit","codedeploy","codegurureviewer","codeguruprofiler","codepipeline","codestarconnections","codestarnotifications","codestar","cognitoidentity","cognitoidentityprovider","cognitosync","comprehend","comprehendmedical","computeoptimizer","config","connectcontactlens","connect","connectparticipant","costandusagereport","customerprofiles","databrew","dataexchange","datapipeline","datasync","dax","detective","devicefarm","devopsguru","directconnect","applicationdiscovery","dlm","databasemigration","docdb","directory","dynamodb","ebs","ec2instanceconnect","ec2","ecrpublic","ecr","ecs","eks","elasticinference","elasticache","elasticbeanstalk","efs","elasticloadbalancing","elasticloadbalancingv2","emr","elastictranscoder","ses","emrcontainers","marketplaceentitlement","elasticsearch","eventbridge","cloudwatchevents","finspacedata","finspace","firehose","fis","fms","forecast","forecastquery","frauddetector","fsx","gamelift","globalaccelerator","glue","greengrass","greengrassv2","groundstation","guardduty","health","healthlake","honeycode","iam","identitystore","imagebuilder","inspector","iotdataplane","iotjobsdataplane","iot","iot1clickdevices","iot1clickprojects","iotanalytics","iotdeviceadvisor","ioteventsdata","iotevents","iotfleethub","iotsecuretunneling","iotsitewise","iotthingsgraph","iotwireless","ivs","kafka","kendra","kinesisvideoarchivedmedia","kinesisvideomedia","kinesisvideosignaling","kinesis","kinesisanalytics","kinesisanalyticsv2","kinesisvideo","kms","lakeformation","lambda","lexmodelbuilding","licensemanager","lightsail","location","cloudwatchlogs","lookoutequipment","lookoutmetrics","lookoutvision","machinelearning","macie","macie2","managedblockchain","marketplacecatalog","marketplacecommerceanalytics","mediaconnect","mediaconvert","medialive","mediapackagevod","mediapackage","mediastoredata","mediastore","mediatailor","marketplacemetering","mgn","migrationhubconfig","mobile","lexmodelsv2","cloudwatch","mq","mturk","mwaa","neptune","networkfirewall","networkmanager","nimble","opsworks","opsworkscm","organizations","outposts","personalizeevents","personalizeruntime","personalize","pi","pinpointemail","pinpoint","polly","pricing","proton","qldbsession","qldb","quicksight","ram","rdsdata","rds","redshiftdata","redshift","rekognition","resourcegroups","resourcegroupstagging","robomaker","route53recoverycluster","route53recoverycontrolconfig","route53recoveryreadiness","route53","route53domains","route53resolver","lexruntime","lexruntimev2","sagemakerruntime","s3","s3control","s3outposts","sagemakera2iruntime","sagemakeredge","sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime","sagemaker","savingsplans","schemas","secretsmanager","securityhub","serverlessapplicationrepository","servicequotas","servicecatalogappregistry","servicecatalog","servicediscovery","sesv2","shield","signer","pinpointsmsvoice","sms","snowball","sns","sqs","ssmcontacts","ssmincidents","ssm","ssoadmin","ssooidc","sso","sfn","storagegateway","dynamodbstreams","sts","support","swf","synthetics","textract","transcribe","transfer","translate","wafregional","waf","wafv2","wellarchitected","workdocs","worklink","workmail","workmailmessageflow","workspaces","xray","protocol-test-helpers","smithy-async","smithy-client","smithy-eventstream","smithy-http","smithy-http-tower","smithy-json","smithy-query","smithy-types","smithy-xml","aws-auth","aws-auth-providers","aws-endpoint","aws-http","aws-hyper","aws-sig-auth","aws-types","examples/mediapackage","examples/cloudwatch","examples/lambda","examples/autoscalingplans","examples/kms","examples/cognitosync","examples/snowball","examples/applicationautoscaling","examples/eks","examples/route53","examples/sqs","examples/ses","examples/autoscaling","examples/ecr","examples/sts","examples/qldb","examples/rds","examples/sagemaker","examples/rdsdata","examples/s3","examples/cloudwatchlogs","examples/ec2","examples/cloudformation","examples/cognitoidentity","examples/iam","examples/cognitoidentityprovider","examples/polly","examples/sns","examples/ssm","examples/medialive","examples/config","examples/ecs","examples/secretsmanager","examples/ebs","examples/batch","examples/kinesis" + "migrationhub","accessanalyzer","acmpca","acm","alexaforbusiness","amp","amplify","amplifybackend","apigateway","apigatewaymanagement","apigatewayv2","appconfig","appflow","appintegrations","applicationautoscaling","applicationinsights","applicationcostprofiler","appmesh","apprunner","appstream","appsync","athena","auditmanager","autoscalingplans","autoscaling","backup","batch","braket","budgets","costexplorer","chimesdkidentity","chimesdkmessaging","chime","cloud9","clouddirectory","cloudformation","cloudfront","cloudhsm","cloudhsmv2","cloudsearch","cloudsearchdomain","cloudtrail","codeartifact","codebuild","codecommit","codedeploy","codegurureviewer","codeguruprofiler","codepipeline","codestarconnections","codestarnotifications","codestar","cognitoidentity","cognitoidentityprovider","cognitosync","comprehend","comprehendmedical","computeoptimizer","config","connectcontactlens","connect","connectparticipant","costandusagereport","customerprofiles","databrew","dataexchange","datapipeline","datasync","dax","detective","devicefarm","devopsguru","directconnect","applicationdiscovery","dlm","databasemigration","docdb","directory","dynamodb","ebs","ec2instanceconnect","ec2","ecrpublic","ecr","ecs","eks","elasticinference","elasticache","elasticbeanstalk","efs","elasticloadbalancing","elasticloadbalancingv2","emr","elastictranscoder","ses","emrcontainers","marketplaceentitlement","elasticsearch","eventbridge","cloudwatchevents","finspacedata","finspace","firehose","fis","fms","forecast","forecastquery","frauddetector","fsx","gamelift","globalaccelerator","glue","greengrass","greengrassv2","groundstation","guardduty","health","healthlake","honeycode","iam","identitystore","imagebuilder","inspector","iotdataplane","iotjobsdataplane","iot","iot1clickdevices","iot1clickprojects","iotanalytics","iotdeviceadvisor","ioteventsdata","iotevents","iotfleethub","iotsecuretunneling","iotsitewise","iotthingsgraph","iotwireless","ivs","kafka","kendra","kinesisvideoarchivedmedia","kinesisvideomedia","kinesisvideosignaling","kinesis","kinesisanalytics","kinesisanalyticsv2","kinesisvideo","kms","lakeformation","lambda","lexmodelbuilding","licensemanager","lightsail","location","cloudwatchlogs","lookoutequipment","lookoutmetrics","lookoutvision","machinelearning","macie","macie2","managedblockchain","marketplacecatalog","marketplacecommerceanalytics","mediaconnect","mediaconvert","medialive","mediapackagevod","mediapackage","mediastoredata","mediastore","mediatailor","marketplacemetering","mgn","migrationhubconfig","mobile","lexmodelsv2","cloudwatch","mq","mturk","mwaa","neptune","networkfirewall","networkmanager","nimble","opsworks","opsworkscm","organizations","outposts","personalizeevents","personalizeruntime","personalize","pi","pinpointemail","pinpoint","polly","pricing","proton","qldbsession","qldb","quicksight","ram","rdsdata","rds","redshiftdata","redshift","rekognition","resourcegroups","resourcegroupstagging","robomaker","route53recoverycluster","route53recoverycontrolconfig","route53recoveryreadiness","route53","route53domains","route53resolver","lexruntime","lexruntimev2","sagemakerruntime","s3","s3control","s3outposts","sagemakera2iruntime","sagemakeredge","sagemakerfeaturestoreruntime","sagemaker","savingsplans","schemas","secretsmanager","securityhub","serverlessapplicationrepository","servicequotas","servicecatalogappregistry","servicecatalog","servicediscovery","sesv2","shield","signer","pinpointsmsvoice","sms","snowdevicemanagement","snowball","sns","sqs","ssmcontacts","ssmincidents","ssm","ssoadmin","ssooidc","sso","sfn","storagegateway","dynamodbstreams","sts","support","swf","synthetics","textract","transcribe","transfer","translate","wafregional","waf","wafv2","wellarchitected","workdocs","worklink","workmail","workmailmessageflow","workspaces","xray","protocol-test-helpers","smithy-async","smithy-client","smithy-eventstream","smithy-http","smithy-http-tower","smithy-json","smithy-query","smithy-types","smithy-xml","aws-auth","aws-auth-providers","aws-endpoint","aws-http","aws-hyper","aws-sig-auth","aws-sigv4","aws-types","examples/mediapackage","examples/cloudwatch","examples/lambda","examples/autoscalingplans","examples/kms","examples/cognitosync","examples/snowball","examples/applicationautoscaling","examples/eks","examples/route53","examples/sqs","examples/ses","examples/autoscaling","examples/ecr","examples/sts","examples/qldb","examples/rds","examples/sagemaker","examples/dynamodb","examples/rdsdata","examples/s3","examples/cloudwatchlogs","examples/ec2","examples/cloudformation","examples/cognitoidentity","examples/iam","examples/cognitoidentityprovider","examples/polly","examples/sns","examples/ssm","examples/medialive","examples/config","examples/ecs","examples/secretsmanager","examples/ebs","examples/batch","examples/kinesis" ] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sdk/accessanalyzer/Cargo.toml b/sdk/accessanalyzer/Cargo.toml index 5d75949b1019..1237e39c00e6 100644 --- a/sdk/accessanalyzer/Cargo.toml +++ b/sdk/accessanalyzer/Cargo.toml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Code generated by software.amazon.smithy.rust.codegen.smithy-rs. DO NOT EDIT. [package] name = "aws-sdk-accessanalyzer" -version = "0.0.15-alpha" +version = "0.0.16-alpha" description = "
AWS IAM Access Analyzer helps identify potential resource-access risks by enabling you to identify\n any policies that grant access to an external principal. It does this by using logic-based\n reasoning to analyze resource-based policies in your AWS environment. An external\n principal can be another AWS account, a root user, an IAM user or role, a federated\n user, an AWS service, or an anonymous user. You can also use Access Analyzer to preview and\n validate public and cross-account access to your resources before deploying permissions\n changes. This guide describes the AWS IAM Access Analyzer operations that you can call\n programmatically. For general information about Access Analyzer, see AWS IAM Access Analyzer in the IAM User Guide.
\nTo start using Access Analyzer, you first need to create an analyzer.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamYou can use Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager (ACM) to manage SSL/TLS certificates for your Amazon Web Services-based websites\n and applications. For more information about using ACM, see the Amazon Web Services Certificate Manager User Guide.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamThis is the ACM Private CA API Reference. It provides descriptions,\n\t\t\tsyntax, and usage examples for each of the actions and data types involved in creating\n\t\t\tand managing private certificate authorities (CA) for your organization.
\n\t\tThe documentation for each action shows the Query API request parameters and the XML\n\t\t\tresponse. Alternatively, you can use one of the AWS SDKs to access an API that's\n\t\t\ttailored to the programming language or platform that you're using. For more\n\t\t\tinformation, see AWS\n\t\t\tSDKs.
\n\t\tEach ACM Private CA API action has a quota that determines the number of times the action\n\t\t\t\tcan be called per second. For more information, see API Rate Quotas in ACM Private CA\n\t\t\t\tin the ACM Private CA user guide.
\n\t\tAlexa for Business helps you use Alexa in your organization. Alexa for Business provides you with the tools\n to manage Alexa devices, enroll your users, and assign skills, at scale. You can build your\n own context-aware voice skills using the Alexa Skills Kit and the Alexa for Business API operations.\n You can also make these available as private skills for your organization. Alexa for Business makes it\n efficient to voice-enable your products and services, thus providing context-aware voice\n experiences for your customers. Device makers building with the Alexa Voice Service (AVS)\n can create fully integrated solutions, register their products with Alexa for Business, and manage them\n as shared devices in their organization.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamAmplify enables developers to develop and deploy cloud-powered mobile and web apps.\n The Amplify Console provides a continuous delivery and hosting service for web\n applications. For more information, see the Amplify Console User Guide. The\n Amplify Framework is a comprehensive set of SDKs, libraries, tools, and documentation\n for client app development. For more information, see the Amplify Framework.\n
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamAWS Amplify Admin API
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamAmazon API Gateway helps developers deliver robust, secure, and scalable mobile and web application back ends. API Gateway allows developers to securely connect mobile and web applications to APIs that run on AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, or other publicly addressable web services that are hosted outside of AWS.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl Into[Required] The name of the DomainName resource.
@@ -1501,6 +1502,21 @@ pub mod create_domain_name_input { self.mutual_tls_authentication = input; self } + ///The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl IntoIf specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your custom domain name.
pub mutual_tls_authentication: std::option::OptionThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub ownership_verification_certificate_arn: std::option::OptionThe endpoint configuration of this DomainName showing the endpoint types of the domain name.
pub endpoint_configuration: std::option::OptionThe status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
An optional text message containing detailed information about status of the DomainName migration.
pub domain_name_status_message: std::option::OptionThe mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your API.
pub mutual_tls_authentication: std::option::OptionThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub ownership_verification_certificate_arn: std::option::OptionThe custom domain name as an API host name, for example, my-api.example.com
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl IntoThe endpoint configuration of this DomainName showing the endpoint types of the domain name.
pub endpoint_configuration: std::option::OptionThe status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
An optional text message containing detailed information about status of the DomainName migration.
pub domain_name_status_message: std::option::OptionThe mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your API.
pub mutual_tls_authentication: std::option::OptionThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub ownership_verification_certificate_arn: std::option::OptionThe custom domain name as an API host name, for example, my-api.example.com
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl IntoThe endpoint configuration of this DomainName showing the endpoint types of the domain name.
pub endpoint_configuration: std::option::OptionThe status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
An optional text message containing detailed information about status of the DomainName migration.
pub domain_name_status_message: std::option::OptionThe mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your API.
pub mutual_tls_authentication: std::option::OptionThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub ownership_verification_certificate_arn: std::option::OptionThe custom domain name as an API host name, for example, my-api.example.com
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl IntoThe endpoint configuration of this DomainName showing the endpoint types of the domain name.
pub endpoint_configuration: std::option::OptionThe status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
An optional text message containing detailed information about status of the DomainName migration.
pub domain_name_status_message: std::option::OptionThe mutual TLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. Clients must present a trusted certificate to access your API.
pub mutual_tls_authentication: std::option::OptionThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub ownership_verification_certificate_arn: std::option::OptionThe custom domain name as an API host name, for example, my-api.example.com
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The status of the DomainName migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE
. If the status is UPDATING
, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE
, the domain can be updated.
The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn.
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl IntoThe Amazon API Gateway Management API allows you to directly manage runtime aspects of your deployed APIs. To use it, you must explicitly set the SDK's endpoint to point to the endpoint of your deployed API. The endpoint will be of the form https://{api-id}.execute-api.{region}.amazonaws.com/{stage}, or will be the endpoint corresponding to your API's custom domain and base path, if applicable.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamAmazon API Gateway V2
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamThe timestamp when the certificate that was used by edge-optimized endpoint for this domain name was uploaded.
pub certificate_upload_date: std::option::OptionThe status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
+ ///The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE, UPDATING, PENDING_CERTIFICATE_REIMPORT, and PENDING_OWNERSHIP_VERIFICATION. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
pub domain_name_status: std::option::OptionAn optional text message containing detailed information about status of the domain name migration.
pub domain_name_status_message: std::option::OptionThe Transport Layer Security (TLS) version of the security policy for this domain name. The valid values are TLS_1_0 and TLS_1_2.
pub security_policy: std::option::OptionThe ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn
+ pub ownership_verification_certificate_arn: std::option::OptionA domain name for the API.
@@ -941,7 +948,7 @@ pub mod domain_name_configuration { self.certificate_upload_date = input; self } - ///The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
+ ///The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE, UPDATING, PENDING_CERTIFICATE_REIMPORT, and PENDING_OWNERSHIP_VERIFICATION. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
pub fn domain_name_status(mut self, input: crate::model::DomainNameStatus) -> Self { self.domain_name_status = Some(input); self @@ -1001,6 +1008,21 @@ pub mod domain_name_configuration { self.security_policy = input; self } + ///The ARN of the public certificate issued by ACM to validate ownership of your custom domain. Only required when configuring mutual TLS and using an ACM imported or private CA certificate ARN as the regionalCertificateArn
+ pub fn ownership_verification_certificate_arn( + mut self, + input: impl IntoThe status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
+///The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE, UPDATING, PENDING_CERTIFICATE_REIMPORT, and PENDING_OWNERSHIP_VERIFICATION. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
#[non_exhaustive] #[derive( std::clone::Clone, @@ -1139,6 +1162,8 @@ impl AsRefUse AWS AppConfig, a capability of AWS Systems Manager, to create, manage, and quickly deploy\n application configurations. AppConfig supports controlled deployments to applications of any\n size and includes built-in validation checks and monitoring. You can use AppConfig with\n applications hosted on Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, containers, mobile applications, or IoT\n devices.
\n\nTo prevent errors when deploying application configurations, especially for production\n systems where a simple typo could cause an unexpected outage, AppConfig includes validators.\n A validator provides a syntactic or semantic check to ensure that the configuration you\n want to deploy works as intended. To validate your application configuration data, you\n provide a schema or a Lambda function that runs against the configuration. The\n configuration deployment or update can only proceed when the configuration data is\n valid.
\n\nDuring a configuration deployment, AppConfig monitors the application to ensure that the\n deployment is successful. If the system encounters an error, AppConfig rolls back the change\n to minimize impact for your application users. You can configure a deployment strategy for\n each application or environment that includes deployment criteria, including velocity, bake\n time, and alarms to monitor. Similar to error monitoring, if a deployment triggers an\n alarm, AppConfig automatically rolls back to the previous version.
\n\nAppConfig supports multiple use cases. Here are some examples.
\n\n Application tuning: Use AppConfig to carefully\n introduce changes to your application that can only be tested with production\n traffic.
\n\n Feature toggle: Use AppConfig to turn on new\n features that require a timely deployment, such as a product launch or announcement.\n
\n\n Allow list: Use AppConfig to allow premium\n subscribers to access paid content.
\n\n Operational issues: Use AppConfig to reduce stress\n on your application when a dependency or other external factor impacts the\n system.
\nThis reference is intended to be used with the AWS AppConfig User Guide.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamWelcome to the Amazon AppFlow API reference. This guide is for developers who need\n detailed information about the Amazon AppFlow API operations, data types, and errors.
\n\nAmazon AppFlow is a fully managed integration service that enables you to securely\n transfer data between software as a service (SaaS) applications like Salesforce, Marketo,\n Slack, and ServiceNow, and AWS services like Amazon S3 and Amazon Redshift.
\n\n\n\nUse the following links to get started on the Amazon AppFlow API:
\n\n\n Actions: An alphabetical list of all Amazon AppFlow API operations.
\n\n Data\n types: An alphabetical list of all Amazon AppFlow data types.
\n\n Common parameters: Parameters that all Query operations can use.
\n\n Common\n errors: Client and server errors that all operations can return.
\nIf you're new to Amazon AppFlow, we recommend that you review the Amazon AppFlow User\n Guide.
\nAmazon AppFlow API users can use vendor-specific mechanisms for OAuth, and include\n applicable OAuth attributes (such as auth-code
and redirecturi
) with\n the connector-specific ConnectorProfileProperties
when creating a new connector\n profile using Amazon AppFlow API operations. For example, Salesforce users can refer to the\n \n Authorize Apps with OAuth\n documentation.
The Amazon AppIntegrations service enables you to configure and reuse connections to external applications.
\nFor information about how you can use external applications with Amazon Connect, see Set up pre-built integrations in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamWith Application Auto Scaling, you can configure automatic scaling for the following\n resources:
\nAmazon ECS services
\nAmazon EC2 Spot Fleet requests
\nAmazon EMR clusters
\nAmazon AppStream 2.0 fleets
\nAmazon DynamoDB tables and global secondary indexes throughput capacity
\nAmazon Aurora Replicas
\nAmazon SageMaker endpoint variants
\nCustom resources provided by your own applications or services
\nAmazon Comprehend document classification and entity recognizer endpoints
\nAWS Lambda function provisioned concurrency
\nAmazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) tables
\nAmazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka broker storage
\n\n API Summary\n
\nThe Application Auto Scaling service API includes three key sets of actions:
\nRegister and manage scalable targets - Register AWS or custom resources as scalable\n targets (a resource that Application Auto Scaling can scale), set minimum and maximum capacity limits, and\n retrieve information on existing scalable targets.
\nConfigure and manage automatic scaling - Define scaling policies to dynamically scale\n your resources in response to CloudWatch alarms, schedule one-time or recurring scaling actions,\n and retrieve your recent scaling activity history.
\nSuspend and resume scaling - Temporarily suspend and later resume automatic scaling by\n calling the RegisterScalableTarget API action for any Application Auto Scaling scalable target. You can\n suspend and resume (individually or in combination) scale-out activities that are\n triggered by a scaling policy, scale-in activities that are triggered by a scaling policy,\n and scheduled scaling.
\nTo learn more about Application Auto Scaling, including information about granting IAM users required\n permissions for Application Auto Scaling actions, see the Application Auto Scaling User\n Guide.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamThis reference provides descriptions of the AWS Application Cost Profiler API.
\nThe AWS Application Cost Profiler API provides programmatic access to view, create, update, and delete\n application cost report definitions, as well as to import your usage data into the Application Cost Profiler\n service.
\nFor more information about using this service, see the AWS Application Cost\n Profiler User Guide.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamAWS Application Discovery Service helps you plan application migration projects. It\n automatically identifies servers, virtual machines (VMs), and network dependencies in your\n on-premises data centers. For more information, see the AWS Application Discovery Service\n FAQ. Application Discovery Service offers three ways of performing discovery and\n collecting data about your on-premises servers:
\n\n\n Agentless discovery is recommended for environments\n that use VMware vCenter Server. This mode doesn't require you to install an agent on each\n host. It does not work in non-VMware environments.
\n\nAgentless discovery gathers server information regardless of the operating\n systems, which minimizes the time required for initial on-premises infrastructure\n assessment.
\nAgentless discovery doesn't collect information about network dependencies, only\n agent-based discovery collects that information.
\n\n Agent-based discovery collects a richer set of data\n than agentless discovery by using the AWS Application Discovery Agent, which you install\n on one or more hosts in your data center.
\n\nThe agent captures infrastructure and application information, including an\n inventory of running processes, system performance information, resource utilization,\n and network dependencies.
\nThe information collected by agents is secured at rest and in transit to the\n Application Discovery Service database in the cloud.
\n\n AWS Partner Network (APN) solutions integrate with\n Application Discovery Service, enabling you to import details of your on-premises\n environment directly into Migration Hub without using the discovery connector or discovery\n agent.
\n\nThird-party application discovery tools can query AWS Application Discovery\n Service, and they can write to the Application Discovery Service database using the\n public API.
\nIn this way, you can import data into Migration Hub and view it, so that you can\n associate applications with servers and track migrations.
\n\n Recommendations\n
\nWe recommend that you use agent-based discovery for non-VMware environments, and\n whenever you want to collect information about network dependencies. You can run agent-based\n and agentless discovery simultaneously. Use agentless discovery to complete the initial\n infrastructure assessment quickly, and then install agents on select hosts to collect\n additional information.
\n\n\n Working With This Guide\n
\n\nThis API reference provides descriptions, syntax, and usage examples for each of the\n actions and data types for Application Discovery Service. The topic for each action shows the\n API request parameters and the response. Alternatively, you can use one of the AWS SDKs to\n access an API that is tailored to the programming language or platform that you're using. For\n more information, see AWS\n SDKs.
\n\nRemember that you must set your Migration Hub home region before you call any of\n these APIs.
\nYou must make API calls for write actions (create, notify, associate, disassociate,\n import, or put) while in your home region, or a HomeRegionNotSetException
\n error is returned.
API calls for read actions (list, describe, stop, and delete) are permitted outside\n of your home region.
\nAlthough it is unlikely, the Migration Hub home region could change. If you call\n APIs outside the home region, an InvalidInputException
is returned.
You must call GetHomeRegion
to obtain the latest Migration Hub home\n region.
This guide is intended for use with the AWS Application\n Discovery Service User Guide.
\n\nAll data is handled according to the AWS\n Privacy Policy. You can operate Application Discovery Service offline to inspect\n collected data before it is shared with the service.
\nAmazon CloudWatch Application Insights is a service that\n helps you detect common problems with your applications. It\n enables you to pinpoint the source of issues in your applications (built with technologies\n such as Microsoft IIS, .NET, and Microsoft SQL Server), by providing key insights into\n detected problems.
\nAfter you onboard your application, CloudWatch Application Insights identifies, \n recommends, and sets up metrics and logs. It continuously analyzes and\n correlates your metrics and logs for unusual behavior to surface actionable problems with\n your application. For example, if your application is slow and unresponsive and leading to\n HTTP 500 errors in your Application Load Balancer (ALB), Application Insights informs you\n that a memory pressure problem with your SQL Server database is occurring. It bases this\n analysis on impactful metrics and log errors.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamApp Mesh is a service mesh based on the Envoy proxy that makes it easy to monitor and\n control microservices. App Mesh standardizes how your microservices communicate, giving you\n end-to-end visibility and helping to ensure high availability for your applications.
\nApp Mesh gives you consistent visibility and network traffic controls for every\n microservice in an application. You can use App Mesh with Amazon Web Services Fargate, Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS,\n Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services, and Amazon EC2.
\nApp Mesh supports microservice applications that use service discovery naming for their\n components. For more information about service discovery on Amazon ECS, see Service Discovery in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide. Kubernetes\n kube-dns
and coredns
are supported. For more information,\n see DNS\n for Services and Pods in the Kubernetes documentation.
AWS App Runner is an application service that provides a fast, simple, and cost-effective way to go directly from an existing container image or source code\n to a running service in the AWS cloud in seconds. You don't need to learn new technologies, decide which compute service to use, or understand how to\n provision and configure AWS resources.
\nApp Runner connects directly to your container registry or source code repository. It provides an automatic delivery pipeline with fully managed operations,\n high performance, scalability, and security.
\nFor more information about App Runner, see the AWS App Runner Developer Guide.\n For release information, see the AWS App Runner Release Notes.
\n\n To install the Software Development Kits (SDKs), Integrated\n Development Environment (IDE) Toolkits, and command line tools that you can use to access the API, see Tools for\n Amazon Web Services.
\n\n Endpoints\n
\nFor a list of Region-specific endpoints that App Runner supports, see AWS App Runner\n endpoints and quotas in the AWS General Reference.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamThis is the Amazon AppStream 2.0 API Reference. This documentation provides descriptions and syntax for each of the actions and data types in AppStream 2.0. AppStream 2.0 is a fully managed, secure application streaming service that lets you stream desktop applications to users without rewriting applications. AppStream 2.0 manages the AWS resources that are required to host and run your applications, scales automatically, and provides access to your users on demand.
\n \nYou can call the AppStream 2.0 API operations by using an interface VPC endpoint (interface endpoint). For more information, see Access AppStream 2.0 API Operations and CLI Commands Through an Interface VPC Endpoint in the Amazon AppStream 2.0 Administration Guide.
\nTo learn more about AppStream 2.0, see the following resources:
\n \nAppSync provides API actions for creating and interacting with data sources using\n GraphQL from your application.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamAmazon Athena is an interactive query service that lets you use standard SQL to\n analyze data directly in Amazon S3. You can point Athena at your data in Amazon S3 and\n run ad-hoc queries and get results in seconds. Athena is serverless, so there is no\n infrastructure to set up or manage. You pay only for the queries you run. Athena scales\n automatically—executing queries in parallel—so results are fast, even with large\n datasets and complex queries. For more information, see What is Amazon\n Athena in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
\nIf you connect to Athena using the JDBC driver, use version 1.1.0 of the driver or\n later with the Amazon Athena API. Earlier version drivers do not support the API. For\n more information and to download the driver, see Accessing\n Amazon Athena with JDBC.
\nFor code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and\n Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
" +version = "0.0.16-alpha" +description = "Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that lets you use standard SQL\n to analyze data directly in Amazon S3. You can point Athena at your\n data in Amazon S3 and run ad-hoc queries and get results in seconds. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to set up or manage. You pay\n only for the queries you run. Athena scales automatically—executing queries\n in parallel—so results are fast, even with large datasets and complex queries. For more\n information, see What is Amazon Athena in the Amazon Athena User\n Guide.
\nIf you connect to Athena using the JDBC driver, use version 1.1.0 of the\n driver or later with the Amazon Athena API. Earlier version drivers do not\n support the API. For more information and to download the driver, see Accessing\n Amazon Athena with JDBC.
\nFor code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and\n Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User\n Guide.
" authors = ["AWS Rust SDK TeamThe name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS - /// account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen - /// characters.
+ ///The name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the + /// Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at + /// sign, or hyphen characters.
pub fn name(mut self, input: impl IntoThe type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog or
- /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore.
Do not use the GLUE
type. This refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you
- /// can have only one. Specifying the GLUE
type will result in an
The type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog,
+ /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore, or GLUE
for an
+ /// Glue Data Catalog.
Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for creating the data catalog. This - /// is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
+ ///Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for creating the data + /// catalog. This is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
///For the HIVE
data catalog type, use the following syntax. The
@@ -320,9 +315,9 @@ pub mod fluent_builders {
/// of required parameters, but not both.
If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata and another - /// for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both parameters - /// are required.
+ ///If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata + /// and another for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both + /// parameters are required.
/// metadata-function=lambda_arn,
/// record-function=lambda_arn
@@ -330,9 +325,8 @@ pub mod fluent_builders {
If you have a composite Lambda function that processes both metadata - /// and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda - /// function.
+ ///If you have a composite Lambda function that processes + /// both metadata and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda function.
/// function=lambda_arn
@@ -340,6 +334,35 @@ pub mod fluent_builders {
type takes a catalog ID parameter and is required. The
+ ///
+ /// catalog_id
+ ///
is the account ID of the
+ /// Amazon Web Services account to which the Glue Data Catalog
+ /// belongs.
+ /// catalog-id=catalog_id
+ ///
+ ///
data catalog type also applies to the default
+ /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of
+ /// which you can have only one and cannot modify.
Queries that specify a Glue Data Catalog other than the default
+ /// AwsDataCatalog
must be run on Athena engine
+ /// version 2.
In Regions where Athena engine version 2 is not available,
+ /// creating new Glue data catalogs results in an
, an error is returned.
/// This token is listed as not required because AWS SDKs (for example the AWS SDK for - /// Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are not using the AWS SDK or the AWS - /// CLI, you must provide this token or the action will fail.
+ ///This token is listed as not required because Amazon Web Services SDKs (for example + /// the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are + /// not using the Amazon Web Services SDK or the Amazon Web Services CLI, you must provide + /// this token or the action will fail.
///The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where - /// query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for encrypting - /// query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup, the - /// limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is specified, and - /// whether workgroup's settings (specified with EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration) in the - /// WorkGroupConfiguration override client-side settings. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
+ ///The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+ /// where query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for
+ /// encrypting query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the
+ /// workgroup, the limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is
+ /// specified, and whether workgroup's settings (specified with
+ /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
override client-side settings. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if - /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken - /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue + /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in + /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl IntoA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if - /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken - /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue + /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in + /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl IntoA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
, an error is returned.
/// This token is listed as not required because AWS SDKs (for example the AWS SDK for - /// Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are not using the AWS SDK or the AWS - /// CLI, you must provide this token or the action will fail.
+ ///This token is listed as not required because Amazon Web Services SDKs (for example + /// the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are + /// not using the Amazon Web Services SDK or the Amazon Web Services CLI, you must provide + /// this token or the action will fail.
///Specifies the ARN of the Athena resource (workgroup or data catalog) to which tags are - /// to be added.
+ ///Specifies the ARN of the Athena resource (workgroup or data catalog) to + /// which tags are to be added.
pub fn resource_arn(mut self, input: impl IntoA collection of one or more tags, separated by commas, to be added to an Athena - /// workgroup or data catalog resource.
+ ///A collection of one or more tags, separated by commas, to be added to an Athena workgroup or data catalog resource.
pub fn tags(mut self, inp: impl IntoThe name of the data catalog to update. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS - /// account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen - /// characters.
+ ///The name of the data catalog to update. The catalog name must be unique for the + /// Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at + /// sign, or hyphen characters.
pub fn name(mut self, input: impl IntoSpecifies the type of data catalog to update. Specify LAMBDA
for a
- /// federated catalog or HIVE
for an external hive metastore.
Do not use the GLUE
type. This refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you
- /// can have only one. Specifying the GLUE
type will result in an
for an external hive metastore, or
+ /// GLUE
for an Glue Data Catalog.
pub fn r#type(mut self, input: crate::model::DataCatalogType) -> Self {
self.inner = self.inner.r#type(input);
@@ -2086,8 +2106,8 @@ pub mod fluent_builders {
self.inner = self.inner.set_description(input);
- /// Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for updating the data catalog. This - /// is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
+ ///Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for updating the data + /// catalog. This is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
///For the HIVE
data catalog type, use the following syntax. The
@@ -2105,9 +2125,9 @@ pub mod fluent_builders {
/// of required parameters, but not both.
If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata and another - /// for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both parameters - /// are required.
+ ///If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata + /// and another for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both + /// parameters are required.
/// metadata-function=lambda_arn,
/// record-function=lambda_arn
@@ -2115,9 +2135,8 @@ pub mod fluent_builders {
If you have a composite Lambda function that processes both metadata - /// and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda - /// function.
+ ///If you have a composite Lambda function that processes + /// both metadata and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda function.
/// function=lambda_arn
diff --git a/sdk/athena/src/error.rs b/sdk/athena/src/error.rs
index 8bfb64e95faf..941cf0e0e8ce 100644
--- a/sdk/athena/src/error.rs
+++ b/sdk/athena/src/error.rs
@@ -3429,11 +3429,12 @@ impl TooManyRequestsException {
An exception that Athena received when it called a custom metastore. Occurs if the
-/// error is not caused by user input (InvalidRequestException
) or from the
-/// Athena platform (InternalServerException
). For example, if a user-created
-/// Lambda function is missing permissions, the Lambda 4XX
exception is
-/// returned in a MetadataException
An exception that Athena received when it called a custom metastore.
+/// Occurs if the error is not caused by user input (InvalidRequestException
+/// or from the Athena platform (InternalServerException
). For
+/// example, if a user-created Lambda function is missing permissions, the
+/// Lambda
+/// 4XX
exception is returned in a MetadataException
The name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS - /// account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen - /// characters.
+ ///The name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the + /// Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at + /// sign, or hyphen characters.
pub fn name(mut self, input: impl IntoThe type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog or
- /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore.
Do not use the GLUE
type. This refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you
- /// can have only one. Specifying the GLUE
type will result in an
The type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog,
+ /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore, or GLUE
for an
+ /// Glue Data Catalog.
, an error is returned.
/// This token is listed as not required because AWS SDKs (for example the AWS SDK for - /// Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are not using the AWS SDK or the AWS - /// CLI, you must provide this token or the action will fail.
+ ///This token is listed as not required because Amazon Web Services SDKs (for example + /// the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are + /// not using the Amazon Web Services SDK or the Amazon Web Services CLI, you must provide + /// this token or the action will fail.
///The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where - /// query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for encrypting - /// query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup, the - /// limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is specified, and - /// whether workgroup's settings (specified with EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration) in the - /// WorkGroupConfiguration override client-side settings. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
+ ///The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+ /// where query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for
+ /// encrypting query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the
+ /// workgroup, the limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is
+ /// specified, and whether workgroup's settings (specified with
+ /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
override client-side settings. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if - /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken - /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue + /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in + /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl IntoA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if - /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken - /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue + /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in + /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl IntoA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
, an error is returned.
/// This token is listed as not required because AWS SDKs (for example the AWS SDK for - /// Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are not using the AWS SDK or the AWS - /// CLI, you must provide this token or the action will fail.
+ ///This token is listed as not required because Amazon Web Services SDKs (for example + /// the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are + /// not using the Amazon Web Services SDK or the Amazon Web Services CLI, you must provide + /// this token or the action will fail.
///Specifies the ARN of the Athena resource (workgroup or data catalog) to which tags are - /// to be added.
+ ///Specifies the ARN of the Athena resource (workgroup or data catalog) to + /// which tags are to be added.
pub fn resource_arn(mut self, input: impl IntoThe name of the data catalog to update. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS - /// account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen - /// characters.
+ ///The name of the data catalog to update. The catalog name must be unique for the + /// Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at + /// sign, or hyphen characters.
pub fn name(mut self, input: impl IntoSpecifies the type of data catalog to update. Specify LAMBDA
for a
- /// federated catalog or HIVE
for an external hive metastore.
Do not use the GLUE
type. This refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you
- /// can have only one. Specifying the GLUE
type will result in an
for an external hive metastore, or
+ /// GLUE
for an Glue Data Catalog.
pub fn r#type(mut self, input: crate::model::DataCatalogType) -> Self {
self.r#type = Some(input);
@@ -5569,23 +5562,18 @@ impl std::fmt::Debug for UpdatePreparedStatementInput {
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)]
pub struct UpdateDataCatalogInput {
- /// The name of the data catalog to update. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS - /// account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen - /// characters.
+ ///The name of the data catalog to update. The catalog name must be unique for the + /// Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at + /// sign, or hyphen characters.
pub name: std::option::OptionSpecifies the type of data catalog to update. Specify LAMBDA
for a
- /// federated catalog or HIVE
for an external hive metastore.
Do not use the GLUE
type. This refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you
- /// can have only one. Specifying the GLUE
type will result in an
for an external hive metastore, or
+ /// GLUE
for an Glue Data Catalog.
pub r#type: std::option::OptionNew or modified text that describes the data catalog.
pub description: std::option::OptionSpecifies the Lambda function or functions to use for updating the data catalog. This - /// is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
+ ///Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for updating the data + /// catalog. This is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
///For the HIVE
data catalog type, use the following syntax. The
@@ -5603,9 +5591,9 @@ pub struct UpdateDataCatalogInput {
/// of required parameters, but not both.
If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata and another - /// for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both parameters - /// are required.
+ ///If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata + /// and another for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both + /// parameters are required.
/// metadata-function=lambda_arn,
/// record-function=lambda_arn
@@ -5613,9 +5601,8 @@ pub struct UpdateDataCatalogInput {
If you have a composite Lambda function that processes both metadata - /// and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda - /// function.
+ ///If you have a composite Lambda function that processes + /// both metadata and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda function.
/// function=lambda_arn
@@ -5659,11 +5646,10 @@ impl std::fmt::Debug for UntagResourceInput {
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)]
pub struct TagResourceInput {
- ///
Specifies the ARN of the Athena resource (workgroup or data catalog) to which tags are - /// to be added.
+ ///Specifies the ARN of the Athena resource (workgroup or data catalog) to + /// which tags are to be added.
pub resource_arn: std::option::OptionA collection of one or more tags, separated by commas, to be added to an Athena - /// workgroup or data catalog resource.
+ ///A collection of one or more tags, separated by commas, to be added to an Athena workgroup or data catalog resource.
pub tags: std::option::OptionQueryString
, an error is returned.
/// This token is listed as not required because AWS SDKs (for example the AWS SDK for - /// Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are not using the AWS SDK or the AWS - /// CLI, you must provide this token or the action will fail.
+ ///This token is listed as not required because Amazon Web Services SDKs (for example + /// the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are + /// not using the Amazon Web Services SDK or the Amazon Web Services CLI, you must provide + /// this token or the action will fail.
///The database within which the query executes.
@@ -5729,9 +5716,9 @@ impl std::fmt::Debug for StartQueryExecutionInput { #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)] pub struct ListWorkGroupsInput { - ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
The maximum number of workgroups to return in this request.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionA regex filter that pattern-matches table names. If no expression is supplied, /// metadata for all tables are listed.
pub expression: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if - /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken - /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue + /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in + /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::OptionSpecifies the maximum number of results to return.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
The maximum number of query executions to return in this request.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionThe workgroup to list the prepared statements for.
pub work_group: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
The maximum number of results to return in this request.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
The maximum number of queries to return in this request.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
The maximum number of engine versions to return in this request.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if - /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken - /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ ///A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue + /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in + /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::OptionSpecifies the maximum number of data catalogs to return.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionThe name of the data catalog that contains the databases to return.
pub catalog_name: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
Specifies the maximum number of results to return.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionThe unique ID of the query execution.
pub query_execution_id: std::option::OptionA token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
The maximum number of results (rows) to return in this request.
pub max_results: std::option::OptionThe workgroup name.
pub name: std::option::OptionThe configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where - /// query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for encrypting - /// query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup, the - /// limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is specified, and - /// whether workgroup's settings (specified with EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration) in the - /// WorkGroupConfiguration override client-side settings. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
+ ///The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+ /// where query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for
+ /// encrypting query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the
+ /// workgroup, the limit for the amount of bytes scanned (cutoff) per query, if it is
+ /// specified, and whether workgroup's settings (specified with
+ /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
override client-side settings. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
The workgroup description.
pub description: std::option::OptionQueryString
, an error is returned.
/// This token is listed as not required because AWS SDKs (for example the AWS SDK for - /// Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are not using the AWS SDK or the AWS - /// CLI, you must provide this token or the action will fail.
+ ///This token is listed as not required because Amazon Web Services SDKs (for example + /// the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java) auto-generate the token for users. If you are + /// not using the Amazon Web Services SDK or the Amazon Web Services CLI, you must provide + /// this token or the action will fail.
///The name of the workgroup in which the named query is being created.
@@ -6215,23 +6204,18 @@ impl std::fmt::Debug for CreateNamedQueryInput { #[non_exhaustive] #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)] pub struct CreateDataCatalogInput { - ///The name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS - /// account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen - /// characters.
+ ///The name of the data catalog to create. The catalog name must be unique for the + /// Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at + /// sign, or hyphen characters.
pub name: std::option::OptionThe type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog or
- /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore.
Do not use the GLUE
type. This refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you
- /// can have only one. Specifying the GLUE
type will result in an
The type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog,
+ /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore, or GLUE
for an
+ /// Glue Data Catalog.
A description of the data catalog to be created.
pub description: std::option::OptionSpecifies the Lambda function or functions to use for creating the data catalog. This - /// is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
+ ///Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for creating the data + /// catalog. This is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
///For the HIVE
data catalog type, use the following syntax. The
@@ -6249,9 +6233,9 @@ pub struct CreateDataCatalogInput {
/// of required parameters, but not both.
If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata and another - /// for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both parameters - /// are required.
+ ///If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata + /// and another for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both + /// parameters are required.
/// metadata-function=lambda_arn,
/// record-function=lambda_arn
@@ -6259,9 +6243,8 @@ pub struct CreateDataCatalogInput {
If you have a composite Lambda function that processes both metadata - /// and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda - /// function.
+ ///If you have a composite Lambda function that processes + /// both metadata and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda function.
/// function=lambda_arn
@@ -6269,6 +6252,35 @@ pub struct CreateDataCatalogInput {
type takes a catalog ID parameter and is required. The
+ ///
+ /// catalog_id
+ ///
is the account ID of the
+ /// Amazon Web Services account to which the Glue Data Catalog
+ /// belongs.
+ /// catalog-id=catalog_id
+ ///
+ ///
data catalog type also applies to the default
+ /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of
+ /// which you can have only one and cannot modify.
Queries that specify a Glue Data Catalog other than the default
+ /// AwsDataCatalog
must be run on Athena engine
+ /// version 2.
In Regions where Athena engine version 2 is not available,
+ /// creating new Glue data catalogs results in an
Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that lets you use standard SQL to -//! analyze data directly in Amazon S3. You can point Athena at your data in Amazon S3 and -//! run ad-hoc queries and get results in seconds. Athena is serverless, so there is no -//! infrastructure to set up or manage. You pay only for the queries you run. Athena scales -//! automatically—executing queries in parallel—so results are fast, even with large -//! datasets and complex queries. For more information, see What is Amazon -//! Athena in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
-//!If you connect to Athena using the JDBC driver, use version 1.1.0 of the driver or
-//! later with the Amazon Athena API. Earlier version drivers do not support the API. For
-//! more information and to download the driver, see Accessing
+//! Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that lets you use standard SQL
+//! to analyze data directly in Amazon S3. You can point Athena at your
+//! data in Amazon S3 and run ad-hoc queries and get results in seconds. Athena is serverless, so there is no infrastructure to set up or manage. You pay
+//! only for the queries you run. Athena scales automatically—executing queries
+//! in parallel—so results are fast, even with large datasets and complex queries. For more
+//! information, see What is Amazon Athena in the Amazon Athena User
+//! Guide. If you connect to Athena using the JDBC driver, use version 1.1.0 of the
+//! driver or later with the Amazon Athena API. Earlier version drivers do not
+//! support the API. For more information and to download the driver, see Accessing
//! Amazon Athena with JDBC. For code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-//! Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide. For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+//! Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+//! Guide. The configuration information that will be updated for this workgroup, which includes
-/// the location in Amazon S3 where query results are stored, the encryption option, if any,
-/// used for query results, whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the
-/// workgroup, whether the workgroup settings override the client-side settings, and the
-/// data usage limit for the amount of bytes scanned per query, if it is specified.
Indicates whether this workgroup enables publishing metrics to Amazon - /// CloudWatch.
+ ///Indicates whether this workgroup enables publishing metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.
pub publish_cloud_watch_metrics_enabled: std::option::OptionThe upper limit (cutoff) for the amount of bytes a single query in a workgroup is /// allowed to scan.
@@ -73,14 +73,16 @@ pub struct WorkGroupConfigurationUpdates { ///Indicates that the data usage control limit per query is removed. WorkGroupConfiguration$BytesScannedCutoffPerQuery ///
pub remove_bytes_scanned_cutoff_per_query: std::option::OptionIf set to true
, allows members assigned to a workgroup to specify Amazon
- /// S3 Requester Pays buckets in queries. If set to false
, workgroup members
- /// cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that retrieve data from
- /// Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is false
. For more
+ ///
If set to true
, allows members assigned to a workgroup to specify Amazon S3 Requester Pays buckets in queries. If set to false
, workgroup
+ /// members cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that retrieve data
+ /// from Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is false
. For more
/// information about Requester Pays buckets, see Requester Pays Buckets
/// in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
The engine version requested when a workgroup is updated. After the update, all queries on the workgroup run on the requested engine version. If no value was previously set, the default is Auto. Queries on the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.
The engine version requested when a workgroup is updated. After the update, all
+ /// queries on the workgroup run on the requested engine version. If no value was previously
+ /// set, the default is Auto. Queries on the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
+ /// workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.
Indicates whether this workgroup enables publishing metrics to Amazon - /// CloudWatch.
+ ///Indicates whether this workgroup enables publishing metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.
pub fn publish_cloud_watch_metrics_enabled(mut self, input: bool) -> Self { self.publish_cloud_watch_metrics_enabled = Some(input); self @@ -196,10 +197,9 @@ pub mod work_group_configuration_updates { self.remove_bytes_scanned_cutoff_per_query = input; self } - ///If set to true
, allows members assigned to a workgroup to specify Amazon
- /// S3 Requester Pays buckets in queries. If set to false
, workgroup members
- /// cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that retrieve data from
- /// Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is false
. For more
+ ///
If set to true
, allows members assigned to a workgroup to specify Amazon S3 Requester Pays buckets in queries. If set to false
, workgroup
+ /// members cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that retrieve data
+ /// from Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is false
. For more
/// information about Requester Pays buckets, see Requester Pays Buckets
/// in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
The engine version requested when a workgroup is updated. After the update, all queries on the workgroup run on the requested engine version. If no value was previously set, the default is Auto. Queries on the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.
The engine version requested when a workgroup is updated. After the update, all
+ /// queries on the workgroup run on the requested engine version. If no value was previously
+ /// set, the default is Auto. Queries on the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
+ /// workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.
The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions
, including Auto. The default is Auto.
The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output
+ /// of ListEngineVersions
, including Auto. The default is Auto.
Read only. The engine version on which the query runs. If the user requests
- /// a valid engine version other than Auto, the effective engine version is the same as the
- /// engine version that the user requested. If the user requests Auto, the effective engine version is chosen by Athena. When a request to update the engine version is made by a CreateWorkGroup
or UpdateWorkGroup
operation, the
+ ///
Read only. The engine version on which the query runs. If the user requests a valid
+ /// engine version other than Auto, the effective engine version is the same as the engine
+ /// version that the user requested. If the user requests Auto, the effective engine version
+ /// is chosen by Athena. When a request to update the engine version is made by
+ /// a CreateWorkGroup
or UpdateWorkGroup
operation, the
/// EffectiveEngineVersion
field is ignored.
The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output of ListEngineVersions
, including Auto. The default is Auto.
The engine version requested by the user. Possible values are determined by the output
+ /// of ListEngineVersions
, including Auto. The default is Auto.
Read only. The engine version on which the query runs. If the user requests
- /// a valid engine version other than Auto, the effective engine version is the same as the
- /// engine version that the user requested. If the user requests Auto, the effective engine version is chosen by Athena. When a request to update the engine version is made by a CreateWorkGroup
or UpdateWorkGroup
operation, the
+ ///
Read only. The engine version on which the query runs. If the user requests a valid
+ /// engine version other than Auto, the effective engine version is the same as the engine
+ /// version that the user requested. If the user requests Auto, the effective engine version
+ /// is chosen by Athena. When a request to update the engine version is made by
+ /// a CreateWorkGroup
or UpdateWorkGroup
operation, the
/// EffectiveEngineVersion
field is ignored.
. For more information, see Query Results If
/// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the location for
/// the query results and the encryption configuration that are specified for the workgroup.
- /// The "workgroup settings override" is specified in EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
- /// (true/false) in the WorkGroupConfiguration. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
+ /// The "workgroup settings override" is specified in
+ /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
(true/false) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
pub output_location: std::option::OptionIf set to "true", indicates that the previously-specified query results location (also
/// known as a client-side setting) for queries in this workgroup should be ignored and set
- /// to null. If set to "false" or not set, and a value is present in the OutputLocation in
- /// ResultConfigurationUpdates (the client-side setting), the OutputLocation in the
- /// workgroup's ResultConfiguration will be updated with the new value. For more
+ /// to null. If set to "false" or not set, and a value is present in the
+ /// OutputLocation
in ResultConfigurationUpdates
+ /// client-side setting), the OutputLocation
in the workgroup's
+ /// ResultConfiguration
will be updated with the new value. For more
/// information, see Workgroup Settings Override
/// Client-Side Settings.
If set to "true", indicates that the previously-specified encryption configuration
/// (also known as the client-side setting) for queries in this workgroup should be ignored
/// and set to null. If set to "false" or not set, and a value is present in the
- /// EncryptionConfiguration in ResultConfigurationUpdates (the client-side setting), the
- /// EncryptionConfiguration in the workgroup's ResultConfiguration will be updated with the
- /// new value. For more information, see Workgroup Settings Override
+ /// EncryptionConfiguration
in ResultConfigurationUpdates
+ /// client-side setting), the EncryptionConfiguration
in the workgroup's
+ /// ResultConfiguration
will be updated with the new value. For more
+ /// information, see Workgroup Settings Override
/// Client-Side Settings.
. For more information, see Query Results If
/// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the location for
/// the query results and the encryption configuration that are specified for the workgroup.
- /// The "workgroup settings override" is specified in EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
- /// (true/false) in the WorkGroupConfiguration. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
+ /// The "workgroup settings override" is specified in
+ /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
(true/false) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
pub fn output_location(mut self, input: impl IntoIf set to "true", indicates that the previously-specified query results location (also
/// known as a client-side setting) for queries in this workgroup should be ignored and set
- /// to null. If set to "false" or not set, and a value is present in the OutputLocation in
- /// ResultConfigurationUpdates (the client-side setting), the OutputLocation in the
- /// workgroup's ResultConfiguration will be updated with the new value. For more
+ /// to null. If set to "false" or not set, and a value is present in the
+ /// OutputLocation
in ResultConfigurationUpdates
+ /// client-side setting), the OutputLocation
in the workgroup's
+ /// ResultConfiguration
will be updated with the new value. For more
/// information, see Workgroup Settings Override
/// Client-Side Settings.
If set to "true", indicates that the previously-specified encryption configuration
/// (also known as the client-side setting) for queries in this workgroup should be ignored
/// and set to null. If set to "false" or not set, and a value is present in the
- /// EncryptionConfiguration in ResultConfigurationUpdates (the client-side setting), the
- /// EncryptionConfiguration in the workgroup's ResultConfiguration will be updated with the
- /// new value. For more information, see Workgroup Settings Override
+ /// EncryptionConfiguration
in ResultConfigurationUpdates
+ /// client-side setting), the EncryptionConfiguration
in the workgroup's
+ /// ResultConfiguration
will be updated with the new value. For more
+ /// information, see Workgroup Settings Override
/// Client-Side Settings.
If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for
-/// example, SSE-KMS
) and key information.
If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option
+/// used (for example, SSE-KMS
) and key
+/// information.
Indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys
- /// (SSE-S3
), server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys
+ ///
Indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys (SSE-S3
), server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys
/// (SSE-KMS
), or client-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (CSE-KMS) is
/// used.
If a query runs in a workgroup and the workgroup overrides client-side settings, then
@@ -491,8 +506,7 @@ pub mod encryption_configuration {
pub(crate) kms_key: std::option::Option Indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys
- /// ( Indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed keys ( If a query runs in a workgroup and the workgroup overrides client-side settings, then
@@ -641,12 +655,12 @@ impl AsRef A label that you assign to a resource. In Athena, a resource can be a workgroup or
-/// data catalog. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you
-/// define. For example, you can use tags to categorize Athena workgroups or data catalogs
-/// by purpose, owner, or environment. Use a consistent set of tag keys to make it easier to
-/// search and filter workgroups or data catalogs in your account. For best practices, see
-/// Tagging Best Practices. Tag keys can be from 1 to 128 UTF-8 Unicode
+/// A label that you assign to a resource. In Athena, a resource can be a
+/// workgroup or data catalog. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of
+/// which you define. For example, you can use tags to categorize Athena
+/// workgroups or data catalogs by purpose, owner, or environment. Use a consistent set of
+/// tag keys to make it easier to search and filter workgroups or data catalogs in your
+/// account. For best practices, see Tagging Best Practices. Tag keys can be from 1 to 128 UTF-8 Unicode
/// characters, and tag values can be from 0 to 256 UTF-8 Unicode characters. Tags can use
/// letters and numbers representable in UTF-8, and the following characters: + - = . _ : /
/// @. Tag keys and values are case-sensitive. Tag keys must be unique per resource. If you
@@ -768,9 +782,9 @@ impl AsRef The location in Amazon S3 where query results are stored and the encryption option, if
-/// any, used for query results. These are known as "client-side settings". If workgroup
-/// settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the workgroup
+/// The location in Amazon S3 where query results are stored and the encryption
+/// option, if any, used for query results. These are known as "client-side settings". If
+/// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the workgroup
/// settings. The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as
/// If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for
- /// example, If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option
+ /// used (for example, The location in Amazon S3 where your query results are stored, such as
/// If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option used (for
- /// example, If query results are encrypted in Amazon S3, indicates the encryption option
+ /// used (for example, The name of the database used in the query execution. The name of the database used in the query execution. The database must exist in the catalog. The name of the data catalog used in the query execution. The name of the database used in the query execution. The name of the database used in the query execution. The database must exist in the catalog. The workgroup creation date and time. The engine version setting for all queries on the workgroup. Queries on the The engine version setting for all queries on the workgroup. Queries on the
+ /// The engine version setting for all queries on the workgroup. Queries on the The engine version setting for all queries on the workgroup. Queries on the
+ /// The last time the table was accessed. The type of table. In Athena, only The type of table. In Athena, only A list of the columns in the table. The type of table. In Athena, only The type of table. In Athena, only The state of the workgroup: ENABLED or DISABLED. The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where
- /// query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for query results;
- /// whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup; whether workgroup
- /// settings override client-side settings; and the data usage limits for the amount of data
- /// scanned per query or per workgroup. The workgroup settings override is specified in
- /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration (true/false) in the WorkGroupConfiguration. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration. The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+ /// where query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for query
+ /// results; whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup;
+ /// whether workgroup settings override client-side settings; and the data usage limits for
+ /// the amount of data scanned per query or per workgroup. The workgroup settings override
+ /// is specified in The workgroup description. The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where
- /// query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for query results;
- /// whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup; whether workgroup
- /// settings override client-side settings; and the data usage limits for the amount of data
- /// scanned per query or per workgroup. The workgroup settings override is specified in
- /// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration (true/false) in the WorkGroupConfiguration. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration. The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+ /// where query results are stored, the encryption configuration, if any, used for query
+ /// results; whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup;
+ /// whether workgroup settings override client-side settings; and the data usage limits for
+ /// the amount of data scanned per query or per workgroup. The workgroup settings override
+ /// is specified in The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where
-/// query results are stored, the encryption option, if any, used for query results, whether
-/// the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup and whether workgroup
-/// settings override query settings, and the data usage limits for the amount of data
-/// scanned per query or per workgroup. The workgroup settings override is specified in
-/// EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration (true/false) in the WorkGroupConfiguration. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration. The configuration of the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+/// where query results are stored, the encryption option, if any, used for query results,
+/// whether the Amazon CloudWatch Metrics are enabled for the workgroup and whether
+/// workgroup settings override query settings, and the data usage limits for the amount of
+/// data scanned per query or per workgroup. The workgroup settings override is specified in
+/// The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where
- /// query results are stored and the encryption option, if any, used for query results. To
- /// run the query, you must specify the query results location using one of the ways: either
- /// in the workgroup using this setting, or for individual queries (client-side), using
- /// ResultConfiguration$OutputLocation. If none of them is set, Athena
- /// issues an error that no output location is provided. For more information, see Query
- /// Results. The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3
+ /// where query results are stored and the encryption option, if any, used for query
+ /// results. To run the query, you must specify the query results location using one of the
+ /// ways: either in the workgroup using this setting, or for individual queries
+ /// (client-side), using ResultConfiguration$OutputLocation. If none of
+ /// them is set, Athena issues an error that no output location is provided. For
+ /// more information, see Query Results. If set to "true", the settings for the workgroup override client-side settings. If set
/// to "false", client-side settings are used. For more information, see Workgroup Settings Override Client-Side Settings.SSE-S3
), server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys
+ /// SSE-S3
), server-side encryption with KMS-managed keys
/// (SSE-KMS
), or client-side encryption with KMS-managed keys (CSE-KMS) is
/// used.s3://path/to/query/bucket/
. To run the query, you must specify the
/// query results location using one of the ways: either for individual queries using either
- /// this setting (client-side), or in the workgroup, using WorkGroupConfiguration. If none of them is set, Athena issues an error
- /// that no output location is provided. For more information, see Query Results. If
+ /// this setting (client-side), or in the workgroup, using WorkGroupConfiguration. If none of them is set, Athena
+ /// issues an error that no output location is provided. For more information, see Query Results. If
/// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the settings
/// specified for the workgroup. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.SSE-KMS
) and key information. This is a
- /// client-side setting. If workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query
- /// uses the encryption configuration that is specified for the workgroup, and also uses the
- /// location for storing query results specified in the workgroup. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration and Workgroup Settings Override Client-Side Settings.SSE-KMS
) and key information.
+ /// This is a client-side setting. If workgroup settings override client-side settings, then
+ /// the query uses the encryption configuration that is specified for the workgroup, and
+ /// also uses the location for storing query results specified in the workgroup. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration and Workgroup Settings Override Client-Side Settings.s3://path/to/query/bucket/
. To run the query, you must specify the
/// query results location using one of the ways: either for individual queries using either
- /// this setting (client-side), or in the workgroup, using WorkGroupConfiguration. If none of them is set, Athena issues an error
- /// that no output location is provided. For more information, see Query Results. If
+ /// this setting (client-side), or in the workgroup, using WorkGroupConfiguration. If none of them is set, Athena
+ /// issues an error that no output location is provided. For more information, see Query Results. If
/// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the settings
/// specified for the workgroup. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.SSE-KMS
) and key information. This is a
- /// client-side setting. If workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query
- /// uses the encryption configuration that is specified for the workgroup, and also uses the
- /// location for storing query results specified in the workgroup. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration and Workgroup Settings Override Client-Side Settings.SSE-KMS
) and key information.
+ /// This is a client-side setting. If workgroup settings override client-side settings, then
+ /// the query uses the encryption configuration that is specified for the workgroup, and
+ /// also uses the location for storing query results specified in the workgroup. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration and Workgroup Settings Override Client-Side Settings.AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine
+ /// regardless of this setting.AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine
+ /// regardless of this setting.EXTERNAL_TABLE
is supported.EXTERNAL_TABLE
+ /// supported.EXTERNAL_TABLE
is supported.EXTERNAL_TABLE
+ /// supported.EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
+/// (true/false) in the WorkGroupConfiguration
. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
(true/false) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
(true/false) in the
+ /// WorkGroupConfiguration
. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration
(true/false) in the
+/// WorkGroupConfiguration
. See WorkGroupConfiguration$EnforceWorkGroupConfiguration.
If set to true
, allows members assigned to a workgroup to reference
- /// Amazon S3 Requester Pays buckets in queries. If set to false
, workgroup
- /// members cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that retrieve data
- /// from Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is false
. For more
- /// information about Requester Pays buckets, see Requester Pays Buckets
- /// in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
+ /// workgroup members cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that
+ /// retrieve data from Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is
+ /// false
. For more information about Requester Pays buckets, see Requester
+ /// Pays Buckets in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
+ /// Guide.
pub requester_pays_enabled: std::option::OptionThe engine version that all queries running on
- /// the workgroup use. Queries on the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.
The engine version that all queries running on the workgroup use. Queries on the
+ /// AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine
+ /// regardless of this setting.
The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 where - /// query results are stored and the encryption option, if any, used for query results. To - /// run the query, you must specify the query results location using one of the ways: either - /// in the workgroup using this setting, or for individual queries (client-side), using - /// ResultConfiguration$OutputLocation. If none of them is set, Athena - /// issues an error that no output location is provided. For more information, see Query - /// Results.
+ ///The configuration for the workgroup, which includes the location in Amazon S3 + /// where query results are stored and the encryption option, if any, used for query + /// results. To run the query, you must specify the query results location using one of the + /// ways: either in the workgroup using this setting, or for individual queries + /// (client-side), using ResultConfiguration$OutputLocation. If none of + /// them is set, Athena issues an error that no output location is provided. For + /// more information, see Query Results.
pub fn result_configuration(mut self, input: crate::model::ResultConfiguration) -> Self { self.result_configuration = Some(input); self @@ -1745,11 +1770,12 @@ pub mod work_group_configuration { self } ///If set to true
, allows members assigned to a workgroup to reference
- /// Amazon S3 Requester Pays buckets in queries. If set to false
, workgroup
- /// members cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that retrieve data
- /// from Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is false
. For more
- /// information about Requester Pays buckets, see Requester Pays Buckets
- /// in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide.
+ /// workgroup members cannot query data from Requester Pays buckets, and queries that
+ /// retrieve data from Requester Pays buckets cause an error. The default is
+ /// false
. For more information about Requester Pays buckets, see Requester
+ /// Pays Buckets in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
+ /// Guide.
pub fn requester_pays_enabled(mut self, input: bool) -> Self {
self.requester_pays_enabled = Some(input);
@@ -1758,8 +1784,9 @@ pub mod work_group_configuration {
self.requester_pays_enabled = input;
- /// The engine version that all queries running on
- /// the workgroup use. Queries on the AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine regardless of this setting.
The engine version that all queries running on the workgroup use. Queries on the
+ /// AmazonAthenaPreviewFunctionality
workgroup run on the preview engine
+ /// regardless of this setting.
indicates DML (Data Manipulation Language) query
/// statements, such as CREATE TABLE AS SELECT
/// query statements other than DDL and DML, such as SHOW CREATE TABLE
, or
- /// DESCRIBE .
pub statement_type: std::option::Option,
- /// The location in Amazon S3 where query results were stored and the encryption option,
- /// if any, used for query results. These are known as "client-side settings". If workgroup
- /// settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the location for the query
- /// results and the encryption configuration that are specified for the workgroup.
+ /// The location in Amazon S3 where query results were stored and the encryption
+ /// option, if any, used for query results. These are known as "client-side settings". If
+ /// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the location for
+ /// the query results and the encryption configuration that are specified for the
+ /// workgroup.
pub result_configuration: std::option::Option,
/// The database in which the query execution occurred.
pub query_execution_context: std::option::Option,
@@ -2338,7 +2366,7 @@ pub mod query_execution {
/// statements. DML
indicates DML (Data Manipulation Language) query
/// statements, such as CREATE TABLE AS SELECT
/// query statements other than DDL and DML, such as SHOW CREATE TABLE
, or
- /// DESCRIBE .
pub fn statement_type(mut self, input: crate::model::StatementType) -> Self {
self.statement_type = Some(input);
@@ -2350,10 +2378,11 @@ pub mod query_execution {
self.statement_type = input;
- /// The location in Amazon S3 where query results were stored and the encryption option,
- /// if any, used for query results. These are known as "client-side settings". If workgroup
- /// settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the location for the query
- /// results and the encryption configuration that are specified for the workgroup.
+ /// The location in Amazon S3 where query results were stored and the encryption
+ /// option, if any, used for query results. These are known as "client-side settings". If
+ /// workgroup settings override client-side settings, then the query uses the location for
+ /// the query results and the encryption configuration that are specified for the
+ /// workgroup.
pub fn result_configuration(mut self, input: crate::model::ResultConfiguration) -> Self {
self.result_configuration = Some(input);
@@ -2460,25 +2489,26 @@ pub struct QueryExecutionStatistics {
/// The number of bytes in the data that was queried.
pub data_scanned_in_bytes: std::option::Option,
/// The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the
- /// Athena query results location in Amazon S3. The manifest file tracks files that the
- /// query wrote to Amazon S3. If the query fails, the manifest file also tracks files that
- /// the query intended to write. The manifest is useful for identifying orphaned files
- /// resulting from a failed query. For more information, see Working with Query Results, Output Files, and
- /// Query History in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+ /// Athena query results location in Amazon S3. The manifest file
+ /// tracks files that the query wrote to Amazon S3. If the query fails, the manifest
+ /// file also tracks files that the query intended to write. The manifest is useful for
+ /// identifying orphaned files resulting from a failed query. For more information, see
+ /// Working with Query
+ /// Results, Output Files, and Query History in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
pub data_manifest_location: std::option::Option,
/// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to run the query.
pub total_execution_time_in_millis: std::option::Option,
/// The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for
- /// resources. Note that if transient errors occur, Athena might automatically add the query
- /// back to the queue.
+ /// resources. Note that if transient errors occur, Athena might automatically
+ /// add the query back to the queue.
pub query_queue_time_in_millis: std::option::Option,
- /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This
- /// includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. Note that
- /// because the query engine performs the query planning, query planning time is a subset of
- /// engine processing time.
+ /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing
+ /// flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source.
+ /// Note that because the query engine performs the query planning, query planning time is a
+ /// subset of engine processing time.
pub query_planning_time_in_millis: std::option::Option,
- /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results
- /// after the query engine finished running the query.
+ /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the
+ /// query results after the query engine finished running the query.
pub service_processing_time_in_millis: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for QueryExecutionStatistics {
@@ -2546,11 +2576,12 @@ pub mod query_execution_statistics {
/// The location and file name of a data manifest file. The manifest file is saved to the
- /// Athena query results location in Amazon S3. The manifest file tracks files that the
- /// query wrote to Amazon S3. If the query fails, the manifest file also tracks files that
- /// the query intended to write. The manifest is useful for identifying orphaned files
- /// resulting from a failed query. For more information, see Working with Query Results, Output Files, and
- /// Query History in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+ /// Athena query results location in Amazon S3. The manifest file
+ /// tracks files that the query wrote to Amazon S3. If the query fails, the manifest
+ /// file also tracks files that the query intended to write. The manifest is useful for
+ /// identifying orphaned files resulting from a failed query. For more information, see
+ /// Working with Query
+ /// Results, Output Files, and Query History in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
pub fn data_manifest_location(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.data_manifest_location = Some(input.into());
@@ -2575,8 +2606,8 @@ pub mod query_execution_statistics {
/// The number of milliseconds that the query was in your query queue waiting for
- /// resources. Note that if transient errors occur, Athena might automatically add the query
- /// back to the queue.
+ /// resources. Note that if transient errors occur, Athena might automatically
+ /// add the query back to the queue.
pub fn query_queue_time_in_millis(mut self, input: i64) -> Self {
self.query_queue_time_in_millis = Some(input);
@@ -2585,10 +2616,10 @@ pub mod query_execution_statistics {
self.query_queue_time_in_millis = input;
- /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. This
- /// includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source. Note that
- /// because the query engine performs the query planning, query planning time is a subset of
- /// engine processing time.
+ /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing
+ /// flow. This includes the time spent retrieving table partitions from the data source.
+ /// Note that because the query engine performs the query planning, query planning time is a
+ /// subset of engine processing time.
pub fn query_planning_time_in_millis(mut self, input: i64) -> Self {
self.query_planning_time_in_millis = Some(input);
@@ -2600,8 +2631,8 @@ pub mod query_execution_statistics {
self.query_planning_time_in_millis = input;
- /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the query results
- /// after the query engine finished running the query.
+ /// The number of milliseconds that Athena took to finalize and publish the
+ /// query results after the query engine finished running the query.
pub fn service_processing_time_in_millis(mut self, input: i64) -> Self {
self.service_processing_time_in_millis = Some(input);
@@ -2640,16 +2671,16 @@ impl QueryExecutionStatistics {
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)]
pub struct QueryExecutionStatus {
/// The state of query execution. QUEUED
indicates that the query has been
- /// submitted to the service, and Athena will execute the query as soon as resources are
- /// available. RUNNING
indicates that the query is in execution phase.
indicates that the query completed without errors.
+ /// submitted to the service, and Athena will execute the query as soon as
+ /// resources are available. RUNNING
indicates that the query is in execution
+ /// phase. SUCCEEDED
indicates that the query completed without errors.
indicates that the query experienced an error and did not
/// complete processing. CANCELLED
indicates that a user input interrupted
/// query execution.
- /// Athena automatically retries your queries in cases of certain transient errors. As
- /// a result, you may see the query state transition from RUNNING
- /// FAILED
+ /// Athena automatically retries your queries in cases of certain
+ /// transient errors. As a result, you may see the query state transition from
pub state: std::option::Option,
/// Further detail about the status of the query.
@@ -2682,16 +2713,16 @@ pub mod query_execution_status {
impl Builder {
/// The state of query execution. QUEUED
indicates that the query has been
- /// submitted to the service, and Athena will execute the query as soon as resources are
- /// available. RUNNING
indicates that the query is in execution phase.
indicates that the query completed without errors.
+ /// submitted to the service, and Athena will execute the query as soon as
+ /// resources are available. RUNNING
indicates that the query is in execution
+ /// phase. SUCCEEDED
indicates that the query completed without errors.
indicates that the query experienced an error and did not
/// complete processing. CANCELLED
indicates that a user input interrupted
/// query execution.
- /// Athena automatically retries your queries in cases of certain transient errors. As
- /// a result, you may see the query state transition from RUNNING
- /// FAILED
+ /// Athena automatically retries your queries in cases of certain
+ /// transient errors. As a result, you may see the query state transition from
pub fn state(mut self, input: crate::model::QueryExecutionState) -> Self {
self.state = Some(input);
@@ -3106,22 +3137,21 @@ impl NamedQuery {
-/// Contains information about a data catalog in an AWS account.
+/// Contains information about a data catalog in an Amazon Web Services account.
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq)]
pub struct DataCatalog {
- /// The name of the data catalog. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS account and
- /// can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen characters.
+ /// The name of the data catalog. The catalog name must be unique for the Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign,
+ /// or hyphen characters.
pub name: std::option::Option,
/// An optional description of the data catalog.
pub description: std::option::Option,
- /// The type of data catalog: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog or
- /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore. GLUE
refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you can
- /// have only one.
+ /// The type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog,
+ /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore, or GLUE
for an
+ /// Glue Data Catalog.
pub r#type: std::option::Option,
- /// Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for the data catalog. This is a
- /// mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
+ /// Specifies the Lambda function or functions to use for the data catalog.
+ /// This is a mapping whose values depend on the catalog type.
/// -
For the HIVE
data catalog type, use the following syntax. The
@@ -3139,9 +3169,9 @@ pub struct DataCatalog {
/// of required parameters, but not both.
/// -
- ///
If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata and another
- /// for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both parameters
- /// are required.
+ /// If you have one Lambda function that processes metadata
+ /// and another for reading the actual data, use the following syntax. Both
+ /// parameters are required.
/// metadata-function=lambda_arn,
/// record-function=lambda_arn
@@ -3149,9 +3179,8 @@ pub struct DataCatalog {
/// -
- ///
If you have a composite Lambda function that processes both metadata
- /// and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda
- /// function.
+ /// If you have a composite Lambda function that processes
+ /// both metadata and data, use the following syntax to specify your Lambda function.
/// function=lambda_arn
@@ -3159,6 +3188,30 @@ pub struct DataCatalog {
+ /// -
+ ///
type takes a catalog ID parameter and is required. The
+ ///
+ /// catalog_id
+ ///
is the account ID of the
+ /// Amazon Web Services account to which the Glue catalog
+ /// belongs.
+ ///
+ /// catalog-id=catalog_id
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// -
+ ///
data catalog type also applies to the default
+ /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of
+ /// which you can have only one and cannot modify.
+ ///
+ /// -
+ ///
Queries that specify a Glue Data Catalog other than the default
+ /// AwsDataCatalog
must be run on Athena engine
+ /// version 2.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
pub parameters:
@@ -3187,8 +3240,8 @@ pub mod data_catalog {
impl Builder {
- /// The name of the data catalog. The catalog name must be unique for the AWS account and
- /// can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign, or hyphen characters.
+ /// The name of the data catalog. The catalog name must be unique for the Amazon Web Services account and can use a maximum of 128 alphanumeric, underscore, at sign,
+ /// or hyphen characters.
pub fn name(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.name = Some(input.into());
@@ -3206,10 +3259,9 @@ pub mod data_catalog {
self.description = input;
- /// The type of data catalog: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog or
- /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore. GLUE
refers to the
- /// AwsDataCatalog
that already exists in your account, of which you can
- /// have only one.
+ /// The type of data catalog to create: LAMBDA
for a federated catalog,
+ /// HIVE
for an external hive metastore, or GLUE
for an
+ /// Glue Data Catalog.
pub fn r#type(mut self, input: crate::model::DataCatalogType) -> Self {
self.r#type = Some(input);
diff --git a/sdk/athena/src/operation.rs b/sdk/athena/src/operation.rs
index 3ae3cc9c6043..5d166dcae663 100644
--- a/sdk/athena/src/operation.rs
+++ b/sdk/athena/src/operation.rs
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for BatchGetQueryExecution {
/// Creates (registers) a data catalog with the specified name and properties. Catalogs
-/// created are visible to all users of the same AWS account.
+/// created are visible to all users of the same Amazon Web Services account.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct CreateDataCatalog {
_private: (),
@@ -99,8 +99,9 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for CreateDataCatalog {
/// Creates a named query in the specified workgroup. Requires that you have access to the
/// workgroup.
-/// For code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+/// For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+/// Guide.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct CreateNamedQuery {
_private: (),
@@ -214,8 +215,9 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for DeleteDataCatalog {
/// Deletes the named query if you have access to the workgroup in which the query was
/// saved.
-/// For code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+/// For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+/// Guide.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct DeleteNamedQuery {
_private: (),
@@ -440,19 +442,19 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for GetQueryExecution {
/// Streams the results of a single query execution specified by
-/// QueryExecutionId
from the Athena query results location in Amazon S3.
-/// For more information, see Query Results in the Amazon
-/// Athena User Guide. This request does not execute the query but returns
-/// results. Use StartQueryExecution to run a query.
+/// QueryExecutionId
from the Athena query results location in
+/// Amazon S3. For more information, see Query Results in the Amazon Athena User Guide. This request does not execute the query
+/// but returns results. Use StartQueryExecution to run a query.
/// To stream query results successfully, the IAM principal with permission to call
/// GetQueryResults
also must have permissions to the Amazon S3
/// GetObject
action for the Athena query results location.
-/// IAM principals with permission to the Amazon S3 GetObject
action for
-/// the query results location are able to retrieve query results from Amazon S3 even if
-/// permission to the GetQueryResults
action is denied. To restrict user or
-/// role access, ensure that Amazon S3 permissions to the Athena query location are
-/// denied.
+/// IAM principals with permission to the Amazon S3
+/// GetObject
action for the query results location are able to retrieve
+/// query results from Amazon S3 even if permission to the
+/// GetQueryResults
action is denied. To restrict user or role access,
+/// ensure that Amazon S3 permissions to the Athena query location
+/// are denied.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct GetQueryResults {
@@ -561,7 +563,7 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for ListDatabases {
-/// Lists the data catalogs in the current AWS account.
+/// Lists the data catalogs in the current Amazon Web Services account.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListDataCatalogs {
_private: (),
@@ -621,8 +623,9 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for ListEngineVersions {
/// Provides a list of available query IDs only for queries saved in the specified
/// workgroup. Requires that you have access to the specified workgroup. If a workgroup is
/// not specified, lists the saved queries for the primary workgroup.
-/// For code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+/// For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+/// Guide.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListNamedQueries {
_private: (),
@@ -682,8 +685,9 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for ListPreparedStatements {
/// workgroup. If a workgroup is not specified, returns a list of query execution IDs for
/// the primary workgroup. Requires you to have access to the workgroup in which the queries
/// ran.
-/// For code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+/// For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+/// Guide.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListQueryExecutions {
_private: (),
@@ -739,7 +743,8 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for ListTableMetadata {
-/// Lists the tags associated with an Athena workgroup or data catalog resource.
+/// Lists the tags associated with an Athena workgroup or data catalog
+/// resource.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListTagsForResource {
_private: (),
@@ -796,8 +801,9 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for ListWorkGroups {
/// Runs the SQL query statements contained in the Query
. Requires you to
/// have access to the workgroup in which the query ran. Running queries against an external
/// catalog requires GetDataCatalog permission to the catalog. For code
-/// samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+/// samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+/// Guide.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct StartQueryExecution {
_private: (),
@@ -827,8 +833,9 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for StartQueryExecution {
/// Stops a query execution. Requires you to have access to the workgroup in which the
/// query ran.
-/// For code samples using the AWS SDK for Java, see Examples and
-/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
+/// For code samples using the Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, see Examples and
+/// Code Samples in the Amazon Athena User
+/// Guide.
#[derive(std::default::Default, std::clone::Clone, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct StopQueryExecution {
_private: (),
@@ -856,12 +863,13 @@ impl smithy_http::response::ParseStrictResponse for StopQueryExecution {
-/// Adds one or more tags to an Athena resource. A tag is a label that you assign to a
-/// resource. In Athena, a resource can be a workgroup or data catalog. Each tag consists of
-/// a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For example, you can use tags to
-/// categorize Athena workgroups or data catalogs by purpose, owner, or environment. Use a
-/// consistent set of tag keys to make it easier to search and filter workgroups or data
-/// catalogs in your account. For best practices, see Tagging Best Practices. Tag keys can be from 1 to 128 UTF-8 Unicode
Adds one or more tags to an Athena resource. A tag is a label that you
+/// assign to a resource. In Athena, a resource can be a workgroup or data
+/// catalog. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. For
+/// example, you can use tags to categorize Athena workgroups or data catalogs
+/// by purpose, owner, or environment. Use a consistent set of tag keys to make it easier to
+/// search and filter workgroups or data catalogs in your account. For best practices, see
+/// Tagging Best Practices. Tag keys can be from 1 to 128 UTF-8 Unicode
/// characters, and tag values can be from 0 to 256 UTF-8 Unicode characters. Tags can use
/// letters and numbers representable in UTF-8, and the following characters: + - = . _ : /
/// @. Tag keys and values are case-sensitive. Tag keys must be unique per resource. If you
diff --git a/sdk/athena/src/output.rs b/sdk/athena/src/output.rs
index fa7b74192e92..8783646c5624 100644
--- a/sdk/athena/src/output.rs
+++ b/sdk/athena/src/output.rs
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ pub struct ListWorkGroupsOutput {
A list of WorkGroupSummary objects that include the names,
/// descriptions, creation times, and states for each workgroup.
pub work_groups: std::option::Option>,
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListWorkGroupsOutput {
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ pub mod list_work_groups_output {
self.work_groups = input;
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.next_token = Some(input.into());
@@ -360,9 +360,9 @@ impl ListTagsForResourceOutput {
pub struct ListTableMetadataOutput {
/// A list of table metadata.
pub table_metadata_list: std::option::Option>,
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken
- /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListTableMetadataOutput {
@@ -400,9 +400,9 @@ pub mod list_table_metadata_output {
self.table_metadata_list = input;
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken
- /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.next_token = Some(input.into());
@@ -497,9 +497,9 @@ pub struct ListPreparedStatementsOutput {
/// The list of prepared statements for the workgroup.
pub prepared_statements:
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListPreparedStatementsOutput {
@@ -537,9 +537,9 @@ pub mod list_prepared_statements_output {
self.prepared_statements = input;
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.next_token = Some(input.into());
@@ -569,9 +569,9 @@ impl ListPreparedStatementsOutput {
pub struct ListNamedQueriesOutput {
/// The list of unique query IDs.
pub named_query_ids: std::option::Option>,
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListNamedQueriesOutput {
@@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ pub mod list_named_queries_output {
self.named_query_ids = input;
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.next_token = Some(input.into());
@@ -637,9 +637,9 @@ impl ListNamedQueriesOutput {
pub struct ListEngineVersionsOutput {
/// A list of engine versions that are available to choose from.
pub engine_versions: std::option::Option>,
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListEngineVersionsOutput {
@@ -673,9 +673,9 @@ pub mod list_engine_versions_output {
self.engine_versions = input;
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the
- /// NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken
from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.next_token = Some(input.into());
@@ -705,9 +705,9 @@ impl ListEngineVersionsOutput {
pub struct ListDataCatalogsOutput {
/// A summary list of data catalogs.
pub data_catalogs_summary: std::option::Option>,
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken
- /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListDataCatalogsOutput {
@@ -745,9 +745,9 @@ pub mod list_data_catalogs_output {
self.data_catalogs_summary = input;
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken
- /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub fn next_token(mut self, input: impl Into) -> Self {
self.next_token = Some(input.into());
@@ -777,9 +777,9 @@ impl ListDataCatalogsOutput {
pub struct ListDatabasesOutput {
/// A list of databases from a data catalog.
pub database_list: std::option::Option>,
- /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue pagination if
- /// a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in the NextToken
- /// from the response object of the previous page call.
+ /// A token generated by the Athena service that specifies where to continue
+ /// pagination if a previous request was truncated. To obtain the next set of pages, pass in
+ /// the NextToken from the response object of the previous page call.
pub next_token: std::option::Option,
impl std::fmt::Debug for ListDatabasesOutput {
@@ -813,9 +813,9 @@ pub mod list_databases_output {
self.database_list = input;
- ///