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Releases: aws/aws-sdk-ruby

Release v2.2.26 - 2016-03-11

11 Mar 00:28
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Tag release v2.2.26

  • Feature - Aws::GameLift - Adds auto-scaling support.
  • Feature - Aws::Redshift - Adds new APIs for supporting table restoration from
    a snapshot: Aws::Redshift::Client#restore_table_from_cluster_snapshot and

Release v2.2.25 - 2016-03-08

08 Mar 22:14
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Tag release v2.2.25

  • Feature - Aws::DeviceFarm - Adds support for XCUI.

  • Feature - Aws::CodeCommit - Adds new APIs for code browsing and triggers.

  • Issue - Aws::S3 - Aws::S3::Object#presigned_url now correctly defaults the
    URL scheme to the HTTP scheme of the configured endpoint.

    s3 ='http://localhost:3000')
    obj = s3.bucket('bucket-name').object('object-key')
    #=> "http://..."

    See related GitHub pull request #1027

Release v2.2.24 - 2016-03-03

03 Mar 22:34
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Tag release v2.2.24

Release v2.2.23 - 2016-03-03

03 Mar 21:43
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Tag release v2.2.23

#1083, #1103, #1105, #1121

  • Feature - Aws::EC2 - Adds support for Cross VPC Security Group References with
    VPC peering and ClassicLink traffic over VPC peering.

  • Feature - Aws::DirectoryService - Adds support for sending directory event
    notifications to Amazon Simple Notification Service topics.

  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Added support to Aws::S3::Object#copy_from for versioned
    objects. You can pass the source object version id as an option, or you
    can also specify the source as an instance of Aws::S3::ObjectVersion.

  • Issue - Aws::S3 - Resolved an issue with Aws::S3::Object#copy_from with
    multipart copies where the source region is different than the destination

    See related GitHub pull request #1104

Release v2.2.22 - 2016-03-02

02 Mar 00:30
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Tag release v2.2.22

Release v2.2.21 - 2016-03-01

01 Mar 23:03
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Tag release v2.2.21

#1101, #1108, #1109

Release v2.2.20 - 2016-02-25

26 Feb 02:21
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Tag release v2.2.20

#1099, #1100

  • Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - Now possible to copmlete a lifecycle action using
    either an instance id or an action token.

  • Feature - Aws::SES - Added support for the new SNSAction property.

  • Feature - Aws::CloudFormation - API updates to allow resources to be skipped
    on deletion. Also now possible to specify tags on stack update.

  • Issue - Response Stubbing - Fixed stubbing flattened maps with
    multiple values in XML.

    See related GitHub issue #1099.

  • Issue - Aws::SQS - Automatic MD5 checksum verification for
    Aws::SQS::Client#send_message and #send_message_batch is now
    disabled when using stub_responses: true. If you explicitly enable
    both features, then you must stub valid MD5s for these API calls to
    avoid the checksum error message.

    See related GitHub issue #1100.

Release v2.2.19 - 2016-02-24

24 Feb 00:50
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Tag release v2.2.19

#1085, #1093

  • Feature - Aws::Route53 - Added support for enabling SNI health checks.

  • Feature - Aws::SQS - Added automatic MD5 computation and verification of
    message bodies and attributes. This is now enabled by default for all
    #send_message and #send_message_batch requests.

    You can disable this feature by configuring verify_checksums: false.

    See related GitHub pull request #1093.

  • Feature - Aws::S3 - Added #restore_object method to Aws::S3::Object
    and to Aws::S3::ObjectSummary.

Release v2.2.18 - 2016-02-18

18 Feb 22:41
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Tag release v2.2.18

#1079, #1084, #1097

  • Feature - Aws::AutoScaling - Added resource interfaces and waiters.

  • Feature - Aws::RDS - Significant update to Aws::RDS resource interface.
    Expanded to cover all resource types.

  • Feature - Aws::CloudWatch - Added resource interface for Aws::CloudWatch.

  • Feature - Aws::MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics - Added a new data set
    disbursed_amount_by_product_with_uncollected_funds to the Commerce Analytics Service.

  • Feature - Aws::CodeDeploy - Added support for trigger release.

  • Feature - Aws::StorageGateway - Added support for CreateTapeWithBarcode.

  • Issue - Aws::S3 - The Aws::S3::Object#upload_file now works correctly with
    server-side-encryption when using customer-provided-keys.

    See related GitHub issue #1084.

  • Issue - Resource Collections - Resolved an issue with collections that
    would fail on stubbed client responses that did not respond to #each.

    See related GitHub issue #1079.

  • Issue - Aws::SQS - Fixed an issue with stubbing queue attributes. The response
    stubbing interface did not correctly handle flattened query maps.

    See related GitHub issue #1097.

Release v2.2.17 - 2016-02-16

16 Feb 23:09
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Tag release v2.2.17


  • Feature - Aws::RDS - Added support for Cross-account Encrypted (KMS) snapshot sharing.
  • Feature - Aws::ElasticMapReduce - Added support for adding EBS storage to EMR instances.