- Relaxes Zend framework package constraints
- Added compatibility for
- Relaxes the version constraint on
- Adds support for ZF3, requires PHP version >= 5.6
- Fix composer dependency for ZF2 service manager to 2.7.* | 3.*
- Update README.md with instructions.
- Added a makefile to build releases
- [BC] PHP minimum version is now 5.5
- [BC] Now require Aws SDK v3
- [BC] To avoid name clashes, module name has been renamed from
- Added the ability to create protocol-relative URLs with the S3 and CloudFront link view helpers
- Added TravisCI configuration
- Added PHPUnit as a development dependency
- Added ZF2 session save handler for Amazon DynamoDB
- This module is now following semver
- Added a file filter to upload to Amazon S3
- Added the ability to change the hostname for the Amazon CloudFront link view helper
- Added Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront view helpers for generating links
- Refactored module architecture
- Initial release